Source code for dak.examine_package

#! /usr/bin/env python3

Script to automate some parts of checking NEW packages

Most functions are written in a functional programming style. They
return a string avoiding the side effect of directly printing the string
to stdout. Those functions can be used in multithreaded parts of dak.

@contact: Debian FTP Master <>
@copyright: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006  James Troup <>
@copyright: 2009  Joerg Jaspert <>
@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


# <Omnic> elmo wrote docs?!!?!?!?!?!?!
# <aj> as if he wasn't scary enough before!!
# * aj imagines a little red furry toy sitting hunched over a computer
#   tapping furiously and giggling to himself
# <aj> eventually he stops, and his heads slowly spins around and you
#      see this really evil grin and then he sees you, and picks up a
#      knife from beside the keyboard and throws it at you, and as you
#      breathe your last breath, he starts giggling again
# <aj> but i should be telling this to my psychiatrist, not you guys,
#      right? :)


import errno
import hashlib
import html
import os
import re
import sys
import apt_pkg
import shutil
import subprocess
import tarfile
import tempfile
import threading

from daklib import utils
from daklib.config import Config
from daklib.dbconn import DBConn, get_component_by_package_suite
from daklib.gpg import SignedFile
from daklib.regexes import re_version, re_spacestrip, \
                           re_contrib, re_nonfree, re_localhost, re_newlinespace, \
                           re_package, re_doc_directory, re_file_binary


Cnf = None
Cnf = utils.get_conf()

printed = threading.local()
printed.copyrights = {}
package_relations = {}           #: Store relations of packages for later output

# default is to not output html.
use_html = False


[docs]def usage(exit_code=0): print("""Usage: dak examine-package [PACKAGE]... Check NEW package(s). -h, --help show this help and exit -H, --html-output output html page with inspection result -f, --file-name filename for the html page PACKAGE can be a .changes, .dsc, .deb or .udeb filename.""") sys.exit(exit_code)
################################################################################ # probably xml.sax.saxutils would work as well
[docs]def escape_if_needed(s): if use_html: return html.escape(s) else: return s
[docs]def headline(s, level=2, bodyelement=None): if use_html: if bodyelement: return """<thead> <tr><th colspan="2" class="title" onclick="toggle('%(bodyelement)s', 'table-row-group', 'table-row-group')">%(title)s <span class="toggle-msg">(click to toggle)</span></th></tr> </thead>\n""" % {"bodyelement": bodyelement, "title": html.escape(os.path.basename(s), quote=False)} else: return "<h%d>%s</h%d>\n" % (level, html.escape(s, quote=False), level) else: return "---- %s ----\n" % (s)
# Colour definitions, 'end' isn't really for use ansi_colours = { 'main': "\033[36m", 'contrib': "\033[33m", 'nonfree': "\033[31m", 'provides': "\033[35m", 'arch': "\033[32m", 'end': "\033[0m", 'bold': "\033[1m", 'maintainer': "\033[32m", 'distro': "\033[1m\033[41m", 'error': "\033[1m\033[41m", } html_colours = { 'main': ('<span style="color: green">', "</span>"), 'contrib': ('<span style="color: orange">', "</span>"), 'nonfree': ('<span style="color: red">', "</span>"), 'provides': ('<span style="color: magenta">', "</span>"), 'arch': ('<span style="color: green">', "</span>"), 'bold': ('<span style="font-weight: bold">', "</span>"), 'maintainer': ('<span style="color: green">', "</span>"), 'distro': ('<span style="font-weight: bold; background-color: red">', "</span>"), 'error': ('<span style="font-weight: bold; background-color: red">', "</span>"), }
[docs]def colour_output(s, colour): if use_html: return ("%s%s%s" % (html_colours[colour][0], html.escape(s, quote=False), html_colours[colour][1])) else: return ("%s%s%s" % (ansi_colours[colour], s, ansi_colours['end']))
[docs]def escaped_text(s, strip=False): if use_html: if strip: s = s.strip() return "<pre>%s</pre>" % (s) else: return s
[docs]def formatted_text(s, strip=False): if use_html: if strip: s = s.strip() return "<pre>%s</pre>" % (html.escape(s, quote=False)) else: return s
[docs]def output_row(s): if use_html: return """<tr><td>""" + s + """</td></tr>""" else: return s
[docs]def format_field(k, v): if use_html: return """<tr><td class="key">%s:</td><td class="val">%s</td></tr>""" % (k, v) else: return "%s: %s" % (k, v)
[docs]def foldable_output(title, elementnameprefix, content, norow=False): d = {'elementnameprefix': elementnameprefix} result = '' if use_html: result += """<div id="%(elementnameprefix)s-wrap"><a name="%(elementnameprefix)s"></a> <table class="infobox rfc822">\n""" % d result += headline(title, bodyelement="%(elementnameprefix)s-body" % d) if use_html: result += """ <tbody id="%(elementnameprefix)s-body" class="infobody">\n""" % d if norow: result += content + "\n" else: result += output_row(content) + "\n" if use_html: result += """</tbody></table></div>""" return result
[docs]def get_depends_parts(depend): v_match = re_version.match(depend) if v_match: d_parts = {'name':, 'version':} else: d_parts = {'name': depend, 'version': ''} return d_parts
[docs]def get_or_list(depend): or_list = depend.split("|") return or_list
[docs]def get_comma_list(depend): dep_list = depend.split(",") return dep_list
[docs]def split_depends(d_str): # creates a list of lists of dictionaries of depends (package,version relation) d_str = re_spacestrip.sub('', d_str) depends_tree = [] # first split depends string up amongs comma delimiter dep_list = get_comma_list(d_str) d = 0 while d < len(dep_list): # put depends into their own list depends_tree.append([dep_list[d]]) d += 1 d = 0 while d < len(depends_tree): k = 0 # split up Or'd depends into a multi-item list depends_tree[d] = get_or_list(depends_tree[d][0]) while k < len(depends_tree[d]): # split depends into {package, version relation} depends_tree[d][k] = get_depends_parts(depends_tree[d][k]) k += 1 d += 1 return depends_tree
[docs]def read_control(filename): recommends = [] predepends = [] depends = [] section = '' maintainer = '' arch = '' try: extracts = utils.deb_extract_control(filename) control = apt_pkg.TagSection(extracts) except: print(formatted_text("can't parse control info")) raise control_keys = list(control.keys()) if "Pre-Depends" in control: predepends_str = control["Pre-Depends"] predepends = split_depends(predepends_str) if "Depends" in control: depends_str = control["Depends"] # create list of dependancy lists depends = split_depends(depends_str) if "Recommends" in control: recommends_str = control["Recommends"] recommends = split_depends(recommends_str) if "Section" in control: section_str = control["Section"] c_match = nf_match = if c_match: # contrib colour section = colour_output(section_str, 'contrib') elif nf_match: # non-free colour section = colour_output(section_str, 'nonfree') else: # main section = colour_output(section_str, 'main') if "Architecture" in control: arch_str = control["Architecture"] arch = colour_output(arch_str, 'arch') if "Maintainer" in control: maintainer = control["Maintainer"] localhost = if localhost: # highlight bad email maintainer = colour_output(maintainer, 'maintainer') else: maintainer = escape_if_needed(maintainer) return (control, control_keys, section, predepends, depends, recommends, arch, maintainer)
[docs]def read_changes_or_dsc(suite, filename, session=None): dsc = {} with open(filename) as dsc_file: try: dsc = utils.parse_changes(filename, dsc_file=True) except: return formatted_text("can't parse .dsc control info") filecontents = strip_pgp_signature(filename) keysinorder = [] for l in filecontents.split('\n'): m = re.match(r'([-a-zA-Z0-9]*):', l) if m: keysinorder.append( for k in list(dsc.keys()): if k in ("build-depends", "build-depends-indep"): dsc[k] = create_depends_string(suite, split_depends(dsc[k]), session) elif k == "architecture": if (dsc["architecture"] != "any"): dsc['architecture'] = colour_output(dsc["architecture"], 'arch') elif k == "distribution": if dsc["distribution"] not in ('unstable', 'experimental'): dsc['distribution'] = colour_output(dsc["distribution"], 'distro') elif k in ("files", "changes", "description"): if use_html: dsc[k] = formatted_text(dsc[k], strip=True) else: dsc[k] = ('\n' + '\n'.join(' ' + x for x in dsc[k].split('\n'))).rstrip() else: dsc[k] = escape_if_needed(dsc[k]) filecontents = '\n'.join(format_field(x, dsc[x.lower()]) for x in keysinorder if not x.lower().startswith('checksums-') ) + '\n' return filecontents
[docs]def get_provides(suite): provides = set() session = DBConn().session() query = '''SELECT DISTINCT value FROM binaries_metadata m JOIN bin_associations b ON b.bin = m.bin_id WHERE key_id = ( SELECT key_id FROM metadata_keys WHERE key = 'Provides' ) AND b.suite = ( SELECT id FROM suite WHERE suite_name = :suite OR codename = :suite)''' for p in session.execute(query, {'suite': suite}): for e in p: for i in e.split(','): provides.add(i.strip()) session.close() return provides
[docs]def create_depends_string(suite, depends_tree, session=None): result = "" if suite == 'experimental': suite_list = ['experimental', 'unstable'] else: suite_list = [suite] provides = set() comma_count = 1 for l in depends_tree: if (comma_count >= 2): result += ", " or_count = 1 for d in l: if (or_count >= 2): result += " | " # doesn't do version lookup yet. component = get_component_by_package_suite(d['name'], suite_list, session=session) if component is not None: adepends = d['name'] if d['version'] != '': adepends += " (%s)" % (d['version']) if component == "contrib": result += colour_output(adepends, "contrib") elif component in ("non-free-firmware", "non-free"): result += colour_output(adepends, "nonfree") else: result += colour_output(adepends, "main") else: adepends = d['name'] if d['version'] != '': adepends += " (%s)" % (d['version']) if not provides: provides = get_provides(suite) if d['name'] in provides: result += colour_output(adepends, "provides") else: result += colour_output(adepends, "bold") or_count += 1 comma_count += 1 return result
[docs]def output_package_relations(): """ Output the package relations, if there is more than one package checked in this run. """ if len(package_relations) < 2: # Only list something if we have more than one binary to compare package_relations.clear() result = "" else: to_print = "" for package in package_relations: for relation in package_relations[package]: to_print += "%-15s: (%s) %s\n" % (package, relation, package_relations[package][relation]) package_relations.clear() result = foldable_output("Package relations", "relations", to_print) package_relations.clear() return result
[docs]def output_deb_info(suite, filename, packagename, session=None): (control, control_keys, section, predepends, depends, recommends, arch, maintainer) = read_control(filename) if control == '': return formatted_text("no control info") to_print = "" if packagename not in package_relations: package_relations[packagename] = {} for key in control_keys: if key == 'Source': field_value = escape_if_needed(control.find(key)) if use_html: field_value = '<a href="{0}" rel="nofollow">{0}</a>'.format( field_value) elif key == 'Pre-Depends': field_value = create_depends_string(suite, predepends, session) package_relations[packagename][key] = field_value elif key == 'Depends': field_value = create_depends_string(suite, depends, session) package_relations[packagename][key] = field_value elif key == 'Recommends': field_value = create_depends_string(suite, recommends, session) package_relations[packagename][key] = field_value elif key == 'Section': field_value = section elif key == 'Architecture': field_value = arch elif key == 'Maintainer': field_value = maintainer elif key in ('Homepage', 'Vcs-Browser'): field_value = escape_if_needed(control.find(key)) if use_html: field_value = '<a href="%s" rel="nofollow">%s</a>' % \ (field_value, field_value) elif key == 'Description': if use_html: field_value = formatted_text(control.find(key), strip=True) else: desc = control.find(key) desc = re_newlinespace.sub('\n ', desc) field_value = escape_if_needed(desc) else: field_value = escape_if_needed(control.find(key)) to_print += " " + format_field(key, field_value) + '\n' return to_print
[docs]def do_command(command, escaped=False): result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) if escaped: return escaped_text(result.stdout) else: return formatted_text(result.stdout)
[docs]def do_lintian(filename): cnf = Config() cmd = [] user = cnf.get('Dinstall::UnprivUser') or None if user is not None: cmd.extend(['sudo', '-H', '-u', user]) color = 'always' if use_html: color = 'html' cmd.extend(['lintian', '--show-overrides', '--color', color, "--", filename]) try: return do_command(cmd, escaped=True) except OSError as e: return (colour_output("Running lintian failed: %s" % (e), "error"))
[docs]def extract_one_file_from_deb(deb_filename, match): with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tmpfh: dpkg_cmd = ('dpkg-deb', '--fsys-tarfile', deb_filename) subprocess.check_call(dpkg_cmd, stdout=tmpfh) with, mode="r") as tar: matched_member = None for member in tar: if member.isfile() and match.match( matched_member = member break if not matched_member: return None, None fh = tar.extractfile(matched_member) matched_data = fh.close() return, matched_data
[docs]def get_readme_source(dsc_filename): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="dak-examine-package") as tempdir: targetdir = os.path.join(tempdir, "source") cmd = ('dpkg-source', '--no-check', '--no-copy', '-x', dsc_filename, targetdir) try: subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: res = "How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some\n old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home winemaking course, and I forgot how to drive?\n" res += "Error, couldn't extract source, WTF?\n" res += "'dpkg-source -x' failed. return code: %s.\n\n" % (e.returncode) res += e.output return res path = os.path.join(targetdir, 'debian/README.source') res = "" if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, 'r') as fh: res += formatted_text( else: res += "No README.source in this package\n\n" return res
[docs]def check_dsc(suite, dsc_filename, session=None): dsc = read_changes_or_dsc(suite, dsc_filename, session) dsc_basename = os.path.basename(dsc_filename) cdsc = foldable_output(dsc_filename, "dsc", dsc, norow=True) + \ "\n" + \ foldable_output("lintian {} check for {}".format( get_lintian_version(), dsc_basename), "source-lintian", do_lintian(dsc_filename)) + \ "\n" + \ foldable_output("README.source for %s" % dsc_basename, "source-readmesource", get_readme_source(dsc_filename)) return cdsc
[docs]def check_deb(suite, deb_filename, session=None): filename = os.path.basename(deb_filename) packagename = filename.split('_')[0] if filename.endswith(".udeb"): is_a_udeb = 1 else: is_a_udeb = 0 result = foldable_output("control file for %s" % (filename), "binary-%s-control" % packagename, output_deb_info(suite, deb_filename, packagename, session), norow=True) + "\n" if is_a_udeb: result += foldable_output("skipping lintian check for udeb", "binary-%s-lintian" % packagename, "") + "\n" else: result += foldable_output("lintian {} check for {}".format( get_lintian_version(), filename), "binary-%s-lintian" % packagename, do_lintian(deb_filename)) + "\n" result += foldable_output("contents of %s" % (filename), "binary-%s-contents" % packagename, do_command(["dpkg", "-c", deb_filename])) + "\n" if is_a_udeb: result += foldable_output("skipping copyright for udeb", "binary-%s-copyright" % packagename, "") + "\n" else: result += foldable_output("copyright of %s" % (filename), "binary-%s-copyright" % packagename, get_copyright(deb_filename)) + "\n" return result
# Read a file, strip the signature and return the modified contents as # a string.
[docs]def strip_pgp_signature(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: data = signedfile = SignedFile(data, keyrings=(), require_signature=False) return signedfile.contents.decode()
[docs]def display_changes(suite, changes_filename): global printed changes = read_changes_or_dsc(suite, changes_filename) printed.copyrights = {} return foldable_output(changes_filename, "changes", changes, norow=True)
[docs]def check_changes(changes_filename): try: changes = utils.parse_changes(changes_filename) except UnicodeDecodeError: utils.warn("Encoding problem with changes file %s" % (changes_filename)) output = display_changes(changes['distribution'], changes_filename) files = utils.build_file_list(changes) for f in files.keys(): if f.endswith(".deb") or f.endswith(".udeb"): output += check_deb(changes['distribution'], f) if f.endswith(".dsc"): output += check_dsc(changes['distribution'], f) # else: => byhand return output
[docs]def main(): global Cnf, db_files, waste, excluded # Cnf = utils.get_conf() Arguments = [('h', "help", "Examine-Package::Options::Help"), ('H', "html-output", "Examine-Package::Options::Html-Output"), ] for i in ["Help", "Html-Output", "partial-html"]: key = "Examine-Package::Options::%s" % i if key not in Cnf: Cnf[key] = "" args = apt_pkg.parse_commandline(Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv) Options = Cnf.subtree("Examine-Package::Options") if Options["Help"]: usage() if Options["Html-Output"]: global use_html use_html = True for f in args: try: if not Options["Html-Output"]: # Pipe output for each argument through less less_cmd = ("less", "-r", "-") less_process = subprocess.Popen(less_cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=0, text=True) less_fd = less_process.stdin # -R added to display raw control chars for colour my_fd = less_fd else: my_fd = sys.stdout try: if f.endswith(".changes"): my_fd.write(check_changes(f)) elif f.endswith(".deb") or f.endswith(".udeb"): # default to unstable when we don't have a .changes file # perhaps this should be a command line option? my_fd.write(check_deb('unstable', f)) elif f.endswith(".dsc"): my_fd.write(check_dsc('unstable', f)) else: utils.fubar("Unrecognised file type: '%s'." % (f)) finally: my_fd.write(output_package_relations()) if not Options["Html-Output"]: # Reset stdout here so future less invocations aren't FUBAR less_fd.close() less_process.wait() except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: utils.warn("[examine-package] Caught EPIPE; skipping.") pass else: raise except KeyboardInterrupt: utils.warn("[examine-package] Caught C-c; skipping.") pass
[docs]def get_lintian_version(): if not hasattr(get_lintian_version, '_version'): # eg. "Lintian v2.5.100" val = subprocess.check_output(('lintian', '--version'), text=True) get_lintian_version._version = val.split(' v')[-1].strip() return get_lintian_version._version
####################################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': main()