Source code for

"""List packages according to various criteria

@copyright: 2014, Ansgar Burchardt <>
@license: GPL-2+

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

import sqlalchemy.sql as sql
import sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql as pgsql

from daklib.dbconn import DBConn
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]def list_packages(packages, suites=None, components=None, architectures=None, binary_types=None, source_and_binary=False, regex=False, format=None, highest=None): session = DBConn().session() try: t = DBConn().view_package_list comparison_operator = "~" if regex else "=" where = sql.false() for package in packages: where = where | t.c.package.op(comparison_operator)(package) if source_and_binary: where = where | t.c.source.op(comparison_operator)(package) if suites is not None: where = where & (t.c.suite.in_(suites) | t.c.codename.in_(suites)) if components is not None: where = where & t.c.component.in_(components) if architectures is not None: where = where & t.c.architecture.in_(architectures) if binary_types is not None: where = where & t.c.type.in_(binary_types) if format is None: c_architectures = sql.func.string_agg(t.c.architecture, pgsql.aggregate_order_by(', ', t.c.architecture_is_source.desc(), t.c.architecture)) query =[t.c.package, t.c.version, t.c.display_suite, c_architectures]) \ .where(where) \ .group_by(t.c.package, t.c.version, t.c.display_suite) \ .order_by(t.c.package, t.c.version, t.c.display_suite) result = session.execute(query).fetchall() if len(result) == 0: return lengths = { 'package': max(10, max(len(row[t.c.package]) for row in result)), 'version': max(13, max(len(row[t.c.version]) for row in result)), 'suite': max(10, max(len(row[t.c.display_suite]) for row in result)) } format = "{0:{lengths[package]}} | {1:{lengths[version]}} | {2:{lengths[suite]}} | {3}" for row in result: yield format.format(row[t.c.package], row[t.c.version], row[t.c.display_suite], row[c_architectures], lengths=lengths) elif format in ('control-suite', 'heidi'): query =[t.c.package, t.c.version, t.c.architecture]).where(where) result = session.execute(query) for row in result: yield "{0} {1} {2}".format(row[t.c.package], row[t.c.version], row[t.c.architecture]) elif format == "python": c_architectures = sql.func.string_agg(t.c.architecture, pgsql.aggregate_order_by(',', t.c.architecture_is_source.desc(), t.c.architecture)) query =[t.c.package, t.c.version, t.c.display_suite, c_architectures, t.c.source, t.c.source_version, t.c.component]) \ .where(where) \ .group_by(t.c.package, t.c.version, t.c.display_suite, t.c.source, t.c.component, t.c.source_version) result = session.execute(query).fetchall() if len(result) == 0: return def val(): return defaultdict(val) ret = val() for row in result: ret[row[t.c.package]][row[t.c.display_suite]][row[t.c.version]] = {'component': row[t.c.component], 'architectures': row[c_architectures].split(','), 'source': row[t.c.source], 'source_version': row[t.c.source_version] } yield ret return else: raise ValueError("Unknown output format requested.") if highest is not None: query =[t.c.package, sql.func.max(t.c.version)]).where(where) \ .group_by(t.c.package).order_by(t.c.package) result = session.execute(query) yield "" for row in result: yield "{0} ({1} {2})".format(row[0], highest, row[1]) finally: session.close()