1# Copyright (C) 2012, Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar@debian.org>
3# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6# (at your option) any later version.
8# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11# GNU General Public License for more details.
13# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
14# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
15# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
17"""module to manipulate the archive
19This module provides classes to manipulate the archive.
22from daklib.dbconn import *
23import daklib.checks as checks
24from daklib.config import Config
25from daklib.externalsignature import check_upload_for_external_signature_request
26import daklib.upload
27import daklib.utils
28from daklib.fstransactions import FilesystemTransaction
29from daklib.regexes import re_changelog_versions, re_bin_only_nmu
31import os
32import shutil
33from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable
34from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
35from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session
36from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
37import sqlalchemy.exc
38import subprocess
39import traceback
41if TYPE_CHECKING: 41 ↛ 42line 41 didn't jump to line 42, because the condition on line 41 was never true
42 import daklib.packagelist
45class ArchiveException(Exception):
46 pass
49class HashMismatchException(ArchiveException):
50 pass
53class ArchiveTransaction:
54 """manipulate the archive in a transaction
55 """
57 def __init__(self):
58 self.fs = FilesystemTransaction()
59 self.session = DBConn().session()
61 def get_file(self, hashed_file: daklib.upload.HashedFile, source_name: str, check_hashes: bool = True) -> PoolFile:
62 """Look for file `hashed_file` in database
64 :param hashed_file: file to look for in the database
65 :param source_name: source package name
66 :param check_hashes: check size and hashes match
67 :return: database entry for the file
68 :raises KeyError: file was not found in the database
69 :raises HashMismatchException: hash mismatch
70 """
71 poolname = os.path.join(daklib.utils.poolify(source_name), hashed_file.filename)
72 try:
73 poolfile = self.session.query(PoolFile).filter_by(filename=poolname).one()
74 if check_hashes and (poolfile.filesize != hashed_file.size 74 ↛ 78line 74 didn't jump to line 78, because the condition on line 74 was never true
75 or poolfile.md5sum != hashed_file.md5sum
76 or poolfile.sha1sum != hashed_file.sha1sum
77 or poolfile.sha256sum != hashed_file.sha256sum):
78 raise HashMismatchException('{0}: Does not match file already existing in the pool.'.format(hashed_file.filename))
79 return poolfile
80 except NoResultFound:
81 raise KeyError('{0} not found in database.'.format(poolname))
83 def _install_file(self, directory, hashed_file, archive, component, source_name) -> PoolFile:
84 """Install a file
86 Will not give an error when the file is already present.
88 :return: database object for the new file
89 """
90 session = self.session
92 poolname = os.path.join(daklib.utils.poolify(source_name), hashed_file.filename)
93 try:
94 poolfile = self.get_file(hashed_file, source_name)
95 except KeyError:
96 poolfile = PoolFile(filename=poolname, filesize=hashed_file.size)
97 poolfile.md5sum = hashed_file.md5sum
98 poolfile.sha1sum = hashed_file.sha1sum
99 poolfile.sha256sum = hashed_file.sha256sum
100 session.add(poolfile)
101 session.flush()
103 try:
104 session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(archive=archive, component=component, file=poolfile).one()
105 except NoResultFound:
106 archive_file = ArchiveFile(archive, component, poolfile)
107 session.add(archive_file)
108 session.flush()
110 path = os.path.join(archive.path, 'pool', component.component_name, poolname)
111 hashed_file_path = os.path.join(directory, hashed_file.input_filename)
112 self.fs.copy(hashed_file_path, path, link=False, mode=archive.mode)
114 return poolfile
116 def install_binary(self, directory: str, binary: daklib.upload.Binary, suite: Suite, component: Component, allow_tainted: bool = False, fingerprint: Optional[Fingerprint] = None, source_suites=None, extra_source_archives: Optional[Iterable[Archive]] = None) -> DBBinary:
117 """Install a binary package
119 :param directory: directory the binary package is located in
120 :param binary: binary package to install
121 :param suite: target suite
122 :param component: target component
123 :param allow_tainted: allow to copy additional files from tainted archives
124 :param fingerprint: optional fingerprint
125 :param source_suites: suites to copy the source from if they are not
126 in `suite` or :const:`True` to allow copying from any
127 suite.
128 Can be a SQLAlchemy subquery for :class:`Suite` or :const:`True`.
129 :param extra_source_archives: extra archives to copy Built-Using sources from
130 :return: database object for the new package
131 """
132 session = self.session
133 control = binary.control
134 maintainer = get_or_set_maintainer(control['Maintainer'], session)
135 architecture = get_architecture(control['Architecture'], session)
137 (source_name, source_version) = binary.source
138 source_query = session.query(DBSource).filter_by(source=source_name, version=source_version)
139 source = source_query.filter(DBSource.suites.contains(suite)).first()
140 if source is None:
141 if source_suites is not True:
142 source_query = source_query.join(DBSource.suites) \
143 .filter(Suite.suite_id == source_suites.c.id)
144 source = source_query.first()
145 if source is None: 145 ↛ 146line 145 didn't jump to line 146, because the condition on line 145 was never true
146 raise ArchiveException('{0}: trying to install to {1}, but could not find source ({2} {3})'.
147 format(binary.hashed_file.filename, suite.suite_name, source_name, source_version))
148 self.copy_source(source, suite, source.poolfile.component)
150 db_file = self._install_file(directory, binary.hashed_file, suite.archive, component, source_name)
152 unique = dict(
153 package=control['Package'],
154 version=control['Version'],
155 architecture=architecture,
156 )
157 rest = dict(
158 source=source,
159 maintainer=maintainer,
160 poolfile=db_file,
161 binarytype=binary.type,
162 )
163 # Other attributes that are ignored for purposes of equality with
164 # an existing source
165 rest2 = dict(
166 fingerprint=fingerprint,
167 )
169 try:
170 db_binary = session.query(DBBinary).filter_by(**unique).one()
171 for key, value in rest.items():
172 if getattr(db_binary, key) != value: 172 ↛ 173line 172 didn't jump to line 173, because the condition on line 172 was never true
173 raise ArchiveException('{0}: Does not match binary in database.'.format(binary.hashed_file.filename))
174 except NoResultFound:
175 db_binary = DBBinary(**unique)
176 for key, value in rest.items():
177 setattr(db_binary, key, value)
178 for key, value in rest2.items():
179 setattr(db_binary, key, value)
180 session.add(db_binary)
181 session.flush()
182 import_metadata_into_db(db_binary, session)
184 self._add_built_using(db_binary, binary.hashed_file.filename, control, suite, extra_archives=extra_source_archives)
186 if suite not in db_binary.suites:
187 db_binary.suites.append(suite)
189 session.flush()
191 return db_binary
193 def _ensure_extra_source_exists(self, filename: str, source: DBSource, archive: Archive, extra_archives: Optional[Iterable[Archive]] = None):
194 """ensure source exists in the given archive
196 This is intended to be used to check that Built-Using sources exist.
198 :param filename: filename to use in error messages
199 :param source: source to look for
200 :param archive: archive to look in
201 :param extra_archives: list of archives to copy the source package from
202 if it is not yet present in `archive`
203 """
204 session = self.session
205 db_file = session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(file=source.poolfile, archive=archive).first()
206 if db_file is not None: 206 ↛ 210line 206 didn't jump to line 210, because the condition on line 206 was never false
207 return True
209 # Try to copy file from one extra archive
210 if extra_archives is None:
211 extra_archives = []
212 db_file = session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(file=source.poolfile).filter(ArchiveFile.archive_id.in_([a.archive_id for a in extra_archives])).first()
213 if db_file is None:
214 raise ArchiveException('{0}: Built-Using refers to package {1} (= {2}) not in target archive {3}.'.format(filename, source.source, source.version, archive.archive_name))
216 source_archive = db_file.archive
217 for dsc_file in source.srcfiles:
218 af = session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(file=dsc_file.poolfile, archive=source_archive, component=db_file.component).one()
219 # We were given an explicit list of archives so it is okay to copy from tainted archives.
220 self._copy_file(af.file, archive, db_file.component, allow_tainted=True)
222 def _add_built_using(self, db_binary, filename, control, suite, extra_archives=None) -> None:
223 """Add Built-Using sources to ``db_binary.extra_sources``
224 """
225 session = self.session
227 for bu_source_name, bu_source_version in daklib.utils.parse_built_using(control):
228 bu_source = session.query(DBSource).filter_by(source=bu_source_name, version=bu_source_version).first()
229 if bu_source is None: 229 ↛ 230line 229 didn't jump to line 230, because the condition on line 229 was never true
230 raise ArchiveException('{0}: Built-Using refers to non-existing source package {1} (= {2})'.format(filename, bu_source_name, bu_source_version))
232 self._ensure_extra_source_exists(filename, bu_source, suite.archive, extra_archives=extra_archives)
234 db_binary.extra_sources.append(bu_source)
236 def install_source_to_archive(self, directory, source, archive, component, changed_by, allow_tainted=False, fingerprint=None) -> DBSource:
237 """Install source package to archive"""
238 session = self.session
239 control = source.dsc
240 maintainer = get_or_set_maintainer(control['Maintainer'], session)
241 source_name = control['Source']
243 ### Add source package to database
245 # We need to install the .dsc first as the DBSource object refers to it.
246 db_file_dsc = self._install_file(directory, source._dsc_file, archive, component, source_name)
248 unique = dict(
249 source=source_name,
250 version=control['Version'],
251 )
252 rest = dict(
253 maintainer=maintainer,
254 poolfile=db_file_dsc,
255 dm_upload_allowed=(control.get('DM-Upload-Allowed', 'no') == 'yes'),
256 )
257 # Other attributes that are ignored for purposes of equality with
258 # an existing source
259 rest2 = dict(
260 changedby=changed_by,
261 fingerprint=fingerprint,
262 )
264 created = False
265 try:
266 db_source = session.query(DBSource).filter_by(**unique).one()
267 for key, value in rest.items():
268 if getattr(db_source, key) != value: 268 ↛ 269line 268 didn't jump to line 269, because the condition on line 268 was never true
269 raise ArchiveException('{0}: Does not match source in database.'.format(source._dsc_file.filename))
270 except NoResultFound:
271 created = True
272 db_source = DBSource(**unique)
273 for key, value in rest.items():
274 setattr(db_source, key, value)
275 for key, value in rest2.items():
276 setattr(db_source, key, value)
277 session.add(db_source)
278 session.flush()
280 # Add .dsc file. Other files will be added later.
281 db_dsc_file = DSCFile()
282 db_dsc_file.source = db_source
283 db_dsc_file.poolfile = db_file_dsc
284 session.add(db_dsc_file)
285 session.flush()
287 if not created:
288 for f in db_source.srcfiles:
289 self._copy_file(f.poolfile, archive, component, allow_tainted=allow_tainted)
290 return db_source
292 ### Now add remaining files and copy them to the archive.
294 for hashed_file in source.files.values():
295 hashed_file_path = os.path.join(directory, hashed_file.input_filename)
296 if os.path.exists(hashed_file_path): 296 ↛ 300line 296 didn't jump to line 300, because the condition on line 296 was never false
297 db_file = self._install_file(directory, hashed_file, archive, component, source_name)
298 session.add(db_file)
299 else:
300 db_file = self.get_file(hashed_file, source_name)
301 self._copy_file(db_file, archive, component, allow_tainted=allow_tainted)
303 db_dsc_file = DSCFile()
304 db_dsc_file.source = db_source
305 db_dsc_file.poolfile = db_file
306 session.add(db_dsc_file)
308 session.flush()
310 # Importing is safe as we only arrive here when we did not find the source already installed earlier.
311 import_metadata_into_db(db_source, session)
313 # Uploaders are the maintainer and co-maintainers from the Uploaders field
314 db_source.uploaders.append(maintainer)
315 if 'Uploaders' in control:
316 from daklib.textutils import split_uploaders
317 for u in split_uploaders(control['Uploaders']):
318 db_source.uploaders.append(get_or_set_maintainer(u, session))
319 session.flush()
321 return db_source
323 def install_source(self, directory: str, source: daklib.upload.Source, suite: Suite, component: Component, changed_by: Maintainer, allow_tainted: bool = False, fingerprint: Optional[Fingerprint] = None) -> DBSource:
324 """Install a source package
326 :param directory: directory the source package is located in
327 :param source: source package to install
328 :param suite: target suite
329 :param component: target component
330 :param changed_by: person who prepared this version of the package
331 :param allow_tainted: allow to copy additional files from tainted archives
332 :param fingerprint: optional fingerprint
333 :return: database object for the new source
334 """
335 db_source = self.install_source_to_archive(directory, source, suite.archive, component, changed_by, allow_tainted, fingerprint)
337 if suite in db_source.suites:
338 return db_source
339 db_source.suites.append(suite)
340 self.session.flush()
342 return db_source
344 def _copy_file(self, db_file: PoolFile, archive: Archive, component: Component, allow_tainted: bool = False) -> None:
345 """Copy a file to the given archive and component
347 :param db_file: file to copy
348 :param archive: target archive
349 :param component: target component
350 :param allow_tainted: allow to copy from tainted archives (such as NEW)
351 """
352 session = self.session
354 if session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(archive=archive, component=component, file=db_file).first() is None:
355 query = session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(file=db_file)
356 if not allow_tainted:
357 query = query.join(Archive).filter(Archive.tainted == False) # noqa:E712
359 source_af = query.first()
360 if source_af is None: 360 ↛ 361line 360 didn't jump to line 361, because the condition on line 360 was never true
361 raise ArchiveException('cp: Could not find {0} in any archive.'.format(db_file.filename))
362 target_af = ArchiveFile(archive, component, db_file)
363 session.add(target_af)
364 session.flush()
365 self.fs.copy(source_af.path, target_af.path, link=False, mode=archive.mode)
367 def copy_binary(self, db_binary: DBBinary, suite: Suite, component: Component, allow_tainted: bool = False, extra_archives: Optional[Iterable[Archive]] = None) -> None:
368 """Copy a binary package to the given suite and component
370 :param db_binary: binary to copy
371 :param suite: target suite
372 :param component: target component
373 :param allow_tainted: allow to copy from tainted archives (such as NEW)
374 :param extra_archives: extra archives to copy Built-Using sources from
375 """
376 session = self.session
377 archive = suite.archive
378 if archive.tainted:
379 allow_tainted = True
381 filename = db_binary.poolfile.filename
383 # make sure source is present in target archive
384 db_source = db_binary.source
385 if session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(archive=archive, file=db_source.poolfile).first() is None: 385 ↛ 386line 385 didn't jump to line 386, because the condition on line 385 was never true
386 raise ArchiveException('{0}: cannot copy to {1}: source is not present in target archive'.format(filename, suite.suite_name))
388 # make sure built-using packages are present in target archive
389 for db_source in db_binary.extra_sources:
390 self._ensure_extra_source_exists(filename, db_source, archive, extra_archives=extra_archives)
392 # copy binary
393 db_file = db_binary.poolfile
394 self._copy_file(db_file, suite.archive, component, allow_tainted=allow_tainted)
395 if suite not in db_binary.suites:
396 db_binary.suites.append(suite)
397 self.session.flush()
399 def copy_source(self, db_source: DBSource, suite: Suite, component: Component, allow_tainted: bool = False) -> None:
400 """Copy a source package to the given suite and component
402 :param db_source: source to copy
403 :param suite: target suite
404 :param component: target component
405 :param allow_tainted: allow to copy from tainted archives (such as NEW)
406 """
407 archive = suite.archive
408 if archive.tainted:
409 allow_tainted = True
410 for db_dsc_file in db_source.srcfiles:
411 self._copy_file(db_dsc_file.poolfile, archive, component, allow_tainted=allow_tainted)
412 if suite not in db_source.suites:
413 db_source.suites.append(suite)
414 self.session.flush()
416 def remove_file(self, db_file: PoolFile, archive: Archive, component: Component) -> None:
417 """Remove a file from a given archive and component
419 :param db_file: file to remove
420 :param archive: archive to remove the file from
421 :param component: component to remove the file from
422 """
423 af = self.session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(file=db_file, archive=archive, component=component)
424 self.fs.unlink(af.path)
425 self.session.delete(af)
427 def remove_binary(self, binary: DBBinary, suite: Suite) -> None:
428 """Remove a binary from a given suite and component
430 :param binary: binary to remove
431 :param suite: suite to remove the package from
432 """
433 binary.suites.remove(suite)
434 self.session.flush()
436 def remove_source(self, source: DBSource, suite: Suite) -> None:
437 """Remove a source from a given suite and component
439 :param source: source to remove
440 :param suite: suite to remove the package from
442 :raises ArchiveException: source package is still referenced by other
443 binaries in the suite
444 """
445 session = self.session
447 query = session.query(DBBinary).filter_by(source=source) \
448 .filter(DBBinary.suites.contains(suite))
449 if query.first() is not None: 449 ↛ 450line 449 didn't jump to line 450, because the condition on line 449 was never true
450 raise ArchiveException('src:{0} is still used by binaries in suite {1}'.format(source.source, suite.suite_name))
452 source.suites.remove(suite)
453 session.flush()
455 def commit(self) -> None:
456 """commit changes"""
457 try:
458 self.session.commit()
459 self.fs.commit()
460 finally:
461 self.session.rollback()
462 self.fs.rollback()
464 def rollback(self) -> None:
465 """rollback changes"""
466 self.session.rollback()
467 self.fs.rollback()
469 def flush(self) -> None:
470 """flush underlying database session"""
471 self.session.flush()
473 def __enter__(self):
474 return self
476 def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
477 if type is None:
478 self.commit()
479 else:
480 self.rollback()
481 return None
484def source_component_from_package_list(package_list: 'daklib.packagelist.PackageList', suite: Suite) -> Optional[Component]:
485 """Get component for a source package
487 This function will look at the Package-List field to determine the
488 component the source package belongs to. This is the first component
489 the source package provides binaries for (first with respect to the
490 ordering of components).
492 It the source package has no Package-List field, None is returned.
494 :param package_list: package list of the source to get the override for
495 :param suite: suite to consider for binaries produced
496 :return: component for the given source or :const:`None`
497 """
498 if package_list.fallback: 498 ↛ 499line 498 didn't jump to line 499, because the condition on line 498 was never true
499 return None
500 session = object_session(suite)
501 packages = package_list.packages_for_suite(suite)
502 components = set(p.component for p in packages)
503 query = session.query(Component).order_by(Component.ordering) \
504 .filter(Component.component_name.in_(components))
505 return query.first()
508class ArchiveUpload:
509 """handle an upload
511 This class can be used in a with-statement::
513 with ArchiveUpload(...) as upload:
514 ...
516 Doing so will automatically run any required cleanup and also rollback the
517 transaction if it was not committed.
518 """
520 def __init__(self, directory: str, changes, keyrings):
521 self.transaction: ArchiveTransaction = ArchiveTransaction()
522 """transaction used to handle the upload"""
524 self.session = self.transaction.session
525 """database session"""
527 self.original_directory: str = directory
528 self.original_changes = changes
530 self.changes: Optional[daklib.upload.Changes] = None
531 """upload to process"""
533 self.directory: str = None
534 """directory with temporary copy of files. set by :meth:`prepare`"""
536 self.keyrings = keyrings
538 self.fingerprint: Fingerprint = self.session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=changes.primary_fingerprint).one()
539 """fingerprint of the key used to sign the upload"""
541 self.reject_reasons: list[str] = []
542 """reasons why the upload cannot by accepted"""
544 self.warnings: list[str] = []
545 """warnings
547 .. note::
549 Not used yet.
550 """
552 self.final_suites = None
554 self.new: bool = False
555 """upload is NEW. set by :meth:`check`"""
557 self._checked: bool = False
558 """checks passes. set by :meth:`check`"""
560 self._new_queue = self.session.query(PolicyQueue).filter_by(queue_name='new').one()
561 self._new = self._new_queue.suite
563 def warn(self, message: str) -> None:
564 """add a warning message
566 Adds a warning message that can later be seen in :attr:`warnings`
568 :param message: warning message
569 """
570 self.warnings.append(message)
572 def prepare(self):
573 """prepare upload for further processing
575 This copies the files involved to a temporary directory. If you use
576 this method directly, you have to remove the directory given by the
577 :attr:`directory` attribute later on your own.
579 Instead of using the method directly, you can also use a with-statement::
581 with ArchiveUpload(...) as upload:
582 ...
584 This will automatically handle any required cleanup.
585 """
586 assert self.directory is None
587 assert self.original_changes.valid_signature
589 cnf = Config()
590 session = self.transaction.session
592 group = cnf.get('Dinstall::UnprivGroup') or None
593 self.directory = daklib.utils.temp_dirname(parent=cnf.get('Dir::TempPath'),
594 mode=0o2750, group=group)
595 with FilesystemTransaction() as fs:
596 src = os.path.join(self.original_directory, self.original_changes.filename)
597 dst = os.path.join(self.directory, self.original_changes.filename)
598 fs.copy(src, dst, mode=0o640)
600 self.changes = daklib.upload.Changes(self.directory, self.original_changes.filename, self.keyrings)
602 files = {}
603 try:
604 files = self.changes.files
605 except daklib.upload.InvalidChangesException:
606 # Do not raise an exception; upload will be rejected later
607 # due to the missing files
608 pass
610 for f in files.values():
611 src = os.path.join(self.original_directory, f.filename)
612 dst = os.path.join(self.directory, f.filename)
613 if not os.path.exists(src):
614 continue
615 fs.copy(src, dst, mode=0o640)
617 source = None
618 try:
619 source = self.changes.source
620 except Exception:
621 # Do not raise an exception here if the .dsc is invalid.
622 pass
624 if source is not None:
625 for f in source.files.values():
626 src = os.path.join(self.original_directory, f.filename)
627 dst = os.path.join(self.directory, f.filename)
628 if not os.path.exists(dst):
629 try:
630 db_file = self.transaction.get_file(f, source.dsc['Source'], check_hashes=False)
631 db_archive_file = session.query(ArchiveFile).filter_by(file=db_file).first()
632 fs.copy(db_archive_file.path, dst, mode=0o640)
633 except KeyError:
634 # Ignore if get_file could not find it. Upload will
635 # probably be rejected later.
636 pass
638 def unpacked_source(self) -> Optional[str]:
639 """Path to unpacked source
641 Get path to the unpacked source. This method does unpack the source
642 into a temporary directory under :attr:`directory` if it has not
643 been done so already.
645 :return: string giving the path to the unpacked source directory
646 or :const:`None` if no source was included in the upload.
647 """
648 assert self.directory is not None
650 source = self.changes.source
651 if source is None:
652 return None
653 dsc_path = os.path.join(self.directory, source._dsc_file.filename)
655 sourcedir = os.path.join(self.directory, 'source')
656 if not os.path.exists(sourcedir):
657 subprocess.check_call(["dpkg-source", "--no-copy", "--no-check", "-x", dsc_path, sourcedir], shell=False, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
658 if not os.path.isdir(sourcedir):
659 raise Exception("{0} is not a directory after extracting source package".format(sourcedir))
660 return sourcedir
662 def _map_suite(self, suite_name):
663 suite_names = set((suite_name, ))
664 for rule in Config().value_list("SuiteMappings"):
665 fields = rule.split()
666 rtype = fields[0]
667 if rtype == "map" or rtype == "silent-map": 667 ↛ 668line 667 didn't jump to line 668, because the condition on line 667 was never true
668 (src, dst) = fields[1:3]
669 if src in suite_names:
670 suite_names.remove(src)
671 suite_names.add(dst)
672 if rtype != "silent-map":
673 self.warnings.append('Mapping {0} to {1}.'.format(src, dst))
674 elif rtype == "copy" or rtype == "silent-copy": 674 ↛ 675line 674 didn't jump to line 675, because the condition on line 674 was never true
675 (src, dst) = fields[1:3]
676 if src in suite_names:
677 suite_names.add(dst)
678 if rtype != "silent-copy":
679 self.warnings.append('Copy {0} to {1}.'.format(src, dst))
680 elif rtype == "ignore": 680 ↛ 681line 680 didn't jump to line 681, because the condition on line 680 was never true
681 ignored = fields[1]
682 if ignored in suite_names:
683 suite_names.remove(ignored)
684 self.warnings.append('Ignoring target suite {0}.'.format(ignored))
685 elif rtype == "reject": 685 ↛ 686line 685 didn't jump to line 686, because the condition on line 685 was never true
686 rejected = fields[1]
687 if rejected in suite_names:
688 raise checks.Reject('Uploads to {0} are not accepted.'.format(rejected))
689 ## XXX: propup-version and map-unreleased not yet implemented
690 return suite_names
692 def _mapped_suites(self) -> list[Suite]:
693 """Get target suites after mappings
695 :return: list giving the mapped target suites of this upload
696 """
697 session = self.session
699 suite_names = set()
700 for dist in self.changes.distributions:
701 suite_names.update(self._map_suite(dist))
703 suites = session.query(Suite).filter(Suite.suite_name.in_(suite_names))
704 return suites.all()
706 def _check_new_binary_overrides(self, suite, overridesuite):
707 new = False
708 source = self.changes.source
710 # Check binaries listed in the source package's Package-List field:
711 if source is not None and not source.package_list.fallback:
712 packages = source.package_list.packages_for_suite(suite)
713 binaries = [entry for entry in packages]
714 for b in binaries:
715 override = self._binary_override(overridesuite, b)
716 if override is None:
717 self.warnings.append('binary:{0} is NEW.'.format(b.name))
718 new = True
720 # Check all uploaded packages.
721 # This is necessary to account for packages without a Package-List
722 # field, really late binary-only uploads (where an unused override
723 # was already removed), and for debug packages uploaded to a suite
724 # without a debug suite (which are then considered as NEW).
725 binaries = self.changes.binaries
726 for b in binaries:
727 if daklib.utils.is_in_debug_section(b.control) and suite.debug_suite is not None:
728 continue
729 override = self._binary_override(overridesuite, b)
730 if override is None:
731 self.warnings.append('binary:{0} is NEW.'.format(b.name))
732 new = True
734 return new
736 def _check_new(self, suite, overridesuite) -> bool:
737 """Check if upload is NEW
739 An upload is NEW if it has binary or source packages that do not have
740 an override in `overridesuite` OR if it references files ONLY in a
741 tainted archive (eg. when it references files in NEW).
743 Debug packages (*-dbgsym in Section: debug) are not considered as NEW
744 if `suite` has a separate debug suite.
746 :return: :const:`True` if the upload is NEW, :const:`False` otherwise
747 """
748 session = self.session
749 new = False
751 # Check for missing overrides
752 if self._check_new_binary_overrides(suite, overridesuite):
753 new = True
754 if self.changes.source is not None:
755 override = self._source_override(overridesuite, self.changes.source)
756 if override is None:
757 self.warnings.append('source:{0} is NEW.'.format(self.changes.source.dsc['Source']))
758 new = True
760 # Check if we reference a file only in a tainted archive
761 files = list(self.changes.files.values())
762 if self.changes.source is not None:
763 files.extend(self.changes.source.files.values())
764 for f in files:
765 query = session.query(ArchiveFile).join(PoolFile).filter(PoolFile.sha1sum == f.sha1sum)
766 query_untainted = query.join(Archive).filter(Archive.tainted == False) # noqa:E712
768 in_archive = (query.first() is not None)
769 in_untainted_archive = (query_untainted.first() is not None)
771 if in_archive and not in_untainted_archive:
772 self.warnings.append('{0} is only available in NEW.'.format(f.filename))
773 new = True
775 return new
777 def _final_suites(self):
778 session = self.session
780 mapped_suites = self._mapped_suites()
781 final_suites = list()
783 for suite in mapped_suites:
784 overridesuite = suite
785 if suite.overridesuite is not None:
786 overridesuite = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite.overridesuite).one()
787 if self._check_new(suite, overridesuite):
788 self.new = True
789 if suite not in final_suites: 789 ↛ 783line 789 didn't jump to line 783, because the condition on line 789 was never false
790 final_suites.append(suite)
792 return final_suites
794 def _binary_override(self, suite: Suite, binary: 'Union[daklib.upload.Binary, daklib.packagelist.PackageListEntry]') -> Optional[Override]:
795 """Get override entry for a binary
797 :param suite: suite to get override for
798 :param binary: binary to get override for
799 :return: override for the given binary or :const:`None`
800 """
801 if suite.overridesuite is not None:
802 suite = self.session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite.overridesuite).one()
804 mapped_component = get_mapped_component(binary.component)
805 if mapped_component is None: 805 ↛ 806line 805 didn't jump to line 806, because the condition on line 805 was never true
806 return None
808 query = self.session.query(Override).filter_by(suite=suite, package=binary.name) \
809 .join(Component).filter(Component.component_name == mapped_component.component_name) \
810 .join(OverrideType).filter(OverrideType.overridetype == binary.type)
812 return query.one_or_none()
814 def _source_override(self, suite: Suite, source: daklib.upload.Source) -> Optional[Override]:
815 """Get override entry for a source
817 :param suite: suite to get override for
818 :param source: source to get override for
819 :return: override for the given source or :const:`None`
820 """
821 if suite.overridesuite is not None: 821 ↛ 822line 821 didn't jump to line 822, because the condition on line 821 was never true
822 suite = self.session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite.overridesuite).one()
824 query = self.session.query(Override).filter_by(suite=suite, package=source.dsc['Source']) \
825 .join(OverrideType).filter(OverrideType.overridetype == 'dsc')
827 component = source_component_from_package_list(source.package_list, suite)
828 if component is not None:
829 query = query.filter(Override.component == component)
831 return query.one_or_none()
833 def _binary_component(self, suite: Suite, binary: daklib.upload.Binary, only_overrides: bool = True) -> Optional[Component]:
834 """get component for a binary
836 By default this will only look at overrides to get the right component;
837 if `only_overrides` is :const:`False` this method will also look at the
838 Section field.
840 :param only_overrides: only use overrides to get the right component
841 """
842 override = self._binary_override(suite, binary)
843 if override is not None:
844 return override.component
845 if only_overrides: 845 ↛ 846line 845 didn't jump to line 846, because the condition on line 845 was never true
846 return None
847 return get_mapped_component(binary.component, self.session)
849 def _source_component(self, suite: Suite, source: daklib.upload.Binary, only_overrides: bool = True) -> Optional[Component]:
850 """get component for a source
852 By default this will only look at overrides to get the right component;
853 if `only_overrides` is :const:`False` this method will also look at the
854 Section field.
856 :param only_overrides: only use overrides to get the right component
857 """
858 override = self._source_override(suite, source)
859 if override is not None: 859 ↛ 861line 859 didn't jump to line 861, because the condition on line 859 was never false
860 return override.component
861 if only_overrides:
862 return None
863 return get_mapped_component(source.component, self.session)
865 def check(self, force: bool = False) -> bool:
866 """run checks against the upload
868 :param force: ignore failing forcable checks
869 :return: :const:`True` if all checks passed, :const:`False` otherwise
870 """
871 # XXX: needs to be better structured.
872 assert self.changes.valid_signature
874 try:
875 # Validate signatures and hashes before we do any real work:
876 for chk in (
877 checks.SignatureAndHashesCheck,
878 checks.WeakSignatureCheck,
879 checks.SignatureTimestampCheck,
880 checks.ChangesCheck,
881 checks.ExternalHashesCheck,
882 checks.SourceCheck,
883 checks.BinaryCheck,
884 checks.BinaryMembersCheck,
885 checks.BinaryTimestampCheck,
886 checks.SingleDistributionCheck,
887 checks.ArchAllBinNMUCheck,
888 ):
889 chk().check(self)
891 final_suites = self._final_suites()
892 if len(final_suites) == 0:
893 self.reject_reasons.append('No target suite found. Please check your target distribution and that you uploaded to the right archive.')
894 return False
896 self.final_suites = final_suites
898 for chk in (
899 checks.TransitionCheck,
900 checks.ACLCheck,
901 checks.NewOverrideCheck,
902 checks.NoSourceOnlyCheck,
903 checks.LintianCheck,
904 ):
905 chk().check(self)
907 for chk in (
908 checks.SuiteCheck,
909 checks.ACLCheck,
910 checks.SourceFormatCheck,
911 checks.SuiteArchitectureCheck,
912 checks.VersionCheck,
913 ):
914 for suite in final_suites:
915 chk().per_suite_check(self, suite)
917 if len(self.reject_reasons) != 0: 917 ↛ 918line 917 didn't jump to line 918, because the condition on line 917 was never true
918 return False
920 self._checked = True
921 return True
922 except checks.Reject as e: 922 ↛ 924line 922 didn't jump to line 924
923 self.reject_reasons.append(str(e))
924 except Exception as e:
925 self.reject_reasons.append("Processing raised an exception: {0}.\n{1}".format(e, traceback.format_exc()))
926 return False
928 def _install_to_suite(
929 self,
930 target_suite: Suite,
931 suite: Suite,
932 source_component_func: Callable[[daklib.upload.Source], Component],
933 binary_component_func: Callable[[daklib.upload.Binary], Component],
934 source_suites=None,
935 extra_source_archives: Optional[Iterable[Archive]] = None,
936 policy_upload: bool = False
937 ) -> tuple[Optional[DBSource], list[DBBinary]]:
938 """Install upload to the given suite
940 :param target_suite: target suite (before redirection to policy queue or NEW)
941 :param suite: suite to install the package into. This is the real suite,
942 ie. after any redirection to NEW or a policy queue
943 :param source_component_func: function to get the :class:`daklib.dbconn.Component`
944 for a :class:`daklib.upload.Source` object
945 :param binary_component_func: function to get the :class:`daklib.dbconn.Component`
946 for a :class:`daklib.upload.Binary` object
947 :param source_suites: see :meth:`daklib.archive.ArchiveTransaction.install_binary`
948 :param extra_source_archives: see :meth:`daklib.archive.ArchiveTransaction.install_binary`
949 :param policy_upload: Boolean indicating upload to policy queue (including NEW)
950 :return: tuple with two elements. The first is a :class:`daklib.dbconn.DBSource`
951 object for the install source or :const:`None` if no source was
952 included. The second is a list of :class:`daklib.dbconn.DBBinary`
953 objects for the installed binary packages.
954 """
955 # XXX: move this function to ArchiveTransaction?
957 control = self.changes.changes
958 changed_by = get_or_set_maintainer(control.get('Changed-By', control['Maintainer']), self.session)
960 if source_suites is None: 960 ↛ 961line 960 didn't jump to line 961, because the condition on line 960 was never true
961 source_suites = self.session.query(Suite).join((VersionCheck, VersionCheck.reference_id == Suite.suite_id)).filter(VersionCheck.check == 'Enhances').filter(VersionCheck.suite == suite).subquery()
963 source = self.changes.source
964 if source is not None:
965 component = source_component_func(source)
966 db_source = self.transaction.install_source(
967 self.directory,
968 source,
969 suite,
970 component,
971 changed_by,
972 fingerprint=self.fingerprint
973 )
974 else:
975 db_source = None
977 db_binaries = []
978 for binary in sorted(self.changes.binaries, key=lambda x: x.name):
979 copy_to_suite = suite
980 if daklib.utils.is_in_debug_section(binary.control) and suite.debug_suite is not None:
981 copy_to_suite = suite.debug_suite
983 component = binary_component_func(binary)
984 db_binary = self.transaction.install_binary(
985 self.directory,
986 binary,
987 copy_to_suite,
988 component,
989 fingerprint=self.fingerprint,
990 source_suites=source_suites,
991 extra_source_archives=extra_source_archives
992 )
993 db_binaries.append(db_binary)
995 if not policy_upload:
996 check_upload_for_external_signature_request(self.session, target_suite, copy_to_suite, db_binary)
998 if suite.copychanges: 998 ↛ 999line 998 didn't jump to line 999, because the condition on line 998 was never true
999 src = os.path.join(self.directory, self.changes.filename)
1000 dst = os.path.join(suite.archive.path, 'dists', suite.suite_name, self.changes.filename)
1001 self.transaction.fs.copy(src, dst, mode=suite.archive.mode)
1003 suite.update_last_changed()
1005 return (db_source, db_binaries)
1007 def _install_changes(self) -> DBChange:
1008 assert self.changes.valid_signature
1009 control = self.changes.changes
1010 session = self.transaction.session
1011 config = Config()
1013 changelog_id = None
1014 # Only add changelog for sourceful uploads and binNMUs
1015 if self.changes.sourceful or re_bin_only_nmu.search(control['Version']):
1016 query = 'INSERT INTO changelogs_text (changelog) VALUES (:changelog) RETURNING id'
1017 changelog_id = session.execute(query, {'changelog': control['Changes']}).scalar()
1018 assert changelog_id is not None
1020 db_changes = DBChange()
1021 db_changes.changesname = self.changes.filename
1022 db_changes.source = control['Source']
1023 db_changes.binaries = control.get('Binary', None)
1024 db_changes.architecture = control['Architecture']
1025 db_changes.version = control['Version']
1026 db_changes.distribution = control['Distribution']
1027 db_changes.urgency = control['Urgency']
1028 db_changes.maintainer = control['Maintainer']
1029 db_changes.changedby = control.get('Changed-By', control['Maintainer'])
1030 db_changes.date = control['Date']
1031 db_changes.fingerprint = self.fingerprint.fingerprint
1032 db_changes.changelog_id = changelog_id
1033 db_changes.closes = self.changes.closed_bugs
1035 try:
1036 self.transaction.session.add(db_changes)
1037 self.transaction.session.flush()
1038 except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError:
1039 raise ArchiveException('{0} is already known.'.format(self.changes.filename))
1041 return db_changes
1043 def _install_policy(self, policy_queue, target_suite, db_changes, db_source, db_binaries) -> PolicyQueueUpload:
1044 """install upload to policy queue"""
1045 u = PolicyQueueUpload()
1046 u.policy_queue = policy_queue
1047 u.target_suite = target_suite
1048 u.changes = db_changes
1049 u.source = db_source
1050 u.binaries = db_binaries
1051 self.transaction.session.add(u)
1052 self.transaction.session.flush()
1054 queue_files = [self.changes.filename]
1055 queue_files.extend(f.filename for f in self.changes.buildinfo_files)
1056 for fn in queue_files:
1057 src = os.path.join(self.changes.directory, fn)
1058 dst = os.path.join(policy_queue.path, fn)
1059 self.transaction.fs.copy(src, dst, mode=policy_queue.change_perms)
1061 return u
1063 def try_autobyhand(self) -> bool:
1064 """Try AUTOBYHAND
1066 Try to handle byhand packages automatically.
1067 """
1068 assert len(self.reject_reasons) == 0
1069 assert self.changes.valid_signature
1070 assert self.final_suites is not None
1071 assert self._checked
1073 byhand = self.changes.byhand_files
1074 if len(byhand) == 0: 1074 ↛ 1077line 1074 didn't jump to line 1077, because the condition on line 1074 was never false
1075 return True
1077 suites = list(self.final_suites)
1078 assert len(suites) == 1, "BYHAND uploads must be to a single suite"
1079 suite = suites[0]
1081 cnf = Config()
1082 control = self.changes.changes
1083 automatic_byhand_packages = cnf.subtree("AutomaticByHandPackages")
1085 remaining = []
1086 for f in byhand:
1087 if '_' in f.filename:
1088 parts = f.filename.split('_', 2)
1089 if len(parts) != 3:
1090 print("W: unexpected byhand filename {0}. No automatic processing.".format(f.filename))
1091 remaining.append(f)
1092 continue
1094 package, version, archext = parts
1095 arch, ext = archext.split('.', 1)
1096 else:
1097 parts = f.filename.split('.')
1098 if len(parts) < 2:
1099 print("W: unexpected byhand filename {0}. No automatic processing.".format(f.filename))
1100 remaining.append(f)
1101 continue
1103 package = parts[0]
1104 version = '0'
1105 arch = 'all'
1106 ext = parts[-1]
1108 try:
1109 rule = automatic_byhand_packages.subtree(package)
1110 except KeyError:
1111 remaining.append(f)
1112 continue
1114 if rule['Source'] != self.changes.source_name \
1115 or rule['Section'] != f.section \
1116 or ('Extension' in rule and rule['Extension'] != ext):
1117 remaining.append(f)
1118 continue
1120 script = rule['Script']
1121 retcode = subprocess.call([script, os.path.join(self.directory, f.filename), control['Version'], arch, os.path.join(self.directory, self.changes.filename), suite.suite_name], shell=False)
1122 if retcode != 0:
1123 print("W: error processing {0}.".format(f.filename))
1124 remaining.append(f)
1126 return len(remaining) == 0
1128 def _install_byhand(self, policy_queue_upload: PolicyQueueUpload, hashed_file: daklib.upload.HashedFile) -> PolicyQueueByhandFile:
1129 """install byhand file"""
1130 fs = self.transaction.fs
1131 session = self.transaction.session
1132 policy_queue = policy_queue_upload.policy_queue
1134 byhand_file = PolicyQueueByhandFile()
1135 byhand_file.upload = policy_queue_upload
1136 byhand_file.filename = hashed_file.filename
1137 session.add(byhand_file)
1138 session.flush()
1140 src = os.path.join(self.directory, hashed_file.filename)
1141 dst = os.path.join(policy_queue.path, hashed_file.filename)
1142 fs.copy(src, dst, mode=policy_queue.change_perms)
1144 return byhand_file
1146 def _do_bts_versiontracking(self) -> None:
1147 cnf = Config()
1148 fs = self.transaction.fs
1150 btsdir = cnf.get('Dir::BTSVersionTrack')
1151 if btsdir is None or btsdir == '': 1151 ↛ 1154line 1151 didn't jump to line 1154, because the condition on line 1151 was never false
1152 return
1154 base = os.path.join(btsdir, self.changes.filename[:-8])
1156 # version history
1157 sourcedir = self.unpacked_source()
1158 if sourcedir is not None:
1159 dch_path = os.path.join(sourcedir, 'debian', 'changelog')
1160 with open(dch_path, 'r') as fh:
1161 versions = fs.create("{0}.versions".format(base), mode=0o644)
1162 for line in fh.readlines():
1163 if re_changelog_versions.match(line):
1164 versions.write(line)
1165 versions.close()
1167 # binary -> source mapping
1168 if self.changes.binaries:
1169 debinfo = fs.create("{0}.debinfo".format(base), mode=0o644)
1170 for binary in self.changes.binaries:
1171 control = binary.control
1172 source_package, source_version = binary.source
1173 line = " ".join([control['Package'], control['Version'], control['Architecture'], source_package, source_version])
1174 print(line, file=debinfo)
1175 debinfo.close()
1177 def _policy_queue(self, suite) -> Optional[PolicyQueue]:
1178 if suite.policy_queue is not None:
1179 return suite.policy_queue
1180 return None
1182 def install(self) -> None:
1183 """install upload
1185 Install upload to a suite or policy queue. This method does **not**
1186 handle uploads to NEW.
1188 You need to have called the :meth:`check` method before calling this method.
1189 """
1190 assert len(self.reject_reasons) == 0
1191 assert self.changes.valid_signature
1192 assert self.final_suites is not None
1193 assert self._checked
1194 assert not self.new
1196 db_changes = self._install_changes()
1198 for suite in self.final_suites:
1199 overridesuite = suite
1200 if suite.overridesuite is not None:
1201 overridesuite = self.session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite.overridesuite).one()
1203 policy_queue = self._policy_queue(suite)
1204 policy_upload = False
1206 redirected_suite = suite
1207 if policy_queue is not None:
1208 redirected_suite = policy_queue.suite
1209 policy_upload = True
1211 # source can be in the suite we install to or any suite we enhance
1212 source_suite_ids = set([suite.suite_id, redirected_suite.suite_id])
1213 for enhanced_suite_id, in self.session.query(VersionCheck.reference_id) \
1214 .filter(VersionCheck.suite_id.in_(source_suite_ids)) \
1215 .filter(VersionCheck.check == 'Enhances'):
1216 source_suite_ids.add(enhanced_suite_id)
1218 source_suites = self.session.query(Suite).filter(Suite.suite_id.in_(source_suite_ids)).subquery()
1220 def source_component_func(source):
1221 return self._source_component(overridesuite, source, only_overrides=False)
1223 def binary_component_func(binary):
1224 return self._binary_component(overridesuite, binary, only_overrides=False)
1226 (db_source, db_binaries) = self._install_to_suite(suite, redirected_suite, source_component_func, binary_component_func, source_suites=source_suites, extra_source_archives=[suite.archive], policy_upload=policy_upload)
1228 if policy_queue is not None:
1229 self._install_policy(policy_queue, suite, db_changes, db_source, db_binaries)
1231 # copy to build queues
1232 if policy_queue is None or policy_queue.send_to_build_queues: 1232 ↛ 1198line 1232 didn't jump to line 1198, because the condition on line 1232 was never false
1233 for build_queue in suite.copy_queues:
1234 self._install_to_suite(suite, build_queue.suite, source_component_func, binary_component_func, source_suites=source_suites, extra_source_archives=[suite.archive])
1236 self._do_bts_versiontracking()
1238 def install_to_new(self) -> None:
1239 """install upload to NEW
1241 Install upload to NEW. This method does **not** handle regular uploads
1242 to suites or policy queues.
1244 You need to have called the :meth:`check` method before calling this method.
1245 """
1246 # Uploads to NEW are special as we don't have overrides.
1247 assert len(self.reject_reasons) == 0
1248 assert self.changes.valid_signature
1249 assert self.final_suites is not None
1251 source = self.changes.source
1252 binaries = self.changes.binaries
1253 byhand = self.changes.byhand_files
1255 # we need a suite to guess components
1256 suites = list(self.final_suites)
1257 assert len(suites) == 1, "NEW uploads must be to a single suite"
1258 suite = suites[0]
1260 # decide which NEW queue to use
1261 if suite.new_queue is None: 1261 ↛ 1264line 1261 didn't jump to line 1264, because the condition on line 1261 was never false
1262 new_queue = self.transaction.session.query(PolicyQueue).filter_by(queue_name='new').one()
1263 else:
1264 new_queue = suite.new_queue
1265 if len(byhand) > 0: 1265 ↛ 1267line 1265 didn't jump to line 1267, because the condition on line 1265 was never true
1266 # There is only one global BYHAND queue
1267 new_queue = self.transaction.session.query(PolicyQueue).filter_by(queue_name='byhand').one()
1268 new_suite = new_queue.suite
1270 def binary_component_func(binary):
1271 return self._binary_component(suite, binary, only_overrides=False)
1273 # guess source component
1274 # XXX: should be moved into an extra method
1275 binary_component_names = set()
1276 for binary in binaries:
1277 component = binary_component_func(binary)
1278 binary_component_names.add(component.component_name)
1279 source_component_name = None
1280 for c in self.session.query(Component).order_by(Component.component_id):
1281 guess = c.component_name
1282 if guess in binary_component_names:
1283 source_component_name = guess
1284 break
1285 if source_component_name is None:
1286 source_component = self.session.query(Component).order_by(Component.component_id).first()
1287 else:
1288 source_component = self.session.query(Component).filter_by(component_name=source_component_name).one()
1290 def source_component_func(source):
1291 return source_component
1293 db_changes = self._install_changes()
1294 (db_source, db_binaries) = self._install_to_suite(suite, new_suite, source_component_func, binary_component_func, source_suites=True, extra_source_archives=[suite.archive], policy_upload=True)
1295 policy_upload = self._install_policy(new_queue, suite, db_changes, db_source, db_binaries)
1297 for f in byhand: 1297 ↛ 1298line 1297 didn't jump to line 1298, because the loop on line 1297 never started
1298 self._install_byhand(policy_upload, f)
1300 self._do_bts_versiontracking()
1302 def commit(self) -> None:
1303 """commit changes"""
1304 self.transaction.commit()
1306 def rollback(self) -> None:
1307 """rollback changes"""
1308 self.transaction.rollback()
1310 def __enter__(self):
1311 self.prepare()
1312 return self
1314 def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
1315 if self.directory is not None: 1315 ↛ 1318line 1315 didn't jump to line 1318, because the condition on line 1315 was never false
1316 shutil.rmtree(self.directory)
1317 self.directory = None
1318 self.changes = None
1319 self.transaction.rollback()
1320 return None