1#! /usr/bin/env python3
4Generate Packages/Sources files
6@contact: Debian FTP Master <ftpmaster@debian.org>
7@copyright: 2011 Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar@debian.org>
8@copyright: Based on daklib/lists.py and dak/generate_filelist.py:
9 2009-2011 Torsten Werner <twerner@debian.org>
10@copyright: Based on dak/generate_packages_sources.py:
11 2000, 2001, 2002, 2006 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
12 2009 Mark Hymers <mhy@debian.org>
13 2010 Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
14@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later
17# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
18# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
19# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
20# (at your option) any later version.
22# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
23# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
25# GNU General Public License for more details.
27# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
28# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
29# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
31from typing import NoReturn
33import apt_pkg
34import sys
37def usage() -> NoReturn:
38 print("""Usage: dak generate-packages-sources2 [OPTIONS]
39Generate the Packages/Sources files
41 -a, --archive=ARCHIVE process suites in ARCHIVE
42 -s, --suite=SUITE process this suite
43 Default: All suites not marked 'untouchable'
44 -f, --force Allow processing of untouchable suites
45 CAREFUL: Only to be used at point release time!
46 -h, --help show this help and exit
48SUITE can be a space separated list, e.g.
49 --suite=unstable testing
51 sys.exit()
56# Here be dragons.
57_sources_query = R"""
63 WHEN key = 'Source' THEN E'Package\: '
64 WHEN key = 'Files' AND suite.checksums && array['md5sum'] THEN E'Files\:\n ' || f.md5sum || ' ' || f.size || ' ' || SUBSTRING(f.filename FROM E'/([^/]*)\\Z')
65 WHEN key = 'Files' THEN NULL
66 WHEN key = 'Checksums-Sha1' AND suite.checksums && array['sha1'] THEN E'Checksums-Sha1\:\n ' || f.sha1sum || ' ' || f.size || ' ' || SUBSTRING(f.filename FROM E'/([^/]*)\\Z')
67 WHEN key = 'Checksums-Sha1' THEN NULL
68 WHEN key = 'Checksums-Sha256' AND suite.checksums && array['sha256'] THEN E'Checksums-Sha256\:\n ' || f.sha256sum || ' ' || f.size || ' ' || SUBSTRING(f.filename FROM E'/([^/]*)\\Z')
69 WHEN key = 'Checksums-Sha256' THEN NULL
70 ELSE key || E'\: '
71 END || value, E'\n' ORDER BY mk.ordering, mk.key)
73 source_metadata sm
74 JOIN metadata_keys mk ON mk.key_id = sm.key_id
75 WHERE s.id=sm.src_id
76 )
77 ||
79 WHEN src_associations_full.extra_source THEN E'\nExtra-Source-Only\: yes'
80 ELSE ''
81 END
82 ||
83 E'\nDirectory\: pool/' || :component_name || '/' || SUBSTRING(f.filename FROM E'\\A(.*)/[^/]*\\Z')
84 ||
85 E'\nPriority\: ' || COALESCE(pri.priority, 'optional')
86 ||
87 E'\nSection\: ' || COALESCE(sec.section, 'misc')
91source s
92JOIN src_associations_full ON src_associations_full.suite = :suite AND s.id = src_associations_full.source
93JOIN files f ON s.file=f.id
94JOIN files_archive_map fam
95 ON fam.file_id = f.id
96 AND fam.archive_id = (SELECT archive_id FROM suite WHERE id = :suite)
97 AND fam.component_id = :component
98LEFT JOIN override o ON o.package = s.source
99 AND o.suite = :overridesuite
100 AND o.component = :component
101 AND o.type = :dsc_type
102LEFT JOIN section sec ON o.section = sec.id
103LEFT JOIN priority pri ON o.priority = pri.id
104LEFT JOIN suite on suite.id = :suite
107s.source, s.version
111def generate_sources(suite_id: int, component_id: int):
112 global _sources_query
113 from daklib.filewriter import SourcesFileWriter
114 from daklib.dbconn import Component, DBConn, OverrideType, Suite
115 from daklib.dakmultiprocessing import PROC_STATUS_SUCCESS
117 session = DBConn().session()
118 dsc_type = session.query(OverrideType).filter_by(overridetype='dsc').one().overridetype_id
120 suite = session.query(Suite).get(suite_id)
121 component = session.query(Component).get(component_id)
123 overridesuite_id = suite.get_overridesuite().suite_id
125 writer_args = {
126 'archive': suite.archive.path,
127 'suite': suite.suite_name,
128 'component': component.component_name
129 }
130 if suite.indices_compression is not None: 130 ↛ 132line 130 didn't jump to line 132, because the condition on line 130 was never false
131 writer_args['compression'] = suite.indices_compression
132 writer = SourcesFileWriter(**writer_args)
133 output = writer.open()
135 # run query and write Sources
136 r = session.execute(_sources_query, {"suite": suite_id, "component": component_id, "component_name": component.component_name, "dsc_type": dsc_type, "overridesuite": overridesuite_id})
137 for (stanza,) in r:
138 print(stanza, file=output)
139 print("", file=output)
141 writer.close()
143 message = ["generate sources", suite.suite_name, component.component_name]
144 session.rollback()
145 return (PROC_STATUS_SUCCESS, message)
150# Here be large dragons.
151_packages_query = R"""
154 tmp AS (
156 b.id AS binary_id,
157 b.package AS package,
158 b.version AS version,
159 b.architecture AS architecture,
160 b.source AS source_id,
161 s.source AS source,
162 f.filename AS filename,
163 f.size AS size,
164 f.md5sum AS md5sum,
165 f.sha1sum AS sha1sum,
166 f.sha256sum AS sha256sum,
167 (SELECT value FROM binaries_metadata
168 WHERE bin_id = b.id
169 AND key_id = (SELECT key_id FROM metadata_keys WHERE key = 'Priority'))
170 AS fallback_priority,
171 (SELECT value FROM binaries_metadata
172 WHERE bin_id = b.id
173 AND key_id = (SELECT key_id FROM metadata_keys WHERE key = 'Section'))
174 AS fallback_section
175 FROM
176 binaries b
177 JOIN bin_associations ba ON b.id = ba.bin
178 JOIN files f ON f.id = b.file
179 JOIN files_archive_map fam ON f.id = fam.file_id AND fam.archive_id = :archive_id
180 JOIN source s ON b.source = s.id
182 (b.architecture = :arch_all OR b.architecture = :arch) AND b.type = :type_name
183 AND ba.suite = :suite
184 AND fam.component_id = :component
185 )
189 STRING_AGG(key || E'\: ' || value, E'\n' ORDER BY ordering, key)
190 FROM
191 (SELECT key, ordering,
192 CASE WHEN :include_long_description = 'false' AND key = 'Description'
193 THEN SUBSTRING(value FROM E'\\A[^\n]*')
194 ELSE value
195 END AS value
196 FROM
197 binaries_metadata bm
198 JOIN metadata_keys mk ON mk.key_id = bm.key_id
200 bm.bin_id = tmp.binary_id
201 AND key != ALL (:metadata_skip)
202 ) AS metadata
203 )
204 || COALESCE(E'\n' || (SELECT
205 STRING_AGG(key || E'\: ' || value, E'\n' ORDER BY key)
206 FROM external_overrides eo
208 eo.package = tmp.package
209 AND eo.suite = :overridesuite AND eo.component = :component
210 ), '')
211 || E'\nSection\: ' || COALESCE(sec.section, tmp.fallback_section)
212 || E'\nPriority\: ' || COALESCE(pri.priority, tmp.fallback_priority)
213 || E'\nFilename\: pool/' || :component_name || '/' || tmp.filename
214 || E'\nSize\: ' || tmp.size
215 || CASE WHEN suite.checksums && array['md5sum'] THEN E'\nMD5sum\: ' || tmp.md5sum ELSE '' END
216 || CASE WHEN suite.checksums && array['sha1'] THEN E'\nSHA1\: ' || tmp.sha1sum ELSE '' END
217 || CASE WHEN suite.checksums && array['sha256'] THEN E'\nSHA256\: ' || tmp.sha256sum ELSE '' END
220 tmp
221 LEFT JOIN override o ON o.package = tmp.package
222 AND o.type = :type_id
223 AND o.suite = :overridesuite
224 AND o.component = :component
225 LEFT JOIN section sec ON sec.id = o.section
226 LEFT JOIN priority pri ON pri.id = o.priority
227 LEFT JOIN suite ON suite.id = :suite
230 (
231 architecture <> :arch_all
232 OR
233 (architecture = :arch_all AND source_id IN (SELECT source_id FROM tmp WHERE architecture <> :arch_all))
234 OR
235 (architecture = :arch_all AND source NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT source FROM tmp WHERE architecture <> :arch_all))
236 )
238ORDER BY tmp.source, tmp.package, tmp.version
242def generate_packages(suite_id: int, component_id: int, architecture_id: int, type_name: str):
243 global _packages_query
244 from daklib.filewriter import PackagesFileWriter
245 from daklib.dbconn import Architecture, Component, DBConn, OverrideType, Suite
246 from daklib.dakmultiprocessing import PROC_STATUS_SUCCESS
248 session = DBConn().session()
249 arch_all_id = session.query(Architecture).filter_by(arch_string='all').one().arch_id
250 type_id = session.query(OverrideType).filter_by(overridetype=type_name).one().overridetype_id
252 suite = session.query(Suite).get(suite_id)
253 component = session.query(Component).get(component_id)
254 architecture = session.query(Architecture).get(architecture_id)
256 overridesuite_id = suite.get_overridesuite().suite_id
257 include_long_description = suite.include_long_description
259 # We currently filter out the "Tag" line. They are set by external
260 # overrides and NOT by the maintainer. And actually having it set by
261 # maintainer means we output it twice at the moment -> which breaks
262 # dselect.
263 metadata_skip = ["Section", "Priority", "Tag"]
264 if include_long_description: 264 ↛ 265line 264 didn't jump to line 265, because the condition on line 264 was never true
265 metadata_skip.append("Description-md5")
267 writer_args = {
268 'archive': suite.archive.path,
269 'suite': suite.suite_name,
270 'component': component.component_name,
271 'architecture': architecture.arch_string,
272 'debtype': type_name
273 }
274 if suite.indices_compression is not None: 274 ↛ 276line 274 didn't jump to line 276, because the condition on line 274 was never false
275 writer_args['compression'] = suite.indices_compression
276 writer = PackagesFileWriter(**writer_args)
277 output = writer.open()
279 r = session.execute(_packages_query, {"archive_id": suite.archive.archive_id,
280 "suite": suite_id, "component": component_id, 'component_name': component.component_name,
281 "arch": architecture_id, "type_id": type_id, "type_name": type_name, "arch_all": arch_all_id,
282 "overridesuite": overridesuite_id, "metadata_skip": metadata_skip,
283 "include_long_description": 'true' if include_long_description else 'false'})
284 for (stanza,) in r:
285 print(stanza, file=output)
286 print("", file=output)
288 writer.close()
290 message = ["generate-packages", suite.suite_name, component.component_name, architecture.arch_string]
291 session.rollback()
292 return (PROC_STATUS_SUCCESS, message)
297_translations_query = r"""
299 override_suite AS
301 s.id AS id,
302 COALESCE(os.id, s.id) AS overridesuite_id
303 FROM suite AS s LEFT JOIN suite AS os ON s.overridesuite = os.suite_name)
306 E'Package\: ' || b.package
307 || E'\nDescription-md5\: ' || bm_description_md5.value
308 || E'\nDescription-en\: ' || bm_description.value
309 || E'\n'
310FROM binaries b
311 -- join tables for suite and component
312 JOIN bin_associations ba ON b.id = ba.bin
313 JOIN override_suite os ON os.id = ba.suite
314 JOIN override o ON b.package = o.package AND o.suite = os.overridesuite_id AND o.type = (SELECT id FROM override_type WHERE type = 'deb')
316 -- join tables for Description and Description-md5
317 JOIN binaries_metadata bm_description ON b.id = bm_description.bin_id AND bm_description.key_id = (SELECT key_id FROM metadata_keys WHERE key = 'Description')
318 JOIN binaries_metadata bm_description_md5 ON b.id = bm_description_md5.bin_id AND bm_description_md5.key_id = (SELECT key_id FROM metadata_keys WHERE key = 'Description-md5')
320 -- we want to sort by source name
321 JOIN source s ON b.source = s.id
323WHERE ba.suite = :suite AND o.component = :component
324GROUP BY b.package, bm_description_md5.value, bm_description.value
325ORDER BY MIN(s.source), b.package, bm_description_md5.value
329def generate_translations(suite_id: int, component_id: int):
330 global _translations_query
331 from daklib.filewriter import TranslationFileWriter
332 from daklib.dbconn import DBConn, Suite, Component
333 from daklib.dakmultiprocessing import PROC_STATUS_SUCCESS
335 session = DBConn().session()
336 suite = session.query(Suite).get(suite_id)
337 component = session.query(Component).get(component_id)
339 writer_args = {
340 'archive': suite.archive.path,
341 'suite': suite.suite_name,
342 'component': component.component_name,
343 'language': 'en',
344 }
345 if suite.i18n_compression is not None: 345 ↛ 347line 345 didn't jump to line 347, because the condition on line 345 was never false
346 writer_args['compression'] = suite.i18n_compression
347 writer = TranslationFileWriter(**writer_args)
348 output = writer.open()
350 r = session.execute(_translations_query, {"suite": suite_id, "component": component_id})
351 for (stanza,) in r:
352 print(stanza, file=output)
354 writer.close()
356 message = ["generate-translations", suite.suite_name, component.component_name]
357 session.rollback()
358 return (PROC_STATUS_SUCCESS, message)
363def main():
364 from daklib.config import Config
365 from daklib import daklog
367 cnf = Config()
369 Arguments = [('h', "help", "Generate-Packages-Sources::Options::Help"),
370 ('a', 'archive', 'Generate-Packages-Sources::Options::Archive', 'HasArg'),
371 ('s', "suite", "Generate-Packages-Sources::Options::Suite", 'HasArg'),
372 ('f', "force", "Generate-Packages-Sources::Options::Force"),
373 ('o', 'option', '', 'ArbItem')]
375 apt_pkg.parse_commandline(cnf.Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv)
376 try:
377 Options = cnf.subtree("Generate-Packages-Sources::Options")
378 except KeyError:
379 Options = {}
381 if "Help" in Options:
382 usage()
384 from daklib.dakmultiprocessing import DakProcessPool, PROC_STATUS_SUCCESS, PROC_STATUS_SIGNALRAISED
385 pool = DakProcessPool()
387 logger = daklog.Logger('generate-packages-sources2')
389 from daklib.dbconn import DBConn, get_suite, Suite, Archive
390 session = DBConn().session()
391 session.execute("SELECT add_missing_description_md5()")
392 session.commit()
394 import daklib.utils
396 if "Suite" in Options:
397 suites = []
398 suite_names = daklib.utils.split_args(Options['Suite'])
399 for s in suite_names:
400 suite = get_suite(s.lower(), session)
401 if suite: 401 ↛ 404line 401 didn't jump to line 404, because the condition on line 401 was never false
402 suites.append(suite)
403 else:
404 print("I: Cannot find suite %s" % s)
405 logger.log(['Cannot find suite %s' % s])
406 else:
407 query = session.query(Suite).filter(Suite.untouchable == False) # noqa:E712
408 if 'Archive' in Options: 408 ↛ 411line 408 didn't jump to line 411, because the condition on line 408 was never false
409 archive_names = daklib.utils.split_args(Options['Archive'])
410 query = query.join(Suite.archive).filter(Archive.archive_name.in_(archive_names))
411 suites = query.all()
413 force = "Force" in Options and Options["Force"]
415 def parse_results(message):
416 # Split out into (code, msg)
417 code, msg = message
418 if code == PROC_STATUS_SUCCESS: 418 ↛ 420line 418 didn't jump to line 420, because the condition on line 418 was never false
419 logger.log(msg)
421 logger.log(['E: Subprocess received signal ', msg])
422 else:
423 logger.log(['E: ', msg])
425 # Lock tables so that nobody can change things underneath us
426 session.execute("LOCK TABLE src_associations IN SHARE MODE")
427 session.execute("LOCK TABLE bin_associations IN SHARE MODE")
429 for s in suites:
430 component_ids = [c.component_id for c in s.components]
431 if s.untouchable and not force: 431 ↛ 432line 431 didn't jump to line 432, because the condition on line 431 was never true
432 import daklib.utils
433 daklib.utils.fubar("Refusing to touch %s (untouchable and not forced)" % s.suite_name)
434 for c in component_ids:
435 pool.apply_async(generate_sources, [s.suite_id, c], callback=parse_results)
436 if not s.include_long_description: 436 ↛ 438line 436 didn't jump to line 438, because the condition on line 436 was never false
437 pool.apply_async(generate_translations, [s.suite_id, c], callback=parse_results)
438 for a in s.architectures:
439 if a == 'source':
440 continue
441 pool.apply_async(generate_packages, [s.suite_id, c, a.arch_id, 'deb'], callback=parse_results)
442 pool.apply_async(generate_packages, [s.suite_id, c, a.arch_id, 'udeb'], callback=parse_results)
444 pool.close()
445 pool.join()
447 # this script doesn't change the database
448 session.close()
450 logger.close()
452 sys.exit(pool.overall_status())
455if __name__ == '__main__':
456 main()