Source code for dak.clean_suites

#! /usr/bin/env python3

""" Cleans up unassociated binary and source packages

@contact: Debian FTPMaster <>
@copyright: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006  James Troup <>
@copyright: 2009  Mark Hymers <>
@copyright: 2010  Joerg Jaspert <>
@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


# 07:05|<elmo> well.. *shrug*.. no, probably not.. but to fix it,
#      |       we're going to have to implement reference counting
#      |       through dependencies.. do we really want to go down
#      |       that road?
# 07:05|<Culus> elmo: Augh! <brain jumps out of skull>


import errno
import os
import sqlalchemy.sql as sql
import stat
import sys
import apt_pkg
from datetime import datetime

from daklib.config import Config
from daklib.dbconn import *
from daklib import utils
from daklib import daklog


Options = None
Logger = None


[docs]def usage(exit_code=0): print("""Usage: dak clean-suites [OPTIONS] Clean old packages from suites. -n, --no-action don't do anything -h, --help show this help and exit -m, --maximum maximum number of files to remove""") sys.exit(exit_code)
[docs]def check_binaries(now_date, session): Logger.log(["Checking for orphaned binary packages..."]) # Get the list of binary packages not in a suite and mark them for # deletion. # Check for any binaries which are marked for eventual deletion # but are now used again. query = """ WITH usage AS ( SELECT af.archive_id AS archive_id, af.file_id AS file_id, af.component_id AS component_id, BOOL_OR(EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM bin_associations ba JOIN suite s ON ba.suite = WHERE ba.bin = AND s.archive_id = af.archive_id)) AS in_use FROM files_archive_map af JOIN binaries b ON af.file_id = b.file GROUP BY af.archive_id, af.file_id, af.component_id ) UPDATE files_archive_map af SET last_used = CASE WHEN usage.in_use THEN NULL ELSE :last_used END FROM usage, files f, archive WHERE af.archive_id = usage.archive_id AND af.file_id = usage.file_id AND af.component_id = usage.component_id AND ((af.last_used IS NULL AND NOT usage.in_use) OR (af.last_used IS NOT NULL AND usage.in_use)) AND af.file_id = AND af.archive_id = RETURNING, f.filename, af.last_used IS NULL""" res = session.execute(query, {'last_used': now_date}) for i in res: op = "set lastused" if i[2]: op = "unset lastused" Logger.log([op, i[0], i[1]])
[docs]def check_sources(now_date, session): Logger.log(["Checking for orphaned source packages..."]) # Get the list of source packages not in a suite and not used by # any binaries. # Check for any sources which are marked for deletion but which # are now used again. # TODO: the UPDATE part is the same as in check_binaries. Merge? query = """ WITH usage AS ( SELECT af.archive_id AS archive_id, af.file_id AS file_id, af.component_id AS component_id, BOOL_OR(EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM src_associations sa JOIN suite s ON sa.suite = WHERE sa.source = df.source AND s.archive_id = af.archive_id) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM files_archive_map af_bin JOIN binaries b ON af_bin.file_id = b.file WHERE b.source = df.source AND af_bin.archive_id = af.archive_id AND (af_bin.last_used IS NULL OR af_bin.last_used > ad.delete_date)) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM extra_src_references esr JOIN bin_associations ba ON esr.bin_id = ba.bin JOIN binaries b ON ba.bin = JOIN suite s ON ba.suite = WHERE esr.src_id = df.source AND s.archive_id = af.archive_id)) AS in_use FROM files_archive_map af JOIN dsc_files df ON af.file_id = df.file JOIN archive_delete_date ad ON af.archive_id = ad.archive_id GROUP BY af.archive_id, af.file_id, af.component_id ) UPDATE files_archive_map af SET last_used = CASE WHEN usage.in_use THEN NULL ELSE :last_used END FROM usage, files f, archive WHERE af.archive_id = usage.archive_id AND af.file_id = usage.file_id AND af.component_id = usage.component_id AND ((af.last_used IS NULL AND NOT usage.in_use) OR (af.last_used IS NOT NULL AND usage.in_use)) AND af.file_id = AND af.archive_id = RETURNING, f.filename, af.last_used IS NULL """ res = session.execute(query, {'last_used': now_date}) for i in res: op = "set lastused" if i[2]: op = "unset lastused" Logger.log([op, i[0], i[1]])
[docs]def check_files(now_date, session): # FIXME: this is evil; nothing should ever be in this state. if # they are, it's a bug. # However, we've discovered it happens sometimes so we print a huge warning # and then mark the file for deletion. This probably masks a bug somwhere # else but is better than collecting cruft forever Logger.log(["Checking for unused files..."]) q = session.execute(""" UPDATE files_archive_map af SET last_used = :last_used FROM files f, archive WHERE af.file_id = AND af.archive_id = AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM binaries b WHERE b.file = af.file_id) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dsc_files df WHERE df.file = af.file_id) AND af.last_used IS NULL RETURNING, f.filename""", {'last_used': now_date}) for x in q: utils.warn("orphaned file: {0}".format(x)) Logger.log(["set lastused", x[0], x[1], "ORPHANED FILE"]) if not Options["No-Action"]: session.commit()
[docs]def clean_binaries(now_date, session): # We do this here so that the binaries we remove will have their # source also removed (if possible). # XXX: why doesn't this remove the files here as well? I don't think it # buys anything keeping this separate Logger.log(["Deleting from binaries table... "]) q = session.execute(""" DELETE FROM binaries b USING files f WHERE = b.file AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM files_archive_map af JOIN archive_delete_date ad ON af.archive_id = ad.archive_id WHERE af.file_id = b.file AND (af.last_used IS NULL OR af.last_used > ad.delete_date)) RETURNING f.filename """) for b in q: Logger.log(["delete binary", b[0]])
[docs]def clean(now_date, archives, max_delete, session): cnf = Config() count = 0 size = 0 Logger.log(["Cleaning out packages..."]) morguedir = cnf.get("Dir::Morgue", os.path.join("Dir::Pool", 'morgue')) morguesubdir = cnf.get("Clean-Suites::MorgueSubDir", 'pool') # Build directory as morguedir/morguesubdir/year/month/day dest = os.path.join(morguedir, morguesubdir, str(now_date.year), '%.2d' % now_date.month, '%.2d' % if not Options["No-Action"] and not os.path.exists(dest): os.makedirs(dest) # Delete from source Logger.log(["Deleting from source table..."]) q = session.execute(""" WITH deleted_sources AS ( DELETE FROM source USING files f WHERE source.file = AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM files_archive_map af JOIN archive_delete_date ad ON af.archive_id = ad.archive_id WHERE af.file_id = source.file AND (af.last_used IS NULL OR af.last_used > ad.delete_date)) RETURNING AS id, f.filename AS filename ), deleted_dsc_files AS ( DELETE FROM dsc_files df WHERE df.source IN (SELECT id FROM deleted_sources) RETURNING df.file AS file_id ), now_unused_source_files AS ( UPDATE files_archive_map af SET last_used = '1977-03-13 13:37:42' -- Kill it now. We waited long enough before removing the .dsc. WHERE af.file_id IN (SELECT file_id FROM deleted_dsc_files) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dsc_files df WHERE df.file = af.file_id) ) SELECT filename FROM deleted_sources""") for s in q: Logger.log(["delete source", s[0]]) if not Options["No-Action"]: session.commit() # Delete files from the pool old_files = session.query(ArchiveFile).filter(sql.text('files_archive_map.last_used <= (SELECT delete_date FROM archive_delete_date ad WHERE ad.archive_id = files_archive_map.archive_id)')).join(Archive) if max_delete is not None: old_files = old_files.limit(max_delete) Logger.log(["Limiting removals to %d" % max_delete]) if archives is not None: archive_ids = [a.archive_id for a in archives] old_files = old_files.filter(ArchiveFile.archive_id.in_(archive_ids)) for af in old_files: filename = af.path try: st = os.lstat(filename) except FileNotFoundError: Logger.log(["database referred to non-existing file", filename]) session.delete(af) continue Logger.log(["delete archive file", filename]) if stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): count += 1 Logger.log(["delete symlink", filename]) if not Options["No-Action"]: os.unlink(filename) session.delete(af) elif stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): size += st.st_size count += 1 dest_filename = dest + '/' + os.path.basename(filename) # If the destination file exists; try to find another filename to use if os.path.lexists(dest_filename): dest_filename = utils.find_next_free(dest_filename) if not Options["No-Action"]: if af.archive.use_morgue: Logger.log(["move to morgue", filename, dest_filename]) utils.move(filename, dest_filename) else: Logger.log(["removed file", filename]) os.unlink(filename) session.delete(af) else: utils.fubar("%s is neither symlink nor file?!" % (filename)) if count > 0: Logger.log(["total", count, utils.size_type(size)]) # Delete entries in files no longer referenced by any archive query = """ DELETE FROM files f WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM files_archive_map af WHERE af.file_id = """ session.execute(query) if not Options["No-Action"]: session.commit()
[docs]def clean_maintainers(now_date, session): Logger.log(["Cleaning out unused Maintainer entries..."]) # TODO Replace this whole thing with one SQL statement q = session.execute(""" SELECT, FROM maintainer m WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM binaries b WHERE b.maintainer = AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM source s WHERE s.maintainer = OR s.changedby = AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM src_uploaders u WHERE u.maintainer =""") count = 0 for i in q.fetchall(): maintainer_id = i[0] Logger.log(["delete maintainer", i[1]]) if not Options["No-Action"]: session.execute("DELETE FROM maintainer WHERE id = :maint", {'maint': maintainer_id}) count += 1 if not Options["No-Action"]: session.commit() if count > 0: Logger.log(["total", count])
[docs]def clean_fingerprints(now_date, session): Logger.log(["Cleaning out unused fingerprint entries..."]) # TODO Replace this whole thing with one SQL statement q = session.execute(""" SELECT, f.fingerprint FROM fingerprint f WHERE f.keyring IS NULL AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM binaries b WHERE b.sig_fpr = AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM source s WHERE s.sig_fpr = AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM acl_per_source aps WHERE aps.created_by_id =""") count = 0 for i in q.fetchall(): fingerprint_id = i[0] Logger.log(["delete fingerprint", i[1]]) if not Options["No-Action"]: session.execute("DELETE FROM fingerprint WHERE id = :fpr", {'fpr': fingerprint_id}) count += 1 if not Options["No-Action"]: session.commit() if count > 0: Logger.log(["total", count])
[docs]def clean_byhash(now_date, session): cnf = Config() Logger.log(["Cleaning out unused by-hash files..."]) q = session.execute(""" DELETE FROM hashfile h USING suite s, archive a WHERE = h.suite_id AND = s.archive_id AND h.unreferenced + a.stayofexecution < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP RETURNING a.path, s.suite_name, h.path""") count = q.rowcount if not Options["No-Action"]: for base, suite, path in q: suite_suffix = utils.suite_suffix(suite) filename = os.path.join(base, 'dists', suite, suite_suffix, path) try: os.unlink(filename) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise Logger.log(['database referred to non-existing file', filename]) else: Logger.log(['delete hashfile', suite, path]) session.commit() if count > 0: Logger.log(["total", count])
[docs]def clean_empty_directories(session): """ Removes empty directories from pool directories. """ Logger.log(["Cleaning out empty directories..."]) count = 0 cursor = session.execute( """SELECT DISTINCT(path) FROM archive""" ) bases = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()] for base in bases: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(base, topdown=False): if not filenames and not dirnames: to_remove = os.path.join(base, dirpath) if not Options["No-Action"]: Logger.log(["removing directory", to_remove]) os.removedirs(to_remove) count += 1 if count: Logger.log(["total removed directories", count])
[docs]def set_archive_delete_dates(now_date, session): session.execute(""" CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE archive_delete_date ( archive_id INT NOT NULL, delete_date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL )""") session.execute(""" INSERT INTO archive_delete_date (archive_id, delete_date) SELECT, :now_date - archive.stayofexecution FROM archive""", {'now_date': now_date}) session.flush()
[docs]def main(): global Options, Logger cnf = Config() for i in ["Help", "No-Action", "Maximum"]: key = "Clean-Suites::Options::%s" % i if key not in cnf: cnf[key] = "" Arguments = [('h', "help", "Clean-Suites::Options::Help"), ('a', 'archive', 'Clean-Suites::Options::Archive', 'HasArg'), ('n', "no-action", "Clean-Suites::Options::No-Action"), ('m', "maximum", "Clean-Suites::Options::Maximum", "HasArg")] apt_pkg.parse_commandline(cnf.Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv) Options = cnf.subtree("Clean-Suites::Options") if cnf["Clean-Suites::Options::Maximum"] != "": try: # Only use Maximum if it's an integer max_delete = int(cnf["Clean-Suites::Options::Maximum"]) if max_delete < 1: utils.fubar("If given, Maximum must be at least 1") except ValueError as e: utils.fubar("If given, Maximum must be an integer") else: max_delete = None if Options["Help"]: usage() program = "clean-suites" if Options['No-Action']: program = "clean-suites (no action)" Logger = daklog.Logger(program, debug=Options["No-Action"]) session = DBConn().session() archives = None if 'Archive' in Options: archive_names = Options['Archive'].split(',') archives = session.query(Archive).filter(Archive.archive_name.in_(archive_names)).all() if len(archives) == 0: utils.fubar('Unknown archive.') now_date = set_archive_delete_dates(now_date, session) check_binaries(now_date, session) clean_binaries(now_date, session) check_sources(now_date, session) check_files(now_date, session) clean(now_date, archives, max_delete, session) clean_maintainers(now_date, session) clean_fingerprints(now_date, session) clean_byhash(now_date, session) clean_empty_directories(session) session.rollback() Logger.close()
################################################################################ if __name__ == '__main__': main()