1#! /usr/bin/env python3
3# Copyright (C) 2012, Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar@debian.org>
5# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8# (at your option) any later version.
10# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13# GNU General Public License for more details.
15# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19import apt_pkg
20import os
21import sys
23from daklib.dbconn import *
24import daklib.archive
25import daklib.config
26import daklib.daklog
27import daklib.upload
28import daklib.regexes
31def usage():
32 print("""Usage:
34dak import <suite> <component> <files...>
35dak import -D|--dump <file> <suite> <component>
36dak import -E|--export-dump <suite> <component>
38WARNING: This command does no sanity checks. Only use it on trusted packages.
41 -h, --help: show this help message
42 -a, --add-overrides: add missing overrides automatically
43 -c, --changed-by: Changed-By for imported source packages
44 (default: maintainer)
45 -D, --dump <file>: Import all files listed in <file>. The format
46 is described below.
47 -E, --export-dump: Export list of files in the format required
48 by dak import --dump.
49 -s, --ignore-signature: ignore signature for imported source packages
51File format used by --dump:
53 <filename>:<md5>:<sha1>:<sha256>:[<fingerprint>]:[<changed-by>]
57def import_source(log, transaction, suite, component, directory, hashed_file,
58 fingerprint=None, changed_by=None,
59 keyrings=None, require_signature=True, add_overrides=False):
60 if keyrings is None:
61 keyrings = []
62 filename = hashed_file.filename
63 session = transaction.session
65 source = daklib.upload.Source(directory, [hashed_file], keyrings, require_signature)
66 if source.valid_signature:
67 fingerprint = session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=source.primary_fingerprint).first()
68 if changed_by is None:
69 changed_by = source.dsc['Maintainer']
70 db_changed_by = get_or_set_maintainer(changed_by, session)
72 transaction.install_source(directory, source, suite, component, db_changed_by, fingerprint=fingerprint)
73 log.log(['import-source', suite.suite_name, component.component_name, filename])
75 if add_overrides and not session.query(Override).filter_by(suite=suite.get_overridesuite(), component=component, package=source.dsc['Source']).join(OverrideType).filter(OverrideType.overridetype == 'dsc').first():
76 overridetype = session.query(OverrideType).filter_by(overridetype='dsc').one()
77 overridesuite = suite.get_overridesuite()
78 section_name = 'misc'
79 if component.component_name != 'main':
80 section_name = "{0}/{1}".format(component.component_name, section_name)
81 section = session.query(Section).filter_by(section=section_name).one()
82 priority = session.query(Priority).filter_by(priority='optional').one()
84 override = Override(package=source.dsc['Source'], suite=overridesuite, component=component,
85 section=section, priority=priority, overridetype=overridetype)
86 session.add(override)
87 log.log(['add-source-override', suite.suite_name, component.component_name, source.dsc['Source'], section.section, priority.priority])
90def import_binary(log, transaction, suite, component, directory, hashed_file, fingerprint=None, add_overrides=False):
91 filename = hashed_file.filename
92 session = transaction.session
94 binary = daklib.upload.Binary(directory, hashed_file)
95 transaction.install_binary(directory, binary, suite, component, fingerprint=fingerprint)
96 log.log(['import-binary', suite.suite_name, component.component_name, filename])
98 if add_overrides and not session.query(Override).filter_by(suite=suite.get_overridesuite(), component=component, package=binary.control['Package']).join(OverrideType).filter(OverrideType.overridetype == binary.type).first():
99 overridetype = session.query(OverrideType).filter_by(overridetype=binary.type).one()
100 overridesuite = suite.get_overridesuite()
101 section = session.query(Section).filter_by(section=binary.control['Section']).one()
102 priority = session.query(Priority).filter_by(priority=binary.control.get('Priority', 'optional')).one()
104 override = Override(package=binary.control['Package'], suite=overridesuite, component=component,
105 section=section, priority=priority, overridetype=overridetype)
106 session.add(override)
107 log.log(['add-binary-override', suite.suite_name, component.component_name, binary.control['Package'], section.section, priority.priority])
110def import_file(log, transaction, suite, component, directory, hashed_file,
111 fingerprint=None, changed_by=None, keyrings=None, require_signature=True,
112 add_overrides=False):
113 filename = hashed_file.filename
114 if daklib.regexes.re_file_binary.match(filename):
115 import_binary(log, transaction, suite, component, directory, hashed_file,
116 fingerprint=fingerprint, add_overrides=add_overrides)
117 elif daklib.regexes.re_file_dsc.match(filename):
118 import_source(log, transaction, suite, component, directory, hashed_file,
119 fingerprint=fingerprint, changed_by=changed_by, keyrings=keyrings,
120 require_signature=require_signature, add_overrides=add_overrides)
121 else:
122 raise Exception('File is neither source nor binary package: {0}'.format(filename))
125def import_dump(log, transaction, suite, component, fh,
126 keyrings=None, require_signature=True, add_overrides=False):
127 session = transaction.session
128 for line in fh:
129 path, size, md5, sha1, sha256, fpr, changed_by = line.strip().split(':', 6)
131 if not changed_by:
132 changed_by = None
133 fingerprint = None
134 if fpr:
135 fingerprint = session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=fpr).first()
136 if fingerprint is None:
137 print('W: {0}: unknown fingerprint {1}'.format(filename, fpr))
139 directory, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(path))
140 hashed_file = daklib.upload.HashedFile(filename, int(size), md5, sha1, sha256)
141 hashed_file.check(directory)
143 import_file(log, transaction, suite, component, directory, hashed_file,
144 fingerprint=fingerprint, changed_by=changed_by,
145 keyrings=keyrings, require_signature=require_signature, add_overrides=add_overrides)
147 transaction.commit()
150_export_query = r"""
152tmp AS
153 (SELECT 1 AS order, s.file AS file_id, s.sig_fpr AS fingerprint_id, s.changedby AS changed_by, sa.suite AS suite_id
154 FROM source s
155 JOIN src_associations sa ON sa.source = s.id
157 SELECT 2 AS order, b.file AS file_id, b.sig_fpr AS fingerprint_id, NULL, ba.suite AS suite_id
158 FROM binaries b
159 JOIN bin_associations ba ON ba.bin = b.id
160 )
163 f.filename, f.size::TEXT, f.md5sum, f.sha1sum, f.sha256sum, COALESCE(fpr.fingerprint, ''), COALESCE(m.name, '')
164FROM files f
165JOIN tmp ON f.id = tmp.file_id
166JOIN suite ON suite.id = tmp.suite_id
167JOIN files_archive_map fam ON fam.file_id = f.id AND fam.archive_id = suite.archive_id
168LEFT JOIN fingerprint fpr ON fpr.id = tmp.fingerprint_id
169LEFT JOIN maintainer m ON m.id = tmp.changed_by
172 suite.id = :suite_id
173 AND fam.component_id = :component_id
175ORDER BY tmp.order, f.filename;
179def export_dump(transaction, suite, component):
180 session = transaction.session
181 query = session.execute(_export_query,
182 {'suite_id': suite.suite_id,
183 'component_id': component.component_id})
184 for row in query:
185 print(":".join(row))
188def main(argv=None):
189 if argv is None: 189 ↛ 192line 189 didn't jump to line 192
190 argv = sys.argv
192 arguments = [
193 ('h', 'help', 'Import::Options::Help'),
194 ('a', 'add-overrides', 'Import::Options::AddOverrides'),
195 ('c', 'changed-by', 'Import::Options::ChangedBy', 'HasArg'),
196 ('D', 'dump', 'Import::Options::Dump', 'HasArg'),
197 ('E', 'export-dump', 'Import::Options::Export'),
198 ('s', 'ignore-signature', 'Import::Options::IgnoreSignature'),
199 ]
201 cnf = daklib.config.Config()
202 cnf['Import::Options::Dummy'] = ''
203 argv = apt_pkg.parse_commandline(cnf.Cnf, arguments, argv)
204 options = cnf.subtree('Import::Options')
206 if 'Help' in options or len(argv) < 2: 206 ↛ 210line 206 didn't jump to line 210, because the condition on line 206 was never false
207 usage()
208 sys.exit(0)
210 suite_name = argv[0]
211 component_name = argv[1]
213 add_overrides = options.find_b('AddOverrides')
214 require_signature = not options.find_b('IgnoreSignature')
215 changed_by = options.find('ChangedBy') or None
217 log = daklib.daklog.Logger('import')
219 with daklib.archive.ArchiveTransaction() as transaction:
220 session = transaction.session
221 suite = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite_name).one()
222 component = session.query(Component).filter_by(component_name=component_name).one()
223 keyrings = session.query(Keyring).filter_by(active=True).order_by(Keyring.priority)
224 keyring_files = [k.keyring_name for k in keyrings]
226 dump = options.find('Dump') or None
227 if options.find_b('Export'):
228 export_dump(transaction, suite, component)
229 transaction.rollback()
230 elif dump is not None:
231 with open(dump, 'r') as fh:
232 import_dump(log, transaction, suite, component, fh, keyring_files,
233 require_signature=require_signature, add_overrides=add_overrides)
234 transaction.commit()
235 else:
236 files = argv[2:]
237 for f in files:
238 directory, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(f))
239 hashed_file = daklib.upload.HashedFile.from_file(directory, filename)
240 import_file(log, transaction, suite, component, directory, hashed_file,
241 changed_by=changed_by,
242 keyrings=keyring_files, require_signature=require_signature,
243 add_overrides=add_overrides)
244 transaction.commit()
246 log.close()
249if __name__ == '__main__':
250 main()