Source code for dak.acl

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2012, Ansgar Burchardt <>
# Copyright (C) 2023 Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import os
import sys
from import Iterable
from typing import NoReturn, Optional

from daklib.dbconn import DBConn, Fingerprint, Keyring, Suite, Uid, ACL

[docs]def usage(status: int = 0) -> NoReturn: print("""Usage: dak acl set-fingerprints <acl-name> dak acl export-per-source <acl-name> dak acl allow <acl-name> <fingerprint> <source>... dak acl deny <acl-name> <fingerprint> <source>... dak acl export-per-suite <acl-name> dak acl allow-suite <acl-name> <fingerprint> <suite>... dak acl deny-suite <acl-name> <fingerprint> <suite>... set-fingerprints: Reads list of fingerprints from stdin and sets the ACL <acl-name> to these. Accepted input formats are "uid:<uid>", "name:<name>" and "fpr:<fingerprint>". export-per-source: Export per source upload rights for ACL <acl-name>. allow, deny: Grant (revoke) per-source upload rights for ACL <acl-name>. export-per-suite: Export per suite upload rights for ACL <acl-name>. allow-suite, deny-suite: Grant (revoke) per-suite upload rights for ACL <acl-name>. """) sys.exit(status)
[docs]def get_fingerprint(entry: str, session) -> Optional[Fingerprint]: """get fingerprint for given ACL entry The entry is a string in one of these formats:: uid:<uid> name:<name> fpr:<fingerprint> keyring:<keyring-name> :param entry: ACL entry :param session: database session :return: fingerprint for the entry """ field, value = entry.split(":", 1) q = session.query(Fingerprint).join(Fingerprint.keyring).filter( == True) # noqa:E712 if field == 'uid': q = q.join(Fingerprint.uid).filter(Uid.uid == value) elif field == 'name': q = q.join(Fingerprint.uid).filter( == value) elif field == 'fpr': q = q.filter(Fingerprint.fingerprint == value) elif field == 'keyring': q = q.filter(Keyring.keyring_name == value) else: raise Exception('Unknown selector "{0}".'.format(field)) return q.all()
[docs]def acl_set_fingerprints(acl_name: str, entries: Iterable[str]) -> None: session = DBConn().session() acl = session.query(ACL).filter_by(name=acl_name).one() acl.fingerprints.clear() for entry in entries: entry = entry.strip() if entry.startswith('#') or len(entry) == 0: continue fps = get_fingerprint(entry, session) if len(fps) == 0: print("Unknown key for '{0}'".format(entry)) else: acl.fingerprints.update(fps) session.commit()
[docs]def acl_export_per_source(acl_name: str) -> None: session = DBConn().session() acl = session.query(ACL).filter_by(name=acl_name).one() query = r""" SELECT f.fingerprint, (SELECT COALESCE(, '') || ' <' || u.uid || '>' FROM uid u JOIN fingerprint f2 ON = f2.uid WHERE = AS name, STRING_AGG( a.source || COALESCE(' (' || (SELECT fingerprint FROM fingerprint WHERE id = a.created_by_id) || ')', ''), E',\n ' ORDER BY a.source) FROM acl_per_source a JOIN fingerprint f ON a.fingerprint_id = LEFT JOIN uid u ON f.uid = WHERE a.acl_id = :acl_id GROUP BY, f.fingerprint ORDER BY name """ for row in session.execute(query, {'acl_id':}): print("Fingerprint:", row[0]) print("Uid:", row[1]) print("Allow:", row[2]) print() session.rollback() session.close()
[docs]def acl_export_per_suite(acl_name: str) -> None: session = DBConn().session() acl = session.query(ACL).filter_by(name=acl_name).one() query = r""" SELECT f.fingerprint, (SELECT COALESCE(, '') || ' <' || u.uid || '>' FROM uid u JOIN fingerprint f2 ON = f2.uid WHERE = AS name, s.suite_name FROM acl_per_suite a JOIN fingerprint f ON a.fingerprint_id = JOIN suite s ON a.suite_id = LEFT JOIN uid u ON f.uid = WHERE a.acl_id = :acl_id GROUP BY, f.fingerprint, s.suite_name ORDER BY name """ for row in session.execute(query, {'acl_id':}): print("Fingerprint:", row[0]) print("Uid:", row[1]) print("Allow:", row[2]) print() session.rollback() session.close()
[docs]def acl_allow(acl_name: str, fingerprint: str, sources: Iterable[str]) -> None: tbl = DBConn().tbl_acl_per_source session = DBConn().session() acl_id = session.query(ACL).filter_by(name=acl_name).one().id fingerprint_id = session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=fingerprint).one().fingerprint_id # TODO: check that fpr is in ACL data = [ { 'acl_id': acl_id, 'fingerprint_id': fingerprint_id, 'source': source, 'reason': 'set by {} via CLI'.format(os.environ.get('USER', '(unknown)')), } for source in sources ] session.execute(tbl.insert(), data) session.commit()
[docs]def acl_allow_suite(acl_name: str, fingerprint: str, suites: Iterable[str]) -> None: tbl = DBConn().tbl_acl_per_suite session = DBConn().session() acl_id = session.query(ACL).filter_by(name=acl_name).one().id fingerprint_id = session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=fingerprint).one().fingerprint_id # TODO: check that fpr is in ACL data = [] for suite in suites: try: suite_id = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite).one().suite_id except: suite_id = session.query(Suite).filter_by(codename=suite).one().suite_id data.append({ 'acl_id': acl_id, 'fingerprint_id': fingerprint_id, 'suite_id': suite_id, 'reason': 'set by {} via CLI'.format(os.environ.get('USER', '(unknown)')), }) session.execute(tbl.insert(), data) session.commit()
[docs]def acl_deny(acl_name: str, fingerprint: str, sources: Iterable[str]) -> None: tbl = DBConn().tbl_acl_per_source session = DBConn().session() acl_id = session.query(ACL).filter_by(name=acl_name).one().id fingerprint_id = session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=fingerprint).one().fingerprint_id # TODO: check that fpr is in ACL for source in sources: result = session.execute(tbl.delete().where(tbl.c.acl_id == acl_id).where(tbl.c.fingerprint_id == fingerprint_id).where(tbl.c.source == source)) if result.rowcount < 1: print("W: Tried to deny uploads of '{}', but was not allowed before.".format(source)) session.commit()
[docs]def acl_deny_suite(acl_name: str, fingerprint: str, suites: Iterable[str]) -> None: tbl = DBConn().tbl_acl_per_suite session = DBConn().session() acl_id = session.query(ACL).filter_by(name=acl_name).one().id fingerprint_id = session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=fingerprint).one().fingerprint_id # TODO: check that fpr is in ACL for suite in suites: try: suite_id = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite).one().suite_id except: suite_id = session.query(Suite).filter_by(codename=suite).one().suite_id result = session.execute(tbl.delete().where(tbl.c.acl_id == acl_id).where(tbl.c.fingerprint_id == fingerprint_id).where(tbl.c.suite_id == suite_id)) if result.rowcount < 1: print("W: Tried to deny uploads for suite '{}', but was not allowed before.".format(suite)) session.commit()
[docs]def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv if len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] in ('-h', '--help'): usage(0) if len(argv) < 3: usage(1) if argv[1] == 'set-fingerprints': acl_set_fingerprints(argv[2], sys.stdin) elif argv[1] == 'export-per-source': acl_export_per_source(argv[2]) elif argv[1] == 'export-per-suite': acl_export_per_suite(argv[2]) elif argv[1] == 'allow': acl_allow(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4:]) elif argv[1] == 'deny': acl_deny(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4:]) elif argv[1] == 'allow-suite': acl_allow_suite(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4:]) elif argv[1] == 'deny-suite': acl_deny_suite(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4:]) else: usage(1)