Source code for dak.dak

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Wrapper to launch dak functionality


# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Anthony Towns <>
# Copyright (C) 2006 James Troup <>

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


# well I don't know where you're from but in AMERICA, there's a little
# thing called "abstinent until proven guilty."
#  --

# (if James had a blog, I bet I could find a funny quote in it to use!)


import importlib
import os
import sys
import traceback

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))))

import daklib.utils

from daklib.daklog import Logger


[docs]def init(): """Setup the list of modules and brief explanation of what they do.""" functionality = [ ("ls", "Show which suites packages are in"), ("override", "Query/change the overrides"), ("check-archive", "Archive sanity checks"), ("queue-report", "Produce a report on NEW and BYHAND packages"), ("show-new", "Output html for packages in NEW"), ("show-deferred", "Output html and symlinks for packages in DEFERRED"), ("graph", "Output graphs of number of packages in various queues"), ("rm", "Remove packages from suites"), ("process-new", "Process NEW and BYHAND packages"), ("process-upload", "Process packages in queue/unchecked"), ("process-commands", "Process command files (*.dak-commands)"), ("process-policy", "Process packages in policy queues from COMMENTS files"), ("dominate", "Remove obsolete source and binary associations from suites"), ("export", "Export uploads from policy queues"), ("export-suite", "export a suite to a flat directory structure"), ("make-pkg-file-mapping", "Generate package <-> file mapping"), ("generate-releases", "Generate Release files"), ("generate-packages-sources2", "Generate Packages/Sources files"), ("contents", "Generate content files"), ("metadata", "Load data for packages/sources files"), ("generate-index-diffs", "Generate .diff/Index files"), ("clean-suites", "Clean unused/superseded packages from the archive"), ("manage-build-queues", "Clean and update metadata for build queues"), ("manage-debug-suites", "Clean obsolete packages from debug suites"), ("manage-external-signature-requests", "Maintain external signature requests"), ("clean-queues", "Clean cruft from incoming"), ("archive-dedup-pool", "De-duplicates files in the pool directory"), ("transitions", "Manage the release transition file"), ("check-overrides", "Override cruft checks"), ("control-overrides", "Manipulate/list override entries in bulk"), ("control-suite", "Manipulate suites in bulk"), ("update-suite", "Update suite with packages from a different suite"), ("cruft-report", "Check for obsolete or duplicated packages"), ("auto-decruft", "Clean cruft without reverse dependencies automatically"), ("examine-package", "Show information useful for NEW processing"), ("import", "Import existing source and binary packages"), ("import-repository", "Import packages from another repository"), ("import-keyring", "Populate fingerprint/uid table based on a new/updated keyring"), ("import-users-from-passwd", "Sync PostgreSQL users with passwd file"), ("acl", "Manage upload ACLs"), ("admin", "Perform administration on the dak database"), ("update-db", "Updates databae schema to latest revision"), ("init-dirs", "Initial setup of the archive"), ("make-maintainers", "Generates Maintainers file for BTS etc"), ("make-overrides", "Generates override files"), ("new-security-install", "New way to install a security upload into the archive"), ("stats", "Generate statistics"), ("bts-categorize", "Categorize uncategorized bugs filed against"), ("add-user", "Add a user to the archive"), ("make-changelog", "Generate changelog between two suites"), ("copy-installer", "Copies the installer from one suite to another"), ("external-overrides", "Modify external overrides"), ("write-sections", "Write out section descriptions"), ("find-files", "Find files related to a given source package and version"), ] return functionality
[docs]def usage(functionality, exit_code=0): """Print a usage message and exit with 'exit_code'.""" print("""Usage: dak COMMAND [...] Run DAK commands. (Will also work if invoked as COMMAND.) Available commands:""") for (command, description) in functionality: print(" %-23s %s" % (command, description)) sys.exit(exit_code)
[docs]def main(): """Launch dak functionality.""" try: logger = Logger('dak top-level', print_starting=False) except OSError: logger = None functionality = init() modules = [command for (command, _) in functionality] if len(sys.argv) == 0: daklib.utils.fubar("err, argc == 0? how is that possible?") elif (len(sys.argv) == 1 or (len(sys.argv) == 2 and (sys.argv[1] == "--help" or sys.argv[1] == "-h"))): usage(functionality) # First see if we were invoked with/as the name of a module cmdname = sys.argv[0] cmdname = cmdname[cmdname.rfind("/") + 1:] if cmdname in modules: pass # Otherwise the argument is the module else: cmdname = sys.argv[1] sys.argv = [sys.argv[0] + " " + sys.argv[1]] + sys.argv[2:] if cmdname not in modules: match = [] for name in modules: if name.startswith(cmdname): match.append(name) if len(match) == 1: cmdname = match[0] elif len(match) > 1: daklib.utils.warn("ambiguous command '%s' - could be %s" % (cmdname, ", ".join(match))) usage(functionality, 1) else: daklib.utils.warn("unknown command '%s'" % (cmdname)) usage(functionality, 1) # Invoke the module module = importlib.import_module("dak.{}".format(cmdname.replace("-", "_"))) try: module.main() except KeyboardInterrupt: msg = 'KeyboardInterrupt caught; exiting' print(msg) if logger: logger.log([msg]) sys.exit(1) except SystemExit: raise except: if logger: for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n')[:-1]: logger.log(['exception', line]) raise
################################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": os.environ['LANG'] = 'C' os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C' main()