Source code for dak.generate_index_diffs

#! /usr/bin/env python3

""" generates partial package updates list"""


# idea and basic implementation by Anthony, some changes by Andreas
# parts are stolen from 'dak generate-releases'
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006  Anthony Towns <>
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005  Andreas Barth <>

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

# < elmo> bah, don't bother me with annoying facts
# < elmo> I was on a roll


import asyncio
import errno
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import traceback

import apt_pkg

from daklib import utils, pdiff
from daklib.dbconn import Archive, Component, DBConn, Suite, get_suite, get_suite_architectures
from daklib.pdiff import PDiffIndex

re_includeinpdiff = re.compile(r"(Translation-[a-zA-Z_]+\.(?:bz2|xz))")


Cnf = None
Logger = None
Options = None


[docs]def usage(exit_code=0): print("""Usage: dak generate-index-diffs [OPTIONS] [suites] Write out ed-style diffs to Packages/Source lists -h, --help show this help and exit -a <archive> generate diffs for suites in <archive> -c give the canonical path of the file -p name for the patch (defaults to current time) -d name for the hardlink farm for status -m how many diffs to generate -n take no action -v be verbose and list each file as we work on it """) sys.exit(exit_code)
[docs]def smartstat(file): for ext in ["", ".gz", ".bz2", ".xz", ".zst"]: if os.path.isfile(file + ext): return (ext, os.stat(file + ext)) return (None, None)
[docs]async def genchanges(Options, outdir, oldfile, origfile, maxdiffs=56, merged_pdiffs=False): if "NoAct" in Options: print("Not acting on: od: %s, oldf: %s, origf: %s, md: %s" % (outdir, oldfile, origfile, maxdiffs)) return patchname = Options["PatchName"] # origfile = /path/to/Packages # oldfile = ./Packages # newfile = ./Packages.tmp # (outdir, oldfile, origfile) = argv (oldext, oldstat) = smartstat(oldfile) (origext, origstat) = smartstat(origfile) if not origstat: print("%s: doesn't exist" % (origfile)) return # orig file with the (new) compression extension in case it changed old_full_path = oldfile + origext resolved_orig_path = os.path.realpath(origfile + origext) if not oldstat: print("%s: initial run" % origfile) # The target file might have been copying over the symlink as an accident # in a previous run. if os.path.islink(old_full_path): os.unlink(old_full_path), old_full_path) return if oldstat[1:3] == origstat[1:3]: return upd = PDiffIndex(outdir, int(maxdiffs), merged_pdiffs) if "CanonicalPath" in Options: upd.can_path = Options["CanonicalPath"] # generate_and_add_patch_file needs an uncompressed file # The `newfile` variable is our uncompressed copy of 'oldfile` thanks to # smartlink newfile = oldfile + ".new" if os.path.exists(newfile): os.unlink(newfile) await smartlink(origfile, newfile) try: await upd.generate_and_add_patch_file(oldfile, newfile, patchname) finally: os.unlink(newfile) upd.prune_patch_history() for obsolete_patch in upd.find_obsolete_patches(): tryunlink(obsolete_patch) upd.update_index() if oldfile + oldext != old_full_path and os.path.islink(old_full_path): # The target file might have been copying over the symlink as an accident # in a previous run. os.unlink(old_full_path) os.unlink(oldfile + oldext), old_full_path)
[docs]def main(): global Cnf, Options, Logger os.umask(0o002) Cnf = utils.get_conf() Arguments = [('h', "help", "Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::Help"), ('a', 'archive', 'Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::Archive', 'hasArg'), ('c', None, "Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::CanonicalPath", "hasArg"), ('p', "patchname", "Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::PatchName", "hasArg"), ('d', "tmpdir", "Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::TempDir", "hasArg"), ('m', "maxdiffs", "Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::MaxDiffs", "hasArg"), ('n', "no-act", "Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::NoAct"), ('v', "verbose", "Generate-Index-Diffs::Options::Verbose"), ] suites = apt_pkg.parse_commandline(Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv) Options = Cnf.subtree("Generate-Index-Diffs::Options") if "Help" in Options: usage() maxdiffs = Options.get("MaxDiffs::Default", "56") maxpackages = Options.get("MaxDiffs::Packages", maxdiffs) maxcontents = Options.get("MaxDiffs::Contents", maxdiffs) maxsources = Options.get("MaxDiffs::Sources", maxdiffs) # can only be set via config at the moment max_parallel = int(Options.get("MaxParallel", "8")) if "PatchName" not in Options: format = "%Y-%m-%d-%H%M.%S" Options["PatchName"] = time.strftime(format) session = DBConn().session() pending_tasks = [] if not suites: query = session.query(Suite.suite_name) if Options.get('Archive'): archives = utils.split_args(Options['Archive']) query = query.join(Suite.archive).filter(Archive.archive_name.in_(archives)) suites = [s.suite_name for s in query] for suitename in suites: print("Processing: " + suitename) suiteobj = get_suite(suitename.lower(), session=session) # Use the canonical version of the suite name suite = suiteobj.suite_name if suiteobj.untouchable: print("Skipping: " + suite + " (untouchable)") continue skip_all = True if suiteobj.separate_contents_architecture_all or suiteobj.separate_packages_architecture_all: skip_all = False architectures = get_suite_architectures(suite, skipall=skip_all, session=session) components = [c.component_name for c in session.query(Component.component_name)] suite_suffix = utils.suite_suffix(suitename) if components and suite_suffix: longsuite = suite + "/" + suite_suffix else: longsuite = suite merged_pdiffs = suiteobj.merged_pdiffs tree = os.path.join(suiteobj.archive.path, 'dists', longsuite) # See if there are Translations which might need a new pdiff cwd = os.getcwd() for component in components: workpath = os.path.join(tree, component, "i18n") if os.path.isdir(workpath): os.chdir(workpath) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(".", followlinks=True, topdown=True): for entry in filenames: if not re_includeinpdiff.match(entry): continue (fname, fext) = os.path.splitext(entry) processfile = os.path.join(workpath, fname) storename = "%s/%s_%s_%s" % (Options["TempDir"], suite, component, fname) coroutine = genchanges(Options, processfile + ".diff", storename, processfile, maxdiffs, merged_pdiffs) pending_tasks.append(coroutine) os.chdir(cwd) for archobj in architectures: architecture = archobj.arch_string if architecture == "source": longarch = architecture packages = "Sources" maxsuite = maxsources else: longarch = "binary-%s" % architecture packages = "Packages" maxsuite = maxpackages for component in components: # Process Contents file = "%s/%s/Contents-%s" % (tree, component, architecture) storename = "%s/%s_%s_contents_%s" % (Options["TempDir"], suite, component, architecture) coroutine = genchanges(Options, file + ".diff", storename, file, maxcontents, merged_pdiffs) pending_tasks.append(coroutine) file = "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (tree, component, longarch, packages) storename = "%s/%s_%s_%s" % (Options["TempDir"], suite, component, architecture) coroutine = genchanges(Options, file + ".diff", storename, file, maxsuite, merged_pdiffs) pending_tasks.append(coroutine), max_parallel))
[docs]async def process_pdiff_tasks(pending_coroutines, limit): if limit is not None: # If there is a limit, wrap the tasks with a semaphore to handle the limit semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(limit) async def bounded_task(task): async with semaphore: return await task pending_coroutines = [bounded_task(task) for task in pending_coroutines] print(f"Processing {len(pending_coroutines)} PDiff generation tasks (parallel limit {limit})") start = time.time() pending_tasks = [asyncio.create_task(coroutine) for coroutine in pending_coroutines] done, pending = await asyncio.wait(pending_tasks) duration = round(time.time() - start, 2) errors = False for task in done: try: task.result() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() errors = True if errors: print(f"Processing failed after {duration} seconds") sys.exit(1) print(f"Processing finished {duration} seconds")
################################################################################ if __name__ == '__main__': main()