Source code for dak.graph

#! /usr/bin/env python3

""" Produces a set of graphs of NEW/BYHAND/DEFERRED

@contact: Debian FTPMaster <>
@copyright: 2011 Paul Wise <>

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

import os
import sys
import colorsys

import rrdtool
import apt_pkg

from daklib import utils

Cnf = None
default_names = ["byhand", "new", "deferred"]


[docs]def usage(exit_code=0): print("""Usage: dak graph Graphs the number of packages in queue directories (usually new and byhand). -h, --help show this help and exit. -r, --rrd=key Directory where rrd files to be updated are stored -x, --extra-rrd=key File containing extra options to rrdtool graphing -i, --images=key Directory where image graphs to be updated are stored -n, --names=key A comma separated list of rrd files to be scanned """) sys.exit(exit_code)
[docs]def graph(*args): if args[2] == "deferred": graph_deferred(*args) else: graph_normal(*args)
[docs]def deferred_colours(): colours = [0] * 16 for i in range(0, 16): colours[i] = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(i / 16.0, 1.0, 0.5 + i / 32.0) colours[i] = ''.join('%02X' % int(c * 255) for c in colours[i]) return colours
colours = deferred_colours()
[docs]def graph_deferred(rrd_dir, image_dir, name, extra_args, graph, title, start, year_lines=False): image_file = os.path.join(image_dir, "%s-%s.png" % (name, graph)) rrd_file = os.path.join(rrd_dir, "%s.rrd" % name) rrd_args = [image_file, "--start", start] rrd_args += (""" --end now --width 600 --height 150 --vertical-label changes --title %s changes count for the last %s --lower-limit 0 -E """ % (name.upper(), title)).strip().split("\n") if year_lines: rrd_args += ["--x-grid", "MONTH:1:YEAR:1:YEAR:1:31536000:%Y"] for i in range(0, 16): rrd_args += (""" DEF:d%i=%s:day%i:AVERAGE AREA:d%i#%s:%i-day changes count:STACK VDEF:ld%i=d%i,LAST VDEF:mind%i=d%i,MINIMUM VDEF:maxd%i=d%i,MAXIMUM VDEF:avgd%i=d%i,AVERAGE GPRINT:ld%i:cur\\: %%.0lf GPRINT:mind%i:min\\: %%.0lf GPRINT:maxd%i:max\\: %%.0lf GPRINT:avgd%i:avg\\: %%.0lf\\j """ % ((i, rrd_file, i, i, colours[i]) + (i,) * 13)).strip().split("\n") rrd_args += extra_args try: ret = rrdtool.graph(*rrd_args) except rrdtool.error as e: print(('warning: graph: rrdtool error, skipping %s-%s.png: %s' % (name, graph, e)))
[docs]def graph_normal(rrd_dir, image_dir, name, extra_args, graph, title, start, year_lines=False): image_file = os.path.join(image_dir, "%s-%s.png" % (name, graph)) rrd_file = os.path.join(rrd_dir, "%s.rrd" % name) rrd_args = [image_file, "--start", start] rrd_args += (""" --end now --width 600 --height 150 --vertical-label packages --title %s package count for the last %s --lower-limit 0 -E """ % (name.upper(), title)).strip().split("\n") if year_lines: rrd_args += ["--x-grid", "MONTH:1:YEAR:1:YEAR:1:31536000:%Y"] rrd_args += (""" DEF:ds1=%s:ds1:AVERAGE LINE2:ds1#D9382B:changes count VDEF:lds1=ds1,LAST VDEF:minds1=ds1,MINIMUM VDEF:maxds1=ds1,MAXIMUM VDEF:avgds1=ds1,AVERAGE GPRINT:lds1:cur\\: %%.0lf GPRINT:minds1:min\\: %%.0lf GPRINT:maxds1:max\\: %%.0lf GPRINT:avgds1:avg\\: %%.0lf\\j DEF:ds0=%s:ds0:AVERAGE VDEF:lds0=ds0,LAST VDEF:minds0=ds0,MINIMUM VDEF:maxds0=ds0,MAXIMUM VDEF:avgds0=ds0,AVERAGE LINE2:ds0#3069DA:src pkg count GPRINT:lds0:cur\\: %%.0lf GPRINT:minds0:min\\: %%.0lf GPRINT:maxds0:max\\: %%.0lf GPRINT:avgds0:avg\\: %%.0lf\\j """ % (rrd_file, rrd_file)).strip().split("\n") rrd_args += extra_args try: ret = rrdtool.graph(*rrd_args) except rrdtool.error as e: print(('warning: graph: rrdtool error, skipping %s-%s.png: %s' % (name, graph, e)))
[docs]def main(): global Cnf Cnf = utils.get_conf() Arguments = [('h', "help", "Graph::Options::Help"), ('x', "extra-rrd", "Graph::Options::Extra-Rrd", "HasArg"), ('r', "rrd", "Graph::Options::Rrd", "HasArg"), ('i', "images", "Graph::Options::Images", "HasArg"), ('n', "names", "Graph::Options::Names", "HasArg")] for i in ["help"]: key = "Graph::Options::%s" % i if key not in Cnf: Cnf[key] = "" apt_pkg.parse_commandline(Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv) Options = Cnf.subtree("Graph::Options") if Options["Help"]: usage() names = [] if "Graph::Options::Names" in Cnf: for i in Cnf["Graph::Options::Names"].split(","): names.append(i) elif "Graph::Names" in Cnf: names = Cnf.value_list("Graph::Names") else: names = default_names extra_rrdtool_args = [] if "Graph::Options::Extra-Rrd" in Cnf: for i in Cnf["Graph::Options::Extra-Rrd"].split(","): with open(i) as f: extra_rrdtool_args.extend("\n")) elif "Graph::Extra-Rrd" in Cnf: for i in Cnf.value_list("Graph::Extra-Rrd"): with open(i) as f: extra_rrdtool_args.extend("\n")) if "Graph::Options::Rrd" in Cnf: rrd_dir = Cnf["Graph::Options::Rrd"] elif "Dir::Rrd" in Cnf: rrd_dir = Cnf["Dir::Rrd"] else: print("No directory to read RRD files from\n", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if "Graph::Options::Images" in Cnf: image_dir = Cnf["Graph::Options::Images"] else: print("No directory to write graph images to\n", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) for name in names: stdargs = [rrd_dir, image_dir, name, extra_rrdtool_args] graph(*(stdargs + ['day', 'day', 'now-1d'])) graph(*(stdargs + ['week', 'week', 'now-1w'])) graph(*(stdargs + ['month', 'month', 'now-1m'])) graph(*(stdargs + ['year', 'year', 'now-1y'])) graph(*(stdargs + ['5years', '5 years', 'now-5y', True])) graph(*(stdargs + ['10years', '10 years', 'now-10y', True]))
################################################################################ if __name__ == '__main__': main()