2Multi-archive support; convert policy and build queues to regular suites
4@contact: Debian FTP Master <ftpmaster@debian.org>
5@copyright: 2012 Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar@debian.org>
6@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later
9# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12# (at your option) any later version.
14# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17# GNU General Public License for more details.
19# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
25import psycopg2
26from daklib.dak_exceptions import DBUpdateError
27from daklib.config import Config
29import os
34def _track_files_per_archive(cnf, c):
35 c.execute("SELECT id FROM archive")
36 (archive_id,) = c.fetchone()
38 if c.fetchone() is not None: 38 ↛ 39line 38 didn't jump to line 39, because the condition on line 38 was never true
39 raise DBUpdateError("Cannot automatically upgrade from installation with multiple archives.")
41 c.execute("""CREATE TABLE files_archive_map (
42 file_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES files(id),
43 archive_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES archive(id),
44 component_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES component(id),
47 PRIMARY KEY (file_id, archive_id, component_id)
48 )""")
50 c.execute("""INSERT INTO files_archive_map (file_id, archive_id, component_id)
51 SELECT f.id, %s, l.component
52 FROM files f
53 JOIN location l ON f.location = l.id""", (archive_id,))
55 c.execute("""UPDATE files f SET filename = substring(f.filename FROM c.name || '/(.*)')
56 FROM location l, component c
57 WHERE f.location = l.id AND l.component = c.id
58 AND f.filename LIKE c.name || '/%'""")
60 # NOTE: The location table would need these changes, but we drop it later
61 # anyway.
62 # c.execute("""UPDATE location l SET path = path || c.name || '/'
63 # FROM component c
64 # WHERE l.component = c.id
65 # AND l.path NOT LIKE '%/' || c.name || '/'""")
67 c.execute("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS binfiles_suite_component_arch")
68 c.execute("ALTER TABLE files DROP COLUMN location")
69 c.execute("DROP TABLE location")
72def _convert_policy_queues(cnf, c):
73 base = cnf['Dir::Base']
74 new_path = os.path.join(base, 'new')
75 policy_path = os.path.join(base, 'policy')
77 # Forget changes in (old) policy queues so they can be processed again.
78 c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS build_queue_policy_files")
79 c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS build_queue_files")
80 c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS changes_pending_binaries")
81 c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS changes_pending_source_files")
82 c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS changes_pending_source")
83 c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS changes_pending_files_map")
84 c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS changes_pending_files")
85 c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS changes_pool_files")
86 c.execute("DELETE FROM changes WHERE in_queue IS NOT NULL")
88 # newstage and unchecked are no longer queues
89 c.execute("""
90 DELETE FROM policy_queue
91 WHERE queue_name IN ('newstage', 'unchecked')
92 """)
94 # Create archive for NEW
95 c.execute("INSERT INTO archive (name, description, path, tainted, use_morgue, mode) VALUES ('new', 'new queue', %s, 't', 'f', '0640') RETURNING (id)", (new_path,))
96 (new_archive_id,) = c.fetchone()
98 # Create archive for policy queues
99 c.execute("INSERT INTO archive (name, description, path, use_morgue) VALUES ('policy', 'policy queues', %s, 'f') RETURNING (id)", (policy_path,))
100 (archive_id,) = c.fetchone()
102 # Add suites for policy queues
103 c.execute("""
104 INSERT INTO suite
105 (archive_id, suite_name, origin, label, description, signingkeys)
107 %s, queue_name, origin, label, releasedescription, NULLIF(ARRAY[signingkey], ARRAY[NULL])
108 FROM policy_queue
109 WHERE queue_name NOT IN ('unchecked')
110 """, (archive_id,))
112 # move NEW to its own archive
113 c.execute("UPDATE suite SET archive_id=%s WHERE suite_name IN ('byhand', 'new')", (new_archive_id,))
115 c.execute("""ALTER TABLE policy_queue
116 DROP COLUMN origin,
117 DROP COLUMN label,
118 DROP COLUMN releasedescription,
119 DROP COLUMN signingkey,
120 DROP COLUMN stay_of_execution,
121 DROP COLUMN perms,
122 ADD COLUMN suite_id INT REFERENCES suite(id)
123 """)
125 c.execute("UPDATE policy_queue pq SET suite_id=s.id FROM suite s WHERE s.suite_name = pq.queue_name")
126 c.execute("ALTER TABLE policy_queue ALTER COLUMN suite_id SET NOT NULL")
128 c.execute("""INSERT INTO suite_architectures (suite, architecture)
129 SELECT pq.suite_id, sa.architecture
130 FROM policy_queue pq
131 JOIN suite ON pq.id = suite.policy_queue_id
132 JOIN suite_architectures sa ON suite.id = sa.suite
133 WHERE pq.queue_name NOT IN ('byhand', 'new')
134 GROUP BY pq.suite_id, sa.architecture""")
136 # We only add architectures from suite_architectures to only add
137 # arches actually in use. It's not too important to have the
138 # right set of arches for policy queues anyway unless you want
139 # to generate Packages indices.
140 c.execute("""INSERT INTO suite_architectures (suite, architecture)
141 SELECT DISTINCT pq.suite_id, sa.architecture
142 FROM policy_queue pq, suite_architectures sa
143 WHERE pq.queue_name IN ('byhand', 'new')""")
145 c.execute("""CREATE TABLE policy_queue_upload (
147 policy_queue_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES policy_queue(id),
148 target_suite_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES suite(id),
149 changes_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES changes(id),
150 source_id INT REFERENCES source(id),
151 UNIQUE (policy_queue_id, target_suite_id, changes_id)
152 )""")
154 c.execute("""CREATE TABLE policy_queue_upload_binaries_map (
155 policy_queue_upload_id INT REFERENCES policy_queue_upload(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
156 binary_id INT REFERENCES binaries(id),
157 PRIMARY KEY (policy_queue_upload_id, binary_id)
158 )""")
160 c.execute("""
161 CREATE TABLE policy_queue_byhand_file (
163 upload_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES policy_queue_upload(id),
164 filename TEXT NOT NULL,
165 processed BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 'f'
166 )""")
168 c.execute("""ALTER TABLE changes
169 DROP COLUMN in_queue,
170 DROP COLUMN approved_for
171 """)
174def _convert_build_queues(cnf, c):
175 base = cnf['Dir::Base']
176 build_queue_path = os.path.join(base, 'build-queues')
178 c.execute("INSERT INTO archive (name, description, path, tainted, use_morgue) VALUES ('build-queues', 'build queues', %s, 't', 'f') RETURNING id", [build_queue_path])
179 archive_id, = c.fetchone()
181 c.execute("ALTER TABLE build_queue ADD COLUMN suite_id INT REFERENCES suite(id)")
183 c.execute("""
184 INSERT INTO suite
185 (archive_id, suite_name, origin, label, description, signingkeys, notautomatic)
187 %s, queue_name, origin, label, releasedescription, NULLIF(ARRAY[signingkey], ARRAY[NULL]), notautomatic
188 FROM build_queue
189 """, [archive_id])
190 c.execute("UPDATE build_queue bq SET suite_id=(SELECT id FROM suite s WHERE s.suite_name = bq.queue_name)")
191 c.execute("ALTER TABLE build_queue ALTER COLUMN suite_id SET NOT NULL")
193 c.execute("""INSERT INTO suite_architectures (suite, architecture)
194 SELECT bq.suite_id, sa.architecture
195 FROM build_queue bq
196 JOIN suite_build_queue_copy sbqc ON bq.id = sbqc.build_queue_id
197 JOIN suite ON sbqc.suite = suite.id
198 JOIN suite_architectures sa ON suite.id = sa.suite
199 GROUP BY bq.suite_id, sa.architecture""")
201 c.execute("""ALTER TABLE build_queue
202 DROP COLUMN path,
203 DROP COLUMN copy_files,
204 DROP COLUMN origin,
205 DROP COLUMN label,
206 DROP COLUMN releasedescription,
207 DROP COLUMN signingkey,
208 DROP COLUMN notautomatic""")
211def do_update(self):
212 print(__doc__)
213 try:
214 cnf = Config()
215 if 'Dir::Base' not in cnf: 215 ↛ 216line 215 didn't jump to line 216, because the condition on line 215 was never true
216 print("""
220This database update will convert policy and build queues to regular suites.
221For these archives will be created under Dir::Base:
223 NEW: <base>/new
224 policy queues: <base>/policy
225 build queues: <base>/build-queues
227Please add Dir::Base to dak.conf and try the update again. Once the database
228upgrade is finished, you will have to reprocess all uploads currently in
229policy queues: just move them back to unchecked manually.
231 raise DBUpdateError("Please update dak.conf and try again.")
233 c = self.db.cursor()
235 _track_files_per_archive(cnf, c)
236 _convert_policy_queues(cnf, c)
237 _convert_build_queues(cnf, c)
239 c.execute("UPDATE config SET value = '75' WHERE name = 'db_revision'")
240 self.db.commit()
242 except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as msg:
243 self.db.rollback()
244 raise DBUpdateError('Unable to apply sick update 75, rollback issued. Error message : %s' % (str(msg)))