Source code for daklib.packagelist

"""parse Package-List field

@copyright: 2014, Ansgar Burchardt <>
@license: GPL-2+

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

from daklib.architecture import match_architecture
from daklib.utils import extract_component_from_section

from import Mapping
from typing import Optional

[docs]class InvalidSource(Exception): pass
[docs]class PackageListEntry: def __init__(self, name, package_type, section, component, priority, **other): = name self.type = package_type self.section = section self.component = component self.priority = priority self.other = other self.architectures = self._architectures()
[docs] def _architectures(self) -> Optional[list[str]]: archs = self.other.get("arch", None) if archs is None: return None return archs.split(',')
[docs] def built_on_architecture(self, architecture: str) -> Optional[bool]: archs = self.architectures if archs is None: return None for arch in archs: if match_architecture(architecture, arch): return True return False
[docs] def built_in_suite(self, suite) -> Optional[bool]: built: Optional[bool] = False for arch in suite.architectures: if arch.arch_string == 'source': continue built_on_arch = self.built_on_architecture(arch.arch_string) if built_on_arch: return True if built_on_arch is None: built = None return built
[docs] def built_in_default_profile(self) -> bool: # See man:dsc(5) and profiles_and = self.other.get('profile') if profiles_and is None: return True return all( any(profile.startswith("!") for profile in profiles_or.split("+")) for profiles_or in profiles_and.split(",") )
[docs]class PackageList: def __init__(self, source: Mapping[str, str]): if 'Package-List' in source: self.package_list = self._parse(source) elif 'Binary' in source: self.package_list = self._parse_fallback(source) else: raise InvalidSource('Source package has neither Package-List nor Binary field.') self.fallback = any(entry.architectures is None for entry in self.package_list)
[docs] def _binaries(self, source: Mapping[str, str]) -> set[str]: return set(name.strip() for name in source['Binary'].split(","))
[docs] def _parse(self, source: Mapping[str, str]) -> list[PackageListEntry]: package_list = [] binaries_binary = self._binaries(source) binaries_package_list = set() for line in source['Package-List'].split("\n"): if not line: continue fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 4: raise InvalidSource("Package-List entry has less than four fields.") # <name> <type> <component/section> <priority> [arch=<arch>[,<arch>]...] name = fields[0] package_type = fields[1] section, component = extract_component_from_section(fields[2]) priority = fields[3] other = dict(kv.split('=', 1) for kv in fields[4:]) if name in binaries_package_list: raise InvalidSource("Package-List has two entries for '{0}'.".format(name)) if name not in binaries_binary: raise InvalidSource("Package-List lists {0} which is not listed in Binary.".format(name)) binaries_package_list.add(name) entry = PackageListEntry(name, package_type, section, component, priority, **other) package_list.append(entry) if len(binaries_binary) != len(binaries_package_list): raise InvalidSource("Package-List and Binaries fields have a different number of entries.") return package_list
[docs] def _parse_fallback(self, source: Mapping[str, str]) -> list[PackageListEntry]: package_list = [] for binary in self._binaries(source): name = binary package_type = None component = None section = None priority = None other = dict() entry = PackageListEntry(name, package_type, section, component, priority, **other) package_list.append(entry) return package_list
[docs] def packages_for_suite(self, suite, only_default_profile=True) -> list[PackageListEntry]: packages = [] for entry in self.package_list: if only_default_profile and not entry.built_in_default_profile(): continue built = entry.built_in_suite(suite) if built or built is None: packages.append(entry) return packages
[docs] def has_arch_indep_packages(self) -> Optional[bool]: has_arch_indep: Optional[bool] = False for entry in self.package_list: built = entry.built_on_architecture('all') if built: return True if built is None: has_arch_indep = None return has_arch_indep
[docs] def has_arch_dep_packages(self) -> Optional[bool]: has_arch_dep: Optional[bool] = False for entry in self.package_list: built_on_all = entry.built_on_architecture('all') if built_on_all is False: return True if built_on_all is None: has_arch_dep = None return has_arch_dep