1#! /usr/bin/env python3 



4Generate changelog entry between two suites 


6@contact: Debian FTP Master <ftpmaster@debian.org> 

7@copyright: 2010 Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz@debian.org> 

8@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later 



11# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 

12# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 

13# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 

14# (at your option) any later version. 


16# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 

17# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 


19# GNU General Public License for more details. 


21# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 

22# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 

23# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 




27# <bdefreese> !dinstall 

28# <dak> bdefreese: I guess the next dinstall will be in 0hr 1min 35sec 

29# <bdefreese> Wow I have great timing 

30# <DktrKranz> dating with dinstall, part II 

31# <bdefreese> heh 

32# <Ganneff> dating with that monster? do you have good combat armor? 

33# <bdefreese> +5 Plate :) 

34# <Ganneff> not a good one then 

35# <Ganneff> so you wont even manage to bypass the lesser monster in front, unchecked 

36# <DktrKranz> asbesto belt 

37# <Ganneff> helps only a step 

38# <DktrKranz> the Ultimate Weapon: cron_turned_off 

39# <bdefreese> heh 

40# <Ganneff> thats debadmin limited 

41# <Ganneff> no option for you 

42# <DktrKranz> bdefreese: it seems ftp-masters want dinstall to sexual harass us, are you good in running? 

43# <Ganneff> you can run but you can not hide 

44# <bdefreese> No, I'm old and fat :) 

45# <Ganneff> you can roll but you can not hide 

46# <Ganneff> :) 

47# <bdefreese> haha 

48# <DktrKranz> damn dinstall, you racist bastard 




52import os 

53import sys 

54import apt_pkg 

55from glob import glob 

56from shutil import rmtree 

57from yaml import safe_dump 

58from daklib.dbconn import * 

59from daklib import utils 

60from daklib.contents import UnpackedSource 

61from daklib.regexes import re_no_epoch 




65filelist = 'filelist.yaml' 



68def usage(exit_code=0): 

69 print("""Generate changelog between two suites 


71 Usage: 

72 make-changelog -s <suite> -b <base_suite> [OPTION]... 

73 make-changelog -e -a <archive> 




77 -h, --help show this help and exit 

78 -s, --suite suite providing packages to compare 

79 -b, --base-suite suite to be taken as reference for comparison 

80 -n, --binnmu display binNMUs uploads instead of source ones 


82 -e, --export export interesting files from source packages 

83 -a, --archive archive to fetch data from 

84 -p, --progress display progress status""") 


86 sys.exit(exit_code) 



89def get_source_uploads(suite, base_suite, session): 

90 """ 

91 Returns changelogs for source uploads where version is newer than base. 

92 """ 


94 query = """WITH base AS ( 

95 SELECT source, max(version) AS version 

96 FROM source_suite 

97 WHERE suite_name = :base_suite 

98 GROUP BY source 

99 UNION (SELECT source, CAST(0 AS debversion) AS version 

100 FROM source_suite 

101 WHERE suite_name = :suite 

102 EXCEPT SELECT source, CAST(0 AS debversion) AS version 

103 FROM source_suite 

104 WHERE suite_name = :base_suite 

105 ORDER BY source)), 

106 cur_suite AS ( 

107 SELECT source, max(version) AS version 

108 FROM source_suite 

109 WHERE suite_name = :suite 

110 GROUP BY source) 

111 SELECT DISTINCT c.source, c.version, c.changelog 

112 FROM changelogs c 

113 JOIN base b ON b.source = c.source 

114 JOIN cur_suite cs ON cs.source = c.source 

115 WHERE c.version > b.version 

116 AND c.version <= cs.version 

117 AND c.architecture LIKE '%source%' 

118 ORDER BY c.source, c.version DESC""" 


120 return session.execute(query, {'suite': suite, 'base_suite': base_suite}) 



123def get_binary_uploads(suite, base_suite, session): 

124 """ 

125 Returns changelogs for binary uploads where version is newer than base. 

126 """ 


128 query = """WITH base as ( 

129 SELECT s.source, max(b.version) AS version, a.arch_string 

130 FROM source s 

131 JOIN binaries b ON b.source = s.id 

132 JOIN bin_associations ba ON ba.bin = b.id 

133 JOIN architecture a ON a.id = b.architecture 

134 WHERE ba.suite = ( 

135 SELECT id 

136 FROM suite 

137 WHERE suite_name = :base_suite) 

138 GROUP BY s.source, a.arch_string), 

139 cur_suite as ( 

140 SELECT s.source, max(b.version) AS version, a.arch_string 

141 FROM source s 

142 JOIN binaries b ON b.source = s.id 

143 JOIN bin_associations ba ON ba.bin = b.id 

144 JOIN architecture a ON a.id = b.architecture 

145 WHERE ba.suite = ( 

146 SELECT id 

147 FROM suite 

148 WHERE suite_name = :suite) 

149 GROUP BY s.source, a.arch_string) 

150 SELECT DISTINCT c.source, c.version, c.architecture, c.changelog 

151 FROM changelogs c 

152 JOIN base b on b.source = c.source 

153 JOIN cur_suite cs ON cs.source = c.source 

154 WHERE c.version > b.version 

155 AND c.version <= cs.version 

156 AND c.architecture = b.arch_string 

157 AND c.architecture = cs.arch_string 

158 ORDER BY c.source, c.version DESC, c.architecture""" 


160 return session.execute(query, {'suite': suite, 'base_suite': base_suite}) 



163def display_changes(uploads, index): 

164 prev_upload = None 

165 for upload in uploads: 

166 if prev_upload and prev_upload != upload[0]: 

167 print() 

168 print(upload[index]) 

169 prev_upload = upload[0] 



172def export_files(session, archive, clpool, progress=False): 

173 """ 

174 Export interesting files from source packages. 

175 """ 

176 pool = os.path.join(archive.path, 'pool') 


178 sources = {} 

179 unpack = {} 

180 files = ('changelog', 'copyright', 'NEWS', 'NEWS.Debian', 'README.Debian') 

181 stats = {'unpack': 0, 'created': 0, 'removed': 0, 'errors': 0, 'files': 0} 

182 query = """SELECT DISTINCT s.source, su.suite_name AS suite, s.version, c.name || '/' || f.filename AS filename 

183 FROM source s 

184 JOIN newest_source n ON n.source = s.source AND n.version = s.version 

185 JOIN src_associations sa ON sa.source = s.id 

186 JOIN suite su ON su.id = sa.suite 

187 JOIN files f ON f.id = s.file 

188 JOIN files_archive_map fam ON f.id = fam.file_id AND fam.archive_id = su.archive_id 

189 JOIN component c ON fam.component_id = c.id 

190 WHERE su.archive_id = :archive_id 

191 ORDER BY s.source, suite""" 


193 for p in session.execute(query, {'archive_id': archive.archive_id}): 

194 if p[0] not in sources: 

195 sources[p[0]] = {} 

196 sources[p[0]][p[1]] = (re_no_epoch.sub('', p[2]), p[3]) 


198 for p in sources.keys(): 

199 for s in sources[p].keys(): 

200 path = os.path.join(clpool, '/'.join(sources[p][s][1].split('/')[:-1])) 

201 if not os.path.exists(path): 

202 os.makedirs(path) 

203 if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 203 ↛ 209line 203 didn't jump to line 209, because the condition on line 203 was never false

204 '%s_%s_changelog' % (p, sources[p][s][0]))): 

205 if os.path.join(pool, sources[p][s][1]) not in unpack: 

206 unpack[os.path.join(pool, sources[p][s][1])] = (path, set()) 

207 unpack[os.path.join(pool, sources[p][s][1])][1].add(s) 

208 else: 

209 for file in glob('%s/%s_%s_*' % (path, p, sources[p][s][0])): 

210 link = '%s%s' % (s, file.split('%s_%s' 

211 % (p, sources[p][s][0]))[1]) 

212 try: 

213 os.unlink(os.path.join(path, link)) 

214 except OSError: 

215 pass 

216 os.link(os.path.join(path, file), os.path.join(path, link)) 


218 for p in unpack.keys(): 

219 package = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(p))[0].split('_') 

220 try: 

221 unpacked = UnpackedSource(p, clpool) 

222 tempdir = unpacked.get_root_directory() 

223 stats['unpack'] += 1 

224 if progress: 224 ↛ 225line 224 didn't jump to line 225, because the condition on line 224 was never true

225 if stats['unpack'] % 100 == 0: 

226 print('%d packages unpacked' % stats['unpack'], file=sys.stderr) 

227 elif stats['unpack'] % 10 == 0: 

228 print('.', end='', file=sys.stderr) 

229 for file in files: 

230 for f in glob(os.path.join(tempdir, 'debian', '*%s' % file)): 

231 for s in unpack[p][1]: 

232 suite = os.path.join(unpack[p][0], '%s_%s' 

233 % (s, os.path.basename(f))) 

234 version = os.path.join(unpack[p][0], '%s_%s_%s' % 

235 (package[0], package[1], os.path.basename(f))) 

236 if not os.path.exists(version): 

237 os.link(f, version) 

238 stats['created'] += 1 

239 try: 

240 os.unlink(suite) 

241 except OSError: 

242 pass 

243 os.link(version, suite) 

244 stats['created'] += 1 

245 unpacked.cleanup() 

246 except Exception as e: 

247 print('make-changelog: unable to unpack %s\n%s' % (p, e)) 

248 stats['errors'] += 1 


250 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(clpool, topdown=False): 

251 files = [f for f in files if f != filelist] 

252 if len(files): 

253 if root != clpool: 253 ↛ 258line 253 didn't jump to line 258, because the condition on line 253 was never false

254 if root.split('/')[-1] not in sources: 254 ↛ 255line 254 didn't jump to line 255, because the condition on line 254 was never true

255 if os.path.exists(root): 

256 stats['removed'] += len(os.listdir(root)) 

257 rmtree(root) 

258 for file in files: 

259 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, file)): 259 ↛ 258line 259 didn't jump to line 258, because the condition on line 259 was never false

260 if os.stat(os.path.join(root, file)).st_nlink == 1: 260 ↛ 261line 260 didn't jump to line 261, because the condition on line 260 was never true

261 stats['removed'] += 1 

262 os.unlink(os.path.join(root, file)) 

263 for dir in dirs: 

264 try: 

265 os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, dir)) 

266 except OSError: 

267 pass 

268 stats['files'] += len(files) 

269 stats['files'] -= stats['removed'] 


271 print('make-changelog: file exporting finished') 

272 print(' * New packages unpacked: %d' % stats['unpack']) 

273 print(' * New files created: %d' % stats['created']) 

274 print(' * New files removed: %d' % stats['removed']) 

275 print(' * Unpack errors: %d' % stats['errors']) 

276 print(' * Files available into changelog pool: %d' % stats['files']) 



279def generate_export_filelist(clpool): 

280 clfiles = {} 

281 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(clpool): 

282 for file in [f for f in files if f != filelist]: 

283 clpath = os.path.join(root, file).replace(clpool, '').strip('/') 

284 source = clpath.split('/')[2] 

285 elements = clpath.split('/')[3].split('_') 

286 if source not in clfiles: 

287 clfiles[source] = {} 

288 if elements[0] == source: 

289 if elements[1] not in clfiles[source]: 289 ↛ 291line 289 didn't jump to line 291, because the condition on line 289 was never false

290 clfiles[source][elements[1]] = [] 

291 clfiles[source][elements[1]].append(clpath) 

292 else: 

293 if elements[0] not in clfiles[source]: 293 ↛ 295line 293 didn't jump to line 295, because the condition on line 293 was never false

294 clfiles[source][elements[0]] = [] 

295 clfiles[source][elements[0]].append(clpath) 

296 with open(os.path.join(clpool, filelist), 'w+') as fd: 

297 safe_dump(clfiles, fd, default_flow_style=False) 



300def main(): 

301 Cnf = utils.get_conf() 

302 Arguments = [('h', 'help', 'Make-Changelog::Options::Help'), 

303 ('a', 'archive', 'Make-Changelog::Options::Archive', 'HasArg'), 

304 ('s', 'suite', 'Make-Changelog::Options::Suite', 'HasArg'), 

305 ('b', 'base-suite', 'Make-Changelog::Options::Base-Suite', 'HasArg'), 

306 ('n', 'binnmu', 'Make-Changelog::Options::binNMU'), 

307 ('e', 'export', 'Make-Changelog::Options::export'), 

308 ('p', 'progress', 'Make-Changelog::Options::progress')] 


310 for i in ['help', 'suite', 'base-suite', 'binnmu', 'export', 'progress']: 

311 key = 'Make-Changelog::Options::%s' % i 

312 if key not in Cnf: 312 ↛ 310line 312 didn't jump to line 310, because the condition on line 312 was never false

313 Cnf[key] = '' 


315 apt_pkg.parse_commandline(Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv) 

316 Options = Cnf.subtree('Make-Changelog::Options') 

317 suite = Cnf['Make-Changelog::Options::Suite'] 

318 base_suite = Cnf['Make-Changelog::Options::Base-Suite'] 

319 binnmu = Cnf['Make-Changelog::Options::binNMU'] 

320 export = Cnf['Make-Changelog::Options::export'] 

321 progress = Cnf['Make-Changelog::Options::progress'] 


323 if Options['help'] or not (suite and base_suite) and not export: 

324 usage() 


326 for s in suite, base_suite: 

327 if not export and not get_suite(s): 327 ↛ 328line 327 didn't jump to line 328, because the condition on line 327 was never true

328 utils.fubar('Invalid suite "%s"' % s) 


330 session = DBConn().session() 


332 if export: 

333 archive = session.query(Archive).filter_by(archive_name=Options['Archive']).one() 

334 exportpath = archive.changelog 

335 if exportpath: 335 ↛ 339line 335 didn't jump to line 339, because the condition on line 335 was never false

336 export_files(session, archive, exportpath, progress) 

337 generate_export_filelist(exportpath) 

338 else: 

339 utils.fubar('No changelog export path defined') 

340 elif binnmu: 340 ↛ 341line 340 didn't jump to line 341, because the condition on line 340 was never true

341 display_changes(get_binary_uploads(suite, base_suite, session), 3) 

342 else: 

343 display_changes(get_source_uploads(suite, base_suite, session), 2) 


345 session.commit() 



348if __name__ == '__main__': 

349 main()