Source code for daklib.srcformats

""" Helper functions for the various source formats

@contact: Debian FTPMaster <>
@copyright: 2009, 2010  Joerg Jaspert <>
@copyright: 2009  Chris Lamb <>
@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


# <sgran> hey, I think something's wrong with your git repo
# <sgran> when I git pulled this last time, I got something that looked almost
#         like python instead of dak
# <mhy> sgran: slander
# <sgran> sorry, I take it back, I've had a better look now


import re

from .dak_exceptions import UnknownFormatError

srcformats: 'list[SourceFormat]' = []

[docs]def get_format_from_string(txt): """ Returns the SourceFormat class that corresponds to the specified .changes Format value. If the string does not match any class, UnknownFormatError is raised. """ for format in srcformats: if format.re_format.match(txt): return format raise UnknownFormatError("Unknown format %r" % txt)
[docs]class SourceFormat(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): klass = super(SourceFormat, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) srcformats.append(klass) assert str( assert iter(klass.requires) assert iter(klass.disallowed) klass.re_format = re.compile(klass.format) return klass
[docs] @classmethod def reject_msgs(cls, has): if len(cls.requires) != len([x for x in cls.requires if has[x]]): yield "lack of required files for format %s" % for key in cls.disallowed: if has[key]: yield "contains source files not allowed in format %s" %
[docs]class FormatOne(SourceFormat, metaclass=SourceFormat): name = '1.0' format = r'1\.0' requires = () disallowed = ('debian_tar', 'more_orig_tar')
[docs] @classmethod def reject_msgs(cls, has): if not (has['native_tar_gz'] or (has['orig_tar_gz'] and has['debian_diff'])): yield "no .tar.gz or .orig.tar.gz+.diff.gz in 'Files' field." if has['native_tar_gz'] and has['debian_diff']: yield "native package with diff makes no sense" if (has['orig_tar_gz'] != has['orig_tar']) or \ (has['native_tar_gz'] != has['native_tar']): yield "contains source files not allowed in format %s" % for msg in super(FormatOne, cls).reject_msgs(has): yield msg
[docs]class FormatThree(SourceFormat, metaclass=SourceFormat): name = '3.x (native)' format = r'3\.\d+ \(native\)' requires = ('native_tar',) disallowed = ('orig_tar', 'debian_diff', 'debian_tar', 'more_orig_tar')
[docs]class FormatThreeQuilt(SourceFormat, metaclass=SourceFormat): name = '3.x (quilt)' format = r'3\.\d+ \(quilt\)' requires = ('orig_tar', 'debian_tar') disallowed = ('debian_diff', 'native_tar')