Source code for dak.transitions

#! /usr/bin/env python3

Display, edit and check the release manager's transition file.

@contact: Debian FTP Master <>
@copyright: 2008 Joerg Jaspert <>
@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


# <elmo> if klecker.d.o died, I swear to god, I'm going to migrate to gentoo.


import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import errno
import fcntl
import tempfile
import apt_pkg
from import Iterable
from typing import Optional

from daklib.dbconn import *
from daklib import utils
from daklib.dak_exceptions import TransitionsError
from daklib.regexes import re_broken_package
import yaml

# Globals
Cnf = None      #: Configuration, apt_pkg.Configuration
Options = None  #: Parsed CommandLine arguments


#### This may run within sudo !! ####

[docs]def init(): """ Initialize. Sets up database connection, parses commandline arguments. .. warning:: This function may run **within sudo** """ global Cnf, Options apt_pkg.init() Cnf = utils.get_conf() Arguments = [('a', "automatic", "Edit-Transitions::Options::Automatic"), ('h', "help", "Edit-Transitions::Options::Help"), ('e', "edit", "Edit-Transitions::Options::Edit"), ('i', "import", "Edit-Transitions::Options::Import", "HasArg"), ('c', "check", "Edit-Transitions::Options::Check"), ('s', "sudo", "Edit-Transitions::Options::Sudo"), ('n', "no-action", "Edit-Transitions::Options::No-Action")] for i in ["automatic", "help", "no-action", "edit", "import", "check", "sudo"]: key = "Edit-Transitions::Options::%s" % i if key not in Cnf: Cnf[key] = "" apt_pkg.parse_commandline(Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv) Options = Cnf.subtree("Edit-Transitions::Options") if Options["help"]: usage() username = utils.getusername() if username != "dak": print("Non-dak user: %s" % username) Options["sudo"] = "y" # Initialise DB connection DBConn()
[docs]def usage(exit_code=0): print("""Usage: transitions [OPTION]... Update and check the release managers transition file. Options: -h, --help show this help and exit. -e, --edit edit the transitions file -i, --import <file> check and import transitions from file -c, --check check the transitions file, remove outdated entries -S, --sudo use sudo to update transitions file -a, --automatic don't prompt (only affects check). -n, --no-action don't do anything (only affects check)""") sys.exit(exit_code)
################################################################################ ##################################### #### This may run within sudo !! #### #####################################
[docs]def load_transitions(trans_file: str) -> Optional[dict]: """ Parse a transition yaml file and check it for validity. .. warning:: This function may run **within sudo** :param trans_file: filename to parse :return: validated dictionary of transition entries or None if validation fails, empty string if reading `trans_file` returned something else than a dict """ # Parse the yaml file with open(trans_file, 'r') as sourcefile: sourcecontent = failure = False try: trans = yaml.safe_load(sourcecontent) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: # Someone fucked it up print("ERROR: %s" % (exc)) return None # lets do further validation here checkkeys = ["source", "reason", "packages", "new", "rm"] # If we get an empty definition - we just have nothing to check, no transitions defined if not isinstance(trans, dict): # This can be anything. We could have no transitions defined. Or someone totally fucked up the # file, adding stuff in a way we dont know or want. Then we set it empty - and simply have no # transitions anymore. User will see it in the information display after he quit the editor and # could fix it trans = "" return trans try: for test in trans: t = trans[test] # First check if we know all the keys for the transition and if they have # the right type (and for the packages also if the list has the right types # included, ie. not a list in list, but only str in the list) for key in t: if key not in checkkeys: print("ERROR: Unknown key %s in transition %s" % (key, test)) failure = True if key == "packages": if not isinstance(t[key], list): print("ERROR: Unknown type %s for packages in transition %s." % (type(t[key]), test)) failure = True try: for package in t["packages"]: if not isinstance(package, str): print("ERROR: Packages list contains invalid type %s (as %s) in transition %s" % (type(package), package, test)) failure = True if re_broken_package.match(package): # Someone had a space too much (or not enough), we have something looking like # "package1 - package2" now. print("ERROR: Invalid indentation of package list in transition %s, around package(s): %s" % (test, package)) failure = True except TypeError: # In case someone has an empty packages list print("ERROR: No packages defined in transition %s" % (test)) failure = True continue elif not isinstance(t[key], str): if key == "new" and isinstance(t[key], int): # Ok, debian native version continue else: print("ERROR: Unknown type %s for key %s in transition %s" % (type(t[key]), key, test)) failure = True # And now the other way round - are all our keys defined? for key in checkkeys: if key not in t: print("ERROR: Missing key %s in transition %s" % (key, test)) failure = True except TypeError: # In case someone defined very broken things print("ERROR: Unable to parse the file") failure = True if failure: return None return trans
################################################################################ ##################################### #### This may run within sudo !! #### #####################################
[docs]def lock_file(f): """ Lock a file .. warning:: This function may run **within sudo** """ for retry in range(10): lock_fd =, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT) try: fcntl.flock(lock_fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) return lock_fd except OSError as e: if e.errno in (errno.EACCES, errno.EEXIST): print("Unable to get lock for %s (try %d of 10)" % (file, retry + 1)) time.sleep(60) else: raise utils.fubar("Couldn't obtain lock for %s." % (f))
################################################################################ ##################################### #### This may run within sudo !! #### #####################################
[docs]def write_transitions(from_trans: dict) -> None: """ Update the active transitions file safely. This function takes a parsed input file (which avoids invalid files or files that may be be modified while the function is active) and ensure the transitions file is updated atomically to avoid locks. .. warning:: This function may run **within sudo** :param from_trans: transitions dictionary, as returned by :func:`load_transitions` """ trans_file = Cnf["Dinstall::ReleaseTransitions"] trans_temp = trans_file + ".tmp" trans_lock = lock_file(trans_file) temp_lock = lock_file(trans_temp) with open(trans_temp, 'w') as destfile: yaml.safe_dump(from_trans, destfile, default_flow_style=False) os.rename(trans_temp, trans_file) os.close(temp_lock) os.close(trans_lock)
################################################################################ ########################################## #### This usually runs within sudo !! #### ##########################################
[docs]def write_transitions_from_file(from_file: str) -> None: """ We have a file we think is valid; if we're using sudo, we invoke it here, otherwise we just parse the file and call write_transitions .. warning:: This function usually runs **within sudo** :param from_file: filename of a transitions file """ # Lets check if from_file is in the directory we expect it to be in if not os.path.abspath(from_file).startswith(Cnf["Dir::TempPath"]): print("Will not accept transitions file outside of %s" % (Cnf["Dir::TempPath"])) sys.exit(3) if Options["sudo"]: subprocess.check_call( ["/usr/bin/sudo", "-u", "dak", "-H", "/usr/local/bin/dak", "transitions", "--import", from_file]) else: trans = load_transitions(from_file) if trans is None: raise TransitionsError("Unparsable transitions file %s" % (from_file)) write_transitions(trans)
[docs]def temp_transitions_file(transitions: dict) -> str: """ Open a temporary file and dump the current transitions into it, so users can edit them. :param transitions: current defined transitions :return: path of newly created tempfile .. note:: file is unlinked by caller, but fd is never actually closed. We need the chmod, as the file is (most possibly) copied from a sudo-ed script and would be unreadable if it has default mkstemp mode """ (fd, path) = tempfile.mkstemp("", "transitions", Cnf["Dir::TempPath"]) os.chmod(path, 0o644) with open(path, "w") as f: yaml.safe_dump(transitions, f, default_flow_style=False) return path
[docs]def edit_transitions(): """ Edit the defined transitions. """ trans_file = Cnf["Dinstall::ReleaseTransitions"] edit_file = temp_transitions_file(load_transitions(trans_file)) editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR", "vi") while True: result = os.system("%s %s" % (editor, edit_file)) if result != 0: os.unlink(edit_file) utils.fubar("%s invocation failed for %s, not removing tempfile." % (editor, edit_file)) # Now try to load the new file test = load_transitions(edit_file) if test is None: # Edit is broken print("Edit was unparsable.") prompt = "[E]dit again, Drop changes?" default = "E" else: print("Edit looks okay.\n") print("The following transitions are defined:") print("------------------------------------------------------------------------") transition_info(test) prompt = "[S]ave, Edit again, Drop changes?" default = "S" answer = "XXX" while prompt.find(answer) == -1: answer = utils.input_or_exit(prompt) if answer == "": answer = default answer = answer[:1].upper() if answer == 'E': continue elif answer == 'D': os.unlink(edit_file) print("OK, discarding changes") sys.exit(0) elif answer == 'S': # Ready to save break else: print("You pressed something you shouldn't have :(") sys.exit(1) # We seem to be done and also have a working file. Copy over. write_transitions_from_file(edit_file) os.unlink(edit_file) print("Transitions file updated.")
[docs]def check_transitions(transitions): """ Check if the defined transitions still apply and remove those that no longer do. @note: Asks the user for confirmation first unless -a has been set. """ global Cnf to_dump = 0 to_remove = [] info = {} session = DBConn().session() # Now look through all defined transitions for trans in transitions: t = transitions[trans] source = t["source"] expected = t["new"] # Will be an empty list if nothing is in testing. sourceobj = get_source_in_suite(source, "testing", session) info[trans] = get_info(trans, source, expected, t["rm"], t["reason"], t["packages"]) print(info[trans]) if sourceobj is None: # No package in testing print("Transition source %s not in testing, transition still ongoing." % (source)) else: current = sourceobj.version compare = apt_pkg.version_compare(current, expected) if compare < 0: # This is still valid, the current version in database is older than # the new version we wait for print("This transition is still ongoing, we currently have version %s" % (current)) else: print("REMOVE: This transition is over, the target package reached testing. REMOVE") print("%s wanted version: %s, has %s" % (source, expected, current)) to_remove.append(trans) to_dump = 1 print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------") if to_dump: prompt = "Removing: " for remove in to_remove: prompt += remove prompt += "," prompt += " Commit Changes? (y/N)" answer = "" if Options["no-action"]: answer = "n" elif Options["automatic"]: answer = "y" else: answer = utils.input_or_exit(prompt).lower() if answer == "": answer = "n" if answer == 'n': print("Not committing changes") sys.exit(0) elif answer == 'y': print("Committing") subst = {} subst['__SUBJECT__'] = "Transitions completed: " + ", ".join(sorted(to_remove)) subst['__TRANSITION_MESSAGE__'] = "The following transitions were removed:\n" for remove in sorted(to_remove): subst['__TRANSITION_MESSAGE__'] += info[remove] + '\n' del transitions[remove] # If we have a mail address configured for transitions, # send a notification subst['__TRANSITION_EMAIL__'] = Cnf.get("Transitions::Notifications", "") if subst['__TRANSITION_EMAIL__'] != "": print("Sending notification to %s" % subst['__TRANSITION_EMAIL__']) subst['__DAK_ADDRESS__'] = Cnf["Dinstall::MyEmailAddress"] subst['__BCC__'] = 'X-DAK: dak transitions' if "Dinstall::Bcc" in Cnf: subst["__BCC__"] += '\nBcc: %s' % Cnf["Dinstall::Bcc"] message = utils.TemplateSubst(subst, os.path.join(Cnf["Dir::Templates"], 'transition.removed')) utils.send_mail(message) edit_file = temp_transitions_file(transitions) write_transitions_from_file(edit_file) print("Done") else: print("WTF are you typing?") sys.exit(0)
[docs]def get_info(trans: str, source: str, expected: str, rm: str, reason: str, packages: Iterable[str]) -> str: """ Print information about a single transition. :param trans: Transition name :param source: Source package :param expected: Expected version in testing :param rm: Responsible release manager (RM) :param reason: Reason :param packages: list of blocked packages """ return """Looking at transition: %s Source: %s New Version: %s Responsible: %s Description: %s Blocked Packages (total: %d): %s """ % (trans, source, expected, rm, reason, len(packages), ", ".join(packages))
[docs]def transition_info(transitions: dict): """ Print information about all defined transitions. Calls :func:`get_info` for every transition and then tells user if the transition is still ongoing or if the expected version already hit testing. :param transitions: defined transitions """ session = DBConn().session() for trans in transitions: t = transitions[trans] source = t["source"] expected = t["new"] # Will be None if nothing is in testing. sourceobj = get_source_in_suite(source, "testing", session) print(get_info(trans, source, expected, t["rm"], t["reason"], t["packages"])) if sourceobj is None: # No package in testing print("Transition source %s not in testing, transition still ongoing." % (source)) else: compare = apt_pkg.version_compare(sourceobj.version, expected) print("Apt compare says: %s" % (compare)) if compare < 0: # This is still valid, the current version in database is older than # the new version we wait for print("This transition is still ongoing, we currently have version %s" % (sourceobj.version)) else: print("This transition is over, the target package reached testing, should be removed") print("%s wanted version: %s, has %s" % (source, expected, sourceobj.version)) print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------")
[docs]def main(): """ Prepare the work to be done, do basic checks. .. warning:: This function may run **within sudo** """ global Cnf ##################################### #### This can run within sudo !! #### ##################################### init() # Check if there is a file defined (and existant) transpath = Cnf.get("Dinstall::ReleaseTransitions", "") if transpath == "": utils.warn("Dinstall::ReleaseTransitions not defined") sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(transpath): utils.warn("ReleaseTransitions file, %s, not found." % (Cnf["Dinstall::ReleaseTransitions"])) sys.exit(1) # Also check if our temp directory is defined and existant temppath = Cnf.get("Dir::TempPath", "") if temppath == "": utils.warn("Dir::TempPath not defined") sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(temppath): utils.warn("Temporary path %s not found." % (Cnf["Dir::TempPath"])) sys.exit(1) if Options["import"]: try: write_transitions_from_file(Options["import"]) except TransitionsError as m: print(m) sys.exit(2) sys.exit(0) ############################################## #### Up to here it can run within sudo !! #### ############################################## # Parse the yaml file transitions = load_transitions(transpath) if transitions is None: # Something very broken with the transitions, exit utils.warn("Could not parse existing transitions file. Aborting.") sys.exit(2) if Options["edit"]: # Let's edit the transitions file edit_transitions() elif Options["check"]: # Check and remove outdated transitions check_transitions(transitions) else: # Output information about the currently defined transitions. print("Currently defined transitions:") transition_info(transitions) sys.exit(0)
################################################################################ if __name__ == '__main__': main()