Source code for dak.check_overrides

#! /usr/bin/env python3

""" Cruft checker and hole filler for overrides

@contact: Debian FTPMaster <>
@copyright: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006  James Troup <>
@opyright: 2005  Jeroen van Wolffelaar <>
@copyright: 2011  Joerg Jaspert <>
@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later


# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


# NB: dak check-overrides is not a good idea with New Incoming as it #
# doesn't take into account accepted.  You can minimize the impact   #
# of this by running it immediately after dak process-accepted but   #
# that's still racy because 'dak process-new' doesn't lock with 'dak #
# process-accepted'.  A better long term fix is the evil plan for    #
# accepted to be in the DB.                                          #

# dak check-overrides should now work fine being done during
# cron.daily, for example just before 'dak make-overrides' (after 'dak
# process-accepted' and 'dak make-suite-file-list'). At that point,
# queue/accepted should be empty and installed, so... dak
# check-overrides does now take into account suites sharing overrides

# * Only update out-of-sync overrides when corresponding versions are equal to
#   some degree
# * consistency checks like:
#   - section=debian-installer only for udeb and # dsc
#   - priority=optional if dsc
#   - (suite, package, 'dsc') is unique,
#   - just as (suite, package, (u)deb) (yes, across components!)
#   - sections match their component (each component has an own set of sections,
#     could probably be reduced...)


import sys
import apt_pkg

from daklib.config import Config
from daklib.dbconn import *
from daklib import daklog
from daklib import utils


Options = None                 #: Commandline arguments parsed into this
Logger = None                  #: Our logging object
sections = {}
priorities = {}
blacklist = {}


[docs]def usage(exit_code=0): print("""Usage: dak check-overrides Check for cruft in overrides. -n, --no-action don't do anything -h, --help show this help and exit""") sys.exit(exit_code)
[docs]def process(osuite, affected_suites, originosuite, component, otype, session): global Logger, Options, sections, priorities o = get_suite(osuite, session) if o is None: utils.fubar("Suite '%s' not recognised." % (osuite)) osuite_id = o.suite_id originosuite_id = None if originosuite: oo = get_suite(originosuite, session) if oo is None: utils.fubar("Suite '%s' not recognised." % (originosuite)) originosuite_id = oo.suite_id c = get_component(component, session) if c is None: utils.fubar("Component '%s' not recognised." % (component)) component_id = c.component_id ot = get_override_type(otype, session) if ot is None: utils.fubar("Type '%s' not recognised. (Valid types are deb, udeb and dsc)" % (otype)) type_id = ot.overridetype_id dsc_type_id = get_override_type("dsc", session).overridetype_id source_priority_id = get_priority("optional", session).priority_id if otype == "deb" or otype == "udeb": packages = {} # TODO: Fix to use placeholders (check how to with arrays) q = session.execute(""" SELECT b.package FROM binaries b JOIN bin_associations ba ON = ba.bin JOIN suite ON ba.suite = JOIN files_archive_map af ON b.file = af.file_id AND suite.archive_id = af.archive_id WHERE b.type = :otype AND ba.suite IN :affected_suites AND af.component_id = :component_id """, {'otype': otype, 'affected_suites': tuple(affected_suites), 'component_id': component_id}) for i in q.fetchall(): packages[i[0]] = 0 src_packages = {} q = session.execute(""" SELECT s.source FROM source s JOIN src_associations sa ON = sa.source JOIN suite ON sa.suite = JOIN files_archive_map af ON s.file = af.file_id AND suite.archive_id = af.archive_id WHERE sa.suite IN :affected_suites AND af.component_id = :component_id """, {'affected_suites': tuple(affected_suites), 'component_id': component_id}) for i in q.fetchall(): src_packages[i[0]] = 0 # ----------- # Drop unused overrides q = session.execute("""SELECT package, priority, section, maintainer FROM override WHERE suite = :suite_id AND component = :component_id AND type = :type_id""", {'suite_id': osuite_id, 'component_id': component_id, 'type_id': type_id}) # We're already within a transaction if otype == "dsc": for i in q.fetchall(): package = i[0] if package in src_packages: src_packages[package] = 1 else: if package in blacklist: utils.warn("%s in incoming, not touching" % package) continue Logger.log(["removing unused override", osuite, component, otype, package, priorities[i[1]], sections[i[2]], i[3]]) if not Options["No-Action"]: session.execute("""DELETE FROM override WHERE package = :package AND suite = :suite_id AND component = :component_id AND type = :type_id AND created < now() - interval '14 days'""", {'package': package, 'suite_id': osuite_id, 'component_id': component_id, 'type_id': type_id}) # create source overrides based on binary overrides, as source # overrides not always get created q = session.execute("""SELECT package, priority, section, maintainer FROM override WHERE suite = :suite_id AND component = :component_id""", {'suite_id': osuite_id, 'component_id': component_id}) for i in q.fetchall(): package = i[0] if package not in src_packages or src_packages[package]: continue src_packages[package] = 1 Logger.log(["add missing override", osuite, component, otype, package, "source", sections[i[2]], i[3]]) if not Options["No-Action"]: session.execute("""INSERT INTO override (package, suite, component, priority, section, type, maintainer) VALUES (:package, :suite_id, :component_id, :priority_id, :section_id, :type_id, :maintainer)""", {'package': package, 'suite_id': osuite_id, 'component_id': component_id, 'priority_id': source_priority_id, 'section_id': i[2], 'type_id': dsc_type_id, 'maintainer': i[3]}) # Check whether originosuite has an override for us we can # copy if originosuite: q = session.execute("""SELECT origin.package, origin.priority, origin.section, origin.maintainer, target.priority, target.section, target.maintainer FROM override origin LEFT JOIN override target ON (origin.package = target.package AND target.suite = :suite_id AND origin.component = target.component AND origin.type = target.type) WHERE origin.suite = :originsuite_id AND origin.component = :component_id AND origin.type = :type_id""", {'suite_id': osuite_id, 'originsuite_id': originosuite_id, 'component_id': component_id, 'type_id': type_id}) for i in q.fetchall(): package = i[0] if package not in src_packages or src_packages[package]: if i[4] and (i[1] != i[4] or i[2] != i[5] or i[3] != i[6]): Logger.log(["syncing override", osuite, component, otype, package, "source", sections[i[5]], i[6], "source", sections[i[2]], i[3]]) if not Options["No-Action"]: session.execute("""UPDATE override SET priority = :priority, section = :section, maintainer = :maintainer WHERE package = :package AND suite = :suite_id AND component = :component_id AND type = :type_id""", {'priority': i[1], 'section': i[2], 'maintainer': i[3], 'package': package, 'suite_id': osuite_id, 'component_id': component_id, 'type_id': dsc_type_id}) continue # we can copy src_packages[package] = 1 Logger.log(["copying missing override", osuite, component, otype, package, "source", sections[i[2]], i[3]]) if not Options["No-Action"]: session.execute("""INSERT INTO override (package, suite, component, priority, section, type, maintainer) VALUES (:package, :suite_id, :component_id, :priority_id, :section_id, :type_id, :maintainer)""", {'package': package, 'suite_id': osuite_id, 'component_id': component_id, 'priority_id': source_priority_id, 'section_id': i[2], 'type_id': dsc_type_id, 'maintainer': i[3]}) for package, hasoverride in list(src_packages.items()): if not hasoverride: utils.warn("%s has no override!" % package) else: # binary override for i in q.fetchall(): package = i[0] if package in packages: packages[package] = 1 else: if package in blacklist: utils.warn("%s in incoming, not touching" % package) continue Logger.log(["removing unused override", osuite, component, otype, package, priorities[i[1]], sections[i[2]], i[3]]) if not Options["No-Action"]: session.execute("""DELETE FROM override WHERE package = :package AND suite = :suite_id AND component = :component_id AND type = :type_id AND created < now() - interval '14 days'""", {'package': package, 'suite_id': osuite_id, 'component_id': component_id, 'type_id': type_id}) # Check whether originosuite has an override for us we can # copy if originosuite: q = session.execute("""SELECT origin.package, origin.priority, origin.section, origin.maintainer, target.priority, target.section, target.maintainer FROM override origin LEFT JOIN override target ON (origin.package = target.package AND target.suite = :suite_id AND origin.component = target.component AND origin.type = target.type) WHERE origin.suite = :originsuite_id AND origin.component = :component_id AND origin.type = :type_id""", {'suite_id': osuite_id, 'originsuite_id': originosuite_id, 'component_id': component_id, 'type_id': type_id}) for i in q.fetchall(): package = i[0] if package not in packages or packages[package]: if i[4] and (i[1] != i[4] or i[2] != i[5] or i[3] != i[6]): Logger.log(["syncing override", osuite, component, otype, package, priorities[i[4]], sections[i[5]], i[6], priorities[i[1]], sections[i[2]], i[3]]) if not Options["No-Action"]: session.execute("""UPDATE override SET priority = :priority_id, section = :section_id, maintainer = :maintainer WHERE package = :package AND suite = :suite_id AND component = :component_id AND type = :type_id""", {'priority_id': i[1], 'section_id': i[2], 'maintainer': i[3], 'package': package, 'suite_id': osuite_id, 'component_id': component_id, 'type_id': type_id}) continue # we can copy packages[package] = 1 Logger.log(["copying missing override", osuite, component, otype, package, priorities[i[1]], sections[i[2]], i[3]]) if not Options["No-Action"]: session.execute("""INSERT INTO override (package, suite, component, priority, section, type, maintainer) VALUES (:package, :suite_id, :component_id, :priority_id, :section_id, :type_id, :maintainer)""", {'package': package, 'suite_id': osuite_id, 'component_id': component_id, 'priority_id': i[1], 'section_id': i[2], 'type_id': type_id, 'maintainer': i[3]}) for package, hasoverride in list(packages.items()): if not hasoverride: utils.warn("%s has no override!" % package) session.commit() sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]def main(): global Logger, Options, sections, priorities cnf = Config() Arguments = [('h', "help", "Check-Overrides::Options::Help"), ('n', "no-action", "Check-Overrides::Options::No-Action")] for i in ["help", "no-action"]: key = "Check-Overrides::Options::%s" % i if key not in cnf: cnf[key] = "" apt_pkg.parse_commandline(cnf.Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv) Options = cnf.subtree("Check-Overrides::Options") if Options["Help"]: usage() session = DBConn().session() # init sections, priorities: # We need forward and reverse sections = get_sections(session) for name, entry in list(sections.items()): sections[entry] = name priorities = get_priorities(session) for name, entry in list(priorities.items()): priorities[entry] = name if not Options["No-Action"]: Logger = daklog.Logger("check-overrides") else: Logger = daklog.Logger("check-overrides", 1) for suite in session.query(Suite).filter(Suite.overrideprocess == True): # noqa:E712 originosuite = None originremark = '' if suite.overrideorigin is not None: originosuite = get_suite(suite.overrideorigin, session) if originosuite is None: utils.fubar("%s has an override origin suite of %s but it doesn't exist!" % (suite.suite_name, suite.overrideorigin)) originosuite = originosuite.suite_name originremark = " taking missing from %s" % originosuite print("Processing %s%s..." % (suite.suite_name, originremark)) # Get a list of all suites that use the override file of 'suite.suite_name' as # well as the suite ocodename = suite.codename suiteids = [x.suite_id for x in session.query(Suite).filter(Suite.overridecodename == ocodename).all()] if suite.suite_id not in suiteids: suiteids.append(suite.suite_id) if len(suiteids) < 1: utils.fubar("Couldn't find id's of all suites: %s" % suiteids) for component in session.query(Component).all(): # It is crucial for the dsc override creation based on binary # overrides that 'dsc' goes first component_name = component.component_name otypes = ['dsc'] for ot in session.query(OverrideType): if ot.overridetype == 'dsc': continue otypes.append(ot.overridetype) for otype in otypes: print("Processing %s [%s - %s]" % (suite.suite_name, component_name, otype)) sys.stdout.flush() process(suite.suite_name, suiteids, originosuite, component_name, otype, session) Logger.close()
################################################################################ if __name__ == '__main__': main()