Source code for dak.dakdb.update75

Multi-archive support; convert policy and build queues to regular suites

@contact: Debian FTP Master <>
@copyright: 2012 Ansgar Burchardt <>
@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


import psycopg2
from daklib.dak_exceptions import DBUpdateError
from daklib.config import Config

import os


[docs]def _track_files_per_archive(cnf, c): c.execute("SELECT id FROM archive") (archive_id,) = c.fetchone() if c.fetchone() is not None: raise DBUpdateError("Cannot automatically upgrade from installation with multiple archives.") c.execute("""CREATE TABLE files_archive_map ( file_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES files(id), archive_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES archive(id), component_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES component(id), last_used TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (file_id, archive_id, component_id) )""") c.execute("""INSERT INTO files_archive_map (file_id, archive_id, component_id) SELECT, %s, l.component FROM files f JOIN location l ON f.location =""", (archive_id,)) c.execute("""UPDATE files f SET filename = substring(f.filename FROM || '/(.*)') FROM location l, component c WHERE f.location = AND l.component = AND f.filename LIKE || '/%'""") # NOTE: The location table would need these changes, but we drop it later # anyway. # c.execute("""UPDATE location l SET path = path || || '/' # FROM component c # WHERE l.component = # AND l.path NOT LIKE '%/' || || '/'""") c.execute("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS binfiles_suite_component_arch") c.execute("ALTER TABLE files DROP COLUMN location") c.execute("DROP TABLE location")
[docs]def _convert_policy_queues(cnf, c): base = cnf['Dir::Base'] new_path = os.path.join(base, 'new') policy_path = os.path.join(base, 'policy') # Forget changes in (old) policy queues so they can be processed again. c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS build_queue_policy_files") c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS build_queue_files") c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS changes_pending_binaries") c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS changes_pending_source_files") c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS changes_pending_source") c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS changes_pending_files_map") c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS changes_pending_files") c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS changes_pool_files") c.execute("DELETE FROM changes WHERE in_queue IS NOT NULL") # newstage and unchecked are no longer queues c.execute(""" DELETE FROM policy_queue WHERE queue_name IN ('newstage', 'unchecked') """) # Create archive for NEW c.execute("INSERT INTO archive (name, description, path, tainted, use_morgue, mode) VALUES ('new', 'new queue', %s, 't', 'f', '0640') RETURNING (id)", (new_path,)) (new_archive_id,) = c.fetchone() # Create archive for policy queues c.execute("INSERT INTO archive (name, description, path, use_morgue) VALUES ('policy', 'policy queues', %s, 'f') RETURNING (id)", (policy_path,)) (archive_id,) = c.fetchone() # Add suites for policy queues c.execute(""" INSERT INTO suite (archive_id, suite_name, origin, label, description, signingkeys) SELECT %s, queue_name, origin, label, releasedescription, NULLIF(ARRAY[signingkey], ARRAY[NULL]) FROM policy_queue WHERE queue_name NOT IN ('unchecked') """, (archive_id,)) # move NEW to its own archive c.execute("UPDATE suite SET archive_id=%s WHERE suite_name IN ('byhand', 'new')", (new_archive_id,)) c.execute("""ALTER TABLE policy_queue DROP COLUMN origin, DROP COLUMN label, DROP COLUMN releasedescription, DROP COLUMN signingkey, DROP COLUMN stay_of_execution, DROP COLUMN perms, ADD COLUMN suite_id INT REFERENCES suite(id) """) c.execute("UPDATE policy_queue pq SET FROM suite s WHERE s.suite_name = pq.queue_name") c.execute("ALTER TABLE policy_queue ALTER COLUMN suite_id SET NOT NULL") c.execute("""INSERT INTO suite_architectures (suite, architecture) SELECT pq.suite_id, sa.architecture FROM policy_queue pq JOIN suite ON = suite.policy_queue_id JOIN suite_architectures sa ON = sa.suite WHERE pq.queue_name NOT IN ('byhand', 'new') GROUP BY pq.suite_id, sa.architecture""") # We only add architectures from suite_architectures to only add # arches actually in use. It's not too important to have the # right set of arches for policy queues anyway unless you want # to generate Packages indices. c.execute("""INSERT INTO suite_architectures (suite, architecture) SELECT DISTINCT pq.suite_id, sa.architecture FROM policy_queue pq, suite_architectures sa WHERE pq.queue_name IN ('byhand', 'new')""") c.execute("""CREATE TABLE policy_queue_upload ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, policy_queue_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES policy_queue(id), target_suite_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES suite(id), changes_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES changes(id), source_id INT REFERENCES source(id), UNIQUE (policy_queue_id, target_suite_id, changes_id) )""") c.execute("""CREATE TABLE policy_queue_upload_binaries_map ( policy_queue_upload_id INT REFERENCES policy_queue_upload(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, binary_id INT REFERENCES binaries(id), PRIMARY KEY (policy_queue_upload_id, binary_id) )""") c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE policy_queue_byhand_file ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, upload_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES policy_queue_upload(id), filename TEXT NOT NULL, processed BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 'f' )""") c.execute("""ALTER TABLE changes DROP COLUMN in_queue, DROP COLUMN approved_for """)
[docs]def _convert_build_queues(cnf, c): base = cnf['Dir::Base'] build_queue_path = os.path.join(base, 'build-queues') c.execute("INSERT INTO archive (name, description, path, tainted, use_morgue) VALUES ('build-queues', 'build queues', %s, 't', 'f') RETURNING id", [build_queue_path]) archive_id, = c.fetchone() c.execute("ALTER TABLE build_queue ADD COLUMN suite_id INT REFERENCES suite(id)") c.execute(""" INSERT INTO suite (archive_id, suite_name, origin, label, description, signingkeys, notautomatic) SELECT %s, queue_name, origin, label, releasedescription, NULLIF(ARRAY[signingkey], ARRAY[NULL]), notautomatic FROM build_queue """, [archive_id]) c.execute("UPDATE build_queue bq SET suite_id=(SELECT id FROM suite s WHERE s.suite_name = bq.queue_name)") c.execute("ALTER TABLE build_queue ALTER COLUMN suite_id SET NOT NULL") c.execute("""INSERT INTO suite_architectures (suite, architecture) SELECT bq.suite_id, sa.architecture FROM build_queue bq JOIN suite_build_queue_copy sbqc ON = sbqc.build_queue_id JOIN suite ON sbqc.suite = JOIN suite_architectures sa ON = sa.suite GROUP BY bq.suite_id, sa.architecture""") c.execute("""ALTER TABLE build_queue DROP COLUMN path, DROP COLUMN copy_files, DROP COLUMN origin, DROP COLUMN label, DROP COLUMN releasedescription, DROP COLUMN signingkey, DROP COLUMN notautomatic""")
[docs]def do_update(self): print(__doc__) try: cnf = Config() if 'Dir::Base' not in cnf: print(""" MANUAL UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS =========================== This database update will convert policy and build queues to regular suites. For these archives will be created under Dir::Base: NEW: <base>/new policy queues: <base>/policy build queues: <base>/build-queues Please add Dir::Base to dak.conf and try the update again. Once the database upgrade is finished, you will have to reprocess all uploads currently in policy queues: just move them back to unchecked manually. """) raise DBUpdateError("Please update dak.conf and try again.") c = self.db.cursor() _track_files_per_archive(cnf, c) _convert_policy_queues(cnf, c) _convert_build_queues(cnf, c) c.execute("UPDATE config SET value = '75' WHERE name = 'db_revision'") self.db.commit() except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as msg: self.db.rollback() raise DBUpdateError('Unable to apply sick update 75, rollback issued. Error message : %s' % (str(msg)))