Source code for daklib.utils

# vim:set et ts=4 sw=4:

"""Utility functions

@contact: Debian FTP Master <>
@copyright: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006  James Troup <>
@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

import datetime
import email.policy
import errno
import functools
import grp
import os
import pwd
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
from collections import defaultdict
from import Iterable, Mapping, Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, NoReturn, Optional, Union

import apt_inst
import apt_pkg
import sqlalchemy.sql as sql

import daklib.config as config
import daklib.mail
from daklib.dbconn import (

from .dak_exceptions import (
from .formats import parse_format, validate_changes_format
from .gpg import SignedFile
from .regexes import (
from .srcformats import get_format_from_string
from .textutils import fix_maintainer

    import daklib.daklog
    import daklib.fstransactions
    import daklib.upload


key_uid_email_cache: dict[str, list[str]] = (
)  #: Cache for email addresses from gpg key uids


[docs]def input_or_exit(prompt: Optional[str] = None) -> str: try: return input(prompt) except EOFError: sys.exit("\nUser interrupt (^D).")
[docs]def extract_component_from_section(section: str) -> tuple[str, str]: """split "section" into "section", "component" parts If "component" is not given, "main" is used instead. :return: tuple (section, component) """ if section.find("/") != -1: return section, section.split("/", 1)[0] return section, "main"
[docs]def parse_deb822( armored_contents: bytes, signing_rules: Literal[-1, 0, 1] = 0, keyrings=None ) -> dict[str, str]: require_signature = True if keyrings is None: keyrings = [] require_signature = False signed_file = SignedFile( armored_contents, keyrings=keyrings, require_signature=require_signature ) contents = signed_file.contents.decode("utf-8") error = "" changes = {} # Split the lines in the input, keeping the linebreaks. lines = contents.splitlines(True) if len(lines) == 0: raise ParseChangesError("[Empty changes file]") # Reindex by line number so we can easily verify the format of # .dsc files... index = 0 indexed_lines = {} for line in lines: index += 1 indexed_lines[index] = line[:-1] num_of_lines = len(indexed_lines) index = 0 first = -1 while index < num_of_lines: index += 1 line = indexed_lines[index] if line == "" and signing_rules == 1: if index != num_of_lines: raise InvalidDscError(index) break if slf := re_single_line_field.match(line): field = slf.groups()[0].lower() changes[field] = slf.groups()[1] first = 1 continue if line == " .": changes[field] += "\n" continue if mlf := re_multi_line_field.match(line): if first == -1: raise ParseChangesError( "'%s'\n [Multi-line field continuing on from nothing?]" % (line) ) if first == 1 and changes[field] != "": changes[field] += "\n" first = 0 changes[field] += mlf.groups()[0] + "\n" continue error += line changes["filecontents"] = armored_contents.decode() if "source" in changes: # Strip the source version in brackets from the source field, # put it in the "source-version" field instead. if srcver :=["source"]): changes["source"] = changes["source-version"] = if error: raise ParseChangesError(error) return changes
[docs]def parse_changes( filename: str, signing_rules: Literal[-1, 0, 1] = 0, dsc_file: bool = False, keyrings=None, ) -> dict[str, str]: """ Parses a changes or source control (.dsc) file and returns a dictionary where each field is a key. The mandatory first argument is the filename of the .changes file. signing_rules is an optional argument: - If signing_rules == -1, no signature is required. - If signing_rules == 0 (the default), a signature is required. - If signing_rules == 1, it turns on the same strict format checking as dpkg-source. The rules for (signing_rules == 1)-mode are: - The PGP header consists of "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----" followed by any PGP header data and must end with a blank line. - The data section must end with a blank line and must be followed by "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----". :param dsc_file: `filename` is a Debian source control (.dsc) file """ with open(filename, "rb") as changes_in: content = changes = parse_deb822(content, signing_rules, keyrings=keyrings) if not dsc_file: # Finally ensure that everything needed for .changes is there must_keywords = ( "Format", "Date", "Source", "Architecture", "Version", "Distribution", "Maintainer", "Changes", "Files", ) missingfields = [] for keyword in must_keywords: if keyword.lower() not in changes: missingfields.append(keyword) if len(missingfields): raise ParseChangesError( "Missing mandatory field(s) in changes file (policy 5.5): %s" % (missingfields) ) return changes
[docs]def check_dsc_files( dsc_filename: str, dsc: Mapping[str, str], dsc_files: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, str]], ) -> list[str]: """ Verify that the files listed in the Files field of the .dsc are those expected given the announced Format. :param dsc_filename: path of .dsc file :param dsc: the content of the .dsc parsed by :func:`parse_changes` :param dsc_files: the file list returned by :func:`build_file_list` :return: all errors detected """ rejmsg = [] # Ensure .dsc lists proper set of source files according to the format # announced has: defaultdict[str, int] = defaultdict(lambda: 0) ftype_lookup = ( (r"orig\.tar\.(gz|bz2|xz)\.asc", ("orig_tar_sig",)), (r"orig\.tar\.gz", ("orig_tar_gz", "orig_tar")), (r"diff\.gz", ("debian_diff",)), (r"tar\.gz", ("native_tar_gz", "native_tar")), (r"debian\.tar\.(gz|bz2|xz)", ("debian_tar",)), (r"orig\.tar\.(gz|bz2|xz)", ("orig_tar",)), (r"tar\.(gz|bz2|xz)", ("native_tar",)), (r"orig-.+\.tar\.(gz|bz2|xz)\.asc", ("more_orig_tar_sig",)), (r"orig-.+\.tar\.(gz|bz2|xz)", ("more_orig_tar",)), ) for f in dsc_files: m = re_issource.match(f) if not m: rejmsg.append( "%s: %s in Files field not recognised as source." % (dsc_filename, f) ) continue # Populate 'has' dictionary by resolving keys in lookup table matched = False for regex, keys in ftype_lookup: if re.match(regex, matched = True for key in keys: has[key] += 1 break # File does not match anything in lookup table; reject if not matched: rejmsg.append("%s: unexpected source file '%s'" % (dsc_filename, f)) break # Check for multiple files for file_type in ( "orig_tar", "orig_tar_sig", "native_tar", "debian_tar", "debian_diff", ): if has[file_type] > 1: rejmsg.append("%s: lists multiple %s" % (dsc_filename, file_type)) # Source format specific tests try: format = get_format_from_string(dsc["format"]) rejmsg.extend(["%s: %s" % (dsc_filename, x) for x in format.reject_msgs(has)]) except UnknownFormatError: # Not an error here for now pass return rejmsg
################################################################################ # Dropped support for 1.4 and ``buggy dchanges 3.4'' (?!) compared to
[docs]def build_file_list( changes: Mapping[str, str], is_a_dsc: bool = False, field="files", hashname="md5sum" ) -> dict[str, dict[str, str]]: files = {} # Make sure we have a Files: field to parse... if field not in changes: raise NoFilesFieldError # Validate .changes Format: field if not is_a_dsc: validate_changes_format(parse_format(changes["format"]), field) includes_section = (not is_a_dsc) and field == "files" # Parse each entry/line: for i in changes[field].split("\n"): if not i: break s = i.split() section = priority = "" try: if includes_section: (md5, size, section, priority, name) = s else: (md5, size, name) = s except ValueError: raise ParseChangesError(i) if section == "": section = "-" if priority == "": priority = "-" (section, component) = extract_component_from_section(section) files[name] = dict( size=size, section=section, priority=priority, component=component ) files[name][hashname] = md5 return files
[docs]def send_mail(message: str, whitelists: Optional[list[str]] = None) -> None: """sendmail wrapper, takes a message string :param whitelists: path to whitelists. :const:`None` or an empty list whitelists everything, otherwise an address is whitelisted if it is included in any of the lists. In addition a global whitelist can be specified in Dinstall::MailWhiteList. """ msg = daklib.mail.parse_mail(message) # The incoming message might be UTF-8, but outgoing mail should # use a legacy-compatible encoding. Set the content to the # text to make sure this is the case. # Note that this does not work with multipart messages. msg.set_content(msg.get_payload(), cte="quoted-printable") # Check whether we're supposed to be sending mail call_sendmail = True if "Dinstall::Options::No-Mail" in Cnf and Cnf["Dinstall::Options::No-Mail"]: call_sendmail = False if whitelists is None or None in whitelists: whitelists = [] if Cnf.get("Dinstall::MailWhiteList", ""): whitelists.append(Cnf["Dinstall::MailWhiteList"]) if len(whitelists) != 0: whitelist = [] for path in whitelists: with open(path, "r") as whitelist_in: for line in whitelist_in: if not re_whitespace_comment.match(line): if re_re_mark.match(line): whitelist.append( re.compile(re_re_mark.sub("", line.strip(), 1)) ) else: whitelist.append(re.compile(re.escape(line.strip()))) # Fields to check. fields = ["To", "Bcc", "Cc"] for field in fields: # Check each field value = msg.get(field, None) if value is not None: match = [] for item in value.split(","): (rfc822_maint, rfc2047_maint, name, mail) = fix_maintainer( item.strip() ) mail_whitelisted = 0 for wr in whitelist: if wr.match(mail): mail_whitelisted = 1 break if not mail_whitelisted: print("Skipping {0} since it's not whitelisted".format(item)) continue match.append(item) # Doesn't have any mail in whitelist so remove the header if len(match) == 0: del msg[field] else: msg.replace_header(field, ", ".join(match)) # Change message fields in order if we don't have a To header if "To" not in msg: fields.reverse() for field in fields: if field in msg: msg[fields[-1]] = msg[field] del msg[field] break else: # return, as we removed all recipients. call_sendmail = False # sign mail if mailkey := Cnf.get("Dinstall::Mail-Signature-Key", ""): kwargs = { "keyids": [mailkey], "pubring": Cnf.get("Dinstall::SigningPubKeyring") or None, "secring": Cnf.get("Dinstall::SigningKeyring") or None, "homedir": Cnf.get("Dinstall::SigningHomedir") or None, "passphrase_file": Cnf.get("Dinstall::SigningPassphraseFile") or None, } msg = daklib.mail.sign_mail(msg, **kwargs) msg_bytes = msg.as_bytes(policy=email.policy.default) maildir = Cnf.get("Dir::Mail") if maildir: path = os.path.join(maildir, path = find_next_free(path) with open(path, "wb") as fh: fh.write(msg_bytes) # Invoke sendmail if not call_sendmail: return try: Cnf["Dinstall::SendmailCommand"].split(), input=msg_bytes, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise SendmailFailedError(e.output.decode().rstrip())
[docs]def poolify(source: str) -> str: """convert `source` name into directory path used in pool structure""" if source[:3] == "lib": return source[:4] + "/" + source + "/" else: return source[:1] + "/" + source + "/"
[docs]def move(src: str, dest: str, overwrite: bool = False, perms: int = 0o664) -> None: if os.path.exists(dest) and os.path.isdir(dest): dest_dir = dest else: dest_dir = os.path.dirname(dest) if not os.path.lexists(dest_dir): umask = os.umask(00000) os.makedirs(dest_dir, 0o2775) os.umask(umask) # print "Moving %s to %s..." % (src, dest) if os.path.exists(dest) and os.path.isdir(dest): dest += "/" + os.path.basename(src) # Don't overwrite unless forced to if os.path.lexists(dest): if not overwrite: fubar("Can't move %s to %s - file already exists." % (src, dest)) else: if not os.access(dest, os.W_OK): fubar( "Can't move %s to %s - can't write to existing file." % (src, dest) ) shutil.copy2(src, dest) os.chmod(dest, perms) os.unlink(src)
[docs]def TemplateSubst(subst_map: Mapping[str, str], filename: str) -> str: """Perform a substition of template""" with open(filename) as templatefile: template = for k, v in subst_map.items(): template = template.replace(k, str(v)) return template
[docs]def fubar(msg: str, exit_code: int = 1) -> NoReturn: """print error message and exit program""" print("E:", msg, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(exit_code)
[docs]def warn(msg: str) -> None: """print warning message""" print("W:", msg, file=sys.stderr)
[docs]def whoami() -> str: """get user name Returns the user name with a laughable attempt at rfc822 conformancy (read: removing stray periods). """ return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[4].split(",")[0].replace(".", "")
[docs]def getusername() -> str: """get login name""" return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
[docs]def size_type(c: Union[int, float]) -> str: t = " B" if c > 10240: c = c / 1024 t = " KB" if c > 10240: c = c / 1024 t = " MB" return "%d%s" % (c, t)
[docs]def find_next_free(dest: str, too_many: int = 100) -> str: extra = 0 orig_dest = dest while os.path.lexists(dest) and extra < too_many: dest = orig_dest + "." + repr(extra) extra += 1 if extra >= too_many: raise NoFreeFilenameError return dest
[docs]def result_join(original: Iterable[Optional[str]], sep: str = "\t") -> str: return sep.join(x if x is not None else "" for x in original)
[docs]def prefix_multi_line_string( lines: str, prefix: str, include_blank_lines: bool = False ) -> str: """prepend `prefix` to each line in `lines`""" return "\n".join( prefix + cleaned_line for line in lines.split("\n") if (cleaned_line := line.strip()) or include_blank_lines )
[docs]def join_with_commas_and(list: Sequence[str]) -> str: if len(list) == 0: return "nothing" if len(list) == 1: return list[0] return ", ".join(list[:-1]) + " and " + list[-1]
[docs]def pp_deps(deps: Iterable[tuple[str, str, str]]) -> str: pp_deps = ( f"{pkg} ({constraint} {version})" if constraint else pkg for pkg, constraint, version in deps ) return " |".join(pp_deps)
[docs]def get_conf(): return Cnf
[docs]def parse_args(Options) -> tuple[str, str, str, bool]: """Handle -a, -c and -s arguments; returns them as SQL constraints""" # XXX: This should go away and everything which calls it be converted # to use SQLA properly. For now, we'll just fix it not to use # the old Pg interface though session = DBConn().session() # Process suite if Options["Suite"]: suite_ids_list = [] for suitename in split_args(Options["Suite"]): suite = get_suite(suitename, session=session) if not suite or suite.suite_id is None: warn( "suite '%s' not recognised." % (suite and suite.suite_name or suitename) ) else: suite_ids_list.append(suite.suite_id) if suite_ids_list: con_suites = "AND IN (%s)" % ", ".join( [str(i) for i in suite_ids_list] ) else: fubar("No valid suite given.") else: con_suites = "" # Process component if Options["Component"]: component_ids_list = [] for componentname in split_args(Options["Component"]): component = get_component(componentname, session=session) if component is None: warn("component '%s' not recognised." % (componentname)) else: component_ids_list.append(component.component_id) if component_ids_list: con_components = "AND IN (%s)" % ", ".join( [str(i) for i in component_ids_list] ) else: fubar("No valid component given.") else: con_components = "" # Process architecture con_architectures = "" check_source = False if Options["Architecture"]: arch_ids_list = [] for archname in split_args(Options["Architecture"]): if archname == "source": check_source = True else: arch = get_architecture(archname, session=session) if arch is None: warn("architecture '%s' not recognised." % (archname)) else: arch_ids_list.append(arch.arch_id) if arch_ids_list: con_architectures = "AND IN (%s)" % ", ".join( [str(i) for i in arch_ids_list] ) else: if not check_source: fubar("No valid architecture given.") else: check_source = True return (con_suites, con_architectures, con_components, check_source)
[docs]@functools.total_ordering class ArchKey: """ Key object for use in sorting lists of architectures. Sorts normally except that 'source' dominates all others. """ __slots__ = ["arch", "issource"] def __init__(self, arch, *args): self.arch = arch self.issource = arch == "source" def __lt__(self, other: "ArchKey") -> bool: if self.issource: return not other.issource if other.issource: return False return self.arch < other.arch def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, ArchKey): return NotImplemented return self.arch == other.arch
[docs]def split_args(s: str, dwim: bool = True) -> list[str]: """ Split command line arguments which can be separated by either commas or whitespace. If dwim is set, it will complain about string ending in comma since this usually means someone did 'dak ls -a i386, m68k foo' or something and the inevitable confusion resulting from 'm68k' being treated as an argument is undesirable. """ if s.find(",") == -1: return s.split() else: if s[-1:] == "," and dwim: fubar("split_args: found trailing comma, spurious space maybe?") return s.split(",")
[docs]def gpg_keyring_args(keyrings: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> list[str]: if keyrings is None: keyrings = get_active_keyring_paths() return ["--keyring={}".format(path) for path in keyrings]
[docs]def _gpg_get_addresses_from_listing(output: bytes) -> list[str]: addresses: list[str] = [] for line in output.split(b"\n"): parts = line.split(b":") if parts[0] not in (b"uid", b"pub"): continue if parts[1] in (b"i", b"d", b"r"): # Skip uid that is invalid, disabled or revoked continue try: uid_bytes = parts[9] except IndexError: continue try: uid = uid_bytes.decode(encoding="utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: # If the uid is not valid UTF-8, we assume it is an old uid # still encoding in Latin-1. uid = uid_bytes.decode(encoding="latin1") m = re_parse_maintainer.match(uid) if not m: continue address = if address.endswith(""): # prefer addresses # TODO: maybe not hardcode the domain addresses.insert(0, address) else: addresses.append(address) return addresses
[docs]def gpg_get_key_addresses(fingerprint: str) -> list[str]: """retreive email addresses from gpg key uids for a given fingerprint""" addresses = key_uid_email_cache.get(fingerprint) if addresses is not None: return addresses try: cmd = ["gpg", "--no-default-keyring"] cmd.extend(gpg_keyring_args()) cmd.extend(["--with-colons", "--list-keys", "--", fingerprint]) output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: addresses = [] else: addresses = _gpg_get_addresses_from_listing(output) key_uid_email_cache[fingerprint] = addresses return addresses
[docs]def open_ldap_connection(): """open connection to the configured LDAP server""" import ldap # type: ignore LDAPServer = Cnf["Import-LDAP-Fingerprints::LDAPServer"] ca_cert_file = Cnf.get("Import-LDAP-Fingerprints::CACertFile") conn = ldap.initialize(LDAPServer) if ca_cert_file: conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_HARD) conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, ca_cert_file) conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEWCTX, True) conn.start_tls_s() conn.simple_bind_s("", "") return conn
[docs]def get_logins_from_ldap(fingerprint: str = "*") -> dict[str, str]: """retrieve login from LDAP linked to a given fingerprint""" import ldap conn = open_ldap_connection() LDAPDn = Cnf["Import-LDAP-Fingerprints::LDAPDn"] Attrs = conn.search_s( LDAPDn, ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "(keyfingerprint=%s)" % fingerprint, ["uid", "keyfingerprint"], ) login: dict[str, str] = {} for elem in Attrs: fpr = elem[1]["keyFingerPrint"][0].decode() uid = elem[1]["uid"][0].decode() login[fpr] = uid return login
[docs]def get_users_from_ldap() -> dict[str, str]: """retrieve login and user names from LDAP""" import ldap conn = open_ldap_connection() LDAPDn = Cnf["Import-LDAP-Fingerprints::LDAPDn"] Attrs = conn.search_s( LDAPDn, ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "(uid=*)", ["uid", "cn", "mn", "sn"] ) users: dict[str, str] = {} for elem in Attrs: elem = elem[1] name = [] for k in ("cn", "mn", "sn"): try: value = elem[k][0].decode() if value and value[0] != "-": name.append(value) except KeyError: pass users[" ".join(name)] = elem["uid"][0] return users
################################################################################ ################################################################################
[docs]def temp_dirname( parent: Optional[str] = None, prefix: str = "dak", suffix: str = "", mode: Optional[int] = None, group: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """ Return a secure and unique directory by pre-creating it. :param parent: If non-null it will be the directory the directory is pre-created in. :param prefix: The filename will be prefixed with this string :param suffix: The filename will end with this string :param mode: If set the file will get chmodded to those permissions :param group: If set the file will get chgrped to the specified group. :return: Returns a pair (fd, name) """ tfname = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix, prefix, parent) if mode is not None: os.chmod(tfname, mode) if group is not None: gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid os.chown(tfname, -1, gid) return tfname
[docs]def get_changes_files(from_dir: str) -> list[str]: """ Takes a directory and lists all .changes files in it (as well as chdir'ing to the directory; this is due to broken behaviour on the part of p-u/p-a when you're not in the right place) Returns a list of filenames """ try: # Much of the rest of p-u/p-a depends on being in the right place os.chdir(from_dir) changes_files = [x for x in os.listdir(from_dir) if x.endswith(".changes")] except OSError as e: fubar("Failed to read list from directory %s (%s)" % (from_dir, e)) return changes_files
################################################################################ Cnf = config.Config().Cnf ################################################################################
[docs]def parse_wnpp_bug_file( file: str = "/srv/", ) -> dict[str, list[str]]: """ Parses the wnpp bug list available at Well, actually it parsed a local copy, but let's document the source somewhere ;) returns a dict associating source package name with a list of open wnpp bugs (Yes, there might be more than one) """ try: with open(file) as f: lines = f.readlines() except OSError: print( "Warning: Couldn't open %s; don't know about WNPP bugs, so won't close any." % file ) lines = [] wnpp = {} for line in lines: splited_line = line.split(": ", 1) if len(splited_line) > 1: wnpp[splited_line[0]] = splited_line[1].split("|") for source in wnpp: bugs = [] for wnpp_bug in wnpp[source]: bug_no ="(\d)+", wnpp_bug).group() if bug_no: bugs.append(bug_no) wnpp[source] = bugs return wnpp
[docs]def deb_extract_control(path: str) -> bytes: """extract DEBIAN/control from a binary package""" return apt_inst.DebFile(path).control.extractdata("control")
[docs]def mail_addresses_for_upload( maintainer: str, changed_by: str, fingerprint: str ) -> list[str]: """mail addresses to contact for an upload :param maintainer: Maintainer field of the .changes file :param changed_by: Changed-By field of the .changes file :param fingerprint: fingerprint of the key used to sign the upload :return: list of RFC 2047-encoded mail addresses to contact regarding this upload """ recipients = Cnf.value_list("Dinstall::UploadMailRecipients") if not recipients: recipients = [ "maintainer", "changed_by", "signer", ] # Ensure signer is last if present try: recipients.remove("signer") recipients.append("signer") except ValueError: pass # Compute the set of addresses of the recipients addresses = set() # Name + email emails = set() # Email only, used to avoid duplicates for recipient in recipients: if recipient.startswith("mail:"): # Email hardcoded in config address = recipient[5:] elif recipient == "maintainer": address = maintainer elif recipient == "changed_by": address = changed_by elif recipient == "signer": fpr_addresses = gpg_get_key_addresses(fingerprint) address = fpr_addresses[0] if fpr_addresses else None if any(x in emails for x in fpr_addresses): # The signer already gets a copy via another email address = None else: raise Exception( "Unsupported entry in {0}: {1}".format( "Dinstall::UploadMailRecipients", recipient ) ) if address is not None: mail = fix_maintainer(address)[3] if mail not in emails: addresses.add(address) emails.add(mail) encoded_addresses = [fix_maintainer(e)[1] for e in addresses] return encoded_addresses
[docs]def call_editor_for_file(path: str) -> None: editor = os.environ.get("VISUAL", os.environ.get("EDITOR", "sensible-editor")) subprocess.check_call([editor, path])
[docs]def call_editor(text: str = "", suffix: str = ".txt") -> str: """run editor and return the result as a string :param text: initial text :param suffix: extension for temporary file :return: string with the edited text """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+t", suffix=suffix) as fh: print(text, end="", file=fh) fh.flush() call_editor_for_file( return
[docs]def check_reverse_depends( removals: Iterable[str], suite: str, arches: Optional[Iterable[Architecture]] = None, session=None, cruft: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, include_arch_all: bool = True, ) -> bool: dbsuite = get_suite(suite, session) overridesuite = dbsuite if dbsuite.overridesuite is not None: overridesuite = get_suite(dbsuite.overridesuite, session) dep_problem = False p2c = {} all_broken = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set)) if arches: all_arches = set(arches) else: all_arches = set(x.arch_string for x in get_suite_architectures(suite)) all_arches -= set(["source", "all"]) removal_set = set(removals) metakey_d = get_or_set_metadatakey("Depends", session) metakey_p = get_or_set_metadatakey("Provides", session) params = { "suite_id": dbsuite.suite_id, "metakey_d_id": metakey_d.key_id, "metakey_p_id": metakey_p.key_id, } if include_arch_all: rdep_architectures = all_arches | set(["all"]) else: rdep_architectures = all_arches for architecture in rdep_architectures: deps = {} sources = {} virtual_packages = {} try: params["arch_id"] = get_architecture(architecture, session).arch_id except AttributeError: continue statement = sql.text( """ SELECT b.package, s.source, as component, (SELECT bmd.value FROM binaries_metadata bmd WHERE bmd.bin_id = AND bmd.key_id = :metakey_d_id) AS depends, (SELECT bmp.value FROM binaries_metadata bmp WHERE bmp.bin_id = AND bmp.key_id = :metakey_p_id) AS provides FROM binaries b JOIN bin_associations ba ON = ba.bin AND ba.suite = :suite_id JOIN source s ON b.source = JOIN files_archive_map af ON b.file = af.file_id JOIN component c ON af.component_id = WHERE b.architecture = :arch_id""" ) query = ( session.query( sql.column("package"), sql.column("source"), sql.column("component"), sql.column("depends"), sql.column("provides"), ) .from_statement(statement) .params(params) ) for package, source, component, depends, provides in query: sources[package] = source p2c[package] = component if depends is not None: deps[package] = depends # Maintain a counter for each virtual package. If a # Provides: exists, set the counter to 0 and count all # provides by a package not in the list for removal. # If the counter stays 0 at the end, we know that only # the to-be-removed packages provided this virtual # package. if provides is not None: for virtual_pkg in provides.split(","): virtual_pkg = virtual_pkg.strip() if virtual_pkg == package: continue if virtual_pkg not in virtual_packages: virtual_packages[virtual_pkg] = 0 if package not in removals: virtual_packages[virtual_pkg] += 1 # If a virtual package is only provided by the to-be-removed # packages, treat the virtual package as to-be-removed too. removal_set.update( virtual_pkg for virtual_pkg in virtual_packages if not virtual_packages[virtual_pkg] ) # Check binary dependencies (Depends) for package in deps: if package in removals: continue try: parsed_dep = apt_pkg.parse_depends(deps[package]) except ValueError as e: print("Error for package %s: %s" % (package, e)) parsed_dep = [] for dep in parsed_dep: # Check for partial breakage. If a package has a ORed # dependency, there is only a dependency problem if all # packages in the ORed depends will be removed. unsat = 0 for dep_package, _, _ in dep: if dep_package in removals: unsat += 1 if unsat == len(dep): component = p2c[package] source = sources[package] if component != "main": source = "%s/%s" % (source, component) all_broken[source][package].add(architecture) dep_problem = True if all_broken and not quiet: if cruft: print(" - broken Depends:") else: print("# Broken Depends:") for source, bindict in sorted(all_broken.items()): lines = [] for binary, arches in sorted(bindict.items()): if arches == all_arches or "all" in arches: lines.append(binary) else: lines.append("%s [%s]" % (binary, " ".join(sorted(arches)))) if cruft: print(" %s: %s" % (source, lines[0])) else: print("%s: %s" % (source, lines[0])) for line in lines[1:]: if cruft: print(" " + " " * (len(source) + 2) + line) else: print(" " * (len(source) + 2) + line) if not cruft: print() # Check source dependencies (Build-Depends and Build-Depends-Indep) all_broken = defaultdict(set) metakey_bd = get_or_set_metadatakey("Build-Depends", session) metakey_bdi = get_or_set_metadatakey("Build-Depends-Indep", session) if include_arch_all: metakey_ids = (metakey_bd.key_id, metakey_bdi.key_id) else: metakey_ids = (metakey_bd.key_id,) params = { "suite_id": dbsuite.suite_id, "metakey_ids": metakey_ids, } statement = sql.text( """ SELECT s.source, string_agg(sm.value, ', ') as build_dep FROM source s JOIN source_metadata sm ON = sm.src_id WHERE in (SELECT src FROM newest_src_association WHERE suite = :suite_id) AND sm.key_id in :metakey_ids GROUP BY, s.source""" ) query = ( session.query(sql.column("source"), sql.column("build_dep")) .from_statement(statement) .params(params) ) for source, build_dep in query: if source in removals: continue parsed_dep = [] if build_dep is not None: # Remove [arch] information since we want to see breakage on all arches build_dep = re_build_dep_arch.sub("", build_dep) try: parsed_dep = apt_pkg.parse_src_depends(build_dep) except ValueError as e: print("Error for source %s: %s" % (source, e)) for dep in parsed_dep: unsat = 0 for dep_package, _, _ in dep: if dep_package in removals: unsat += 1 if unsat == len(dep): (component,) = ( session.query(Component.component_name) .join(Component.overrides) .filter(Override.suite == overridesuite) .filter( Override.package == re.sub("/(contrib|non-free-firmware|non-free)$", "", source) ) .join(Override.overridetype) .filter(OverrideType.overridetype == "dsc") .first() ) key = source if component != "main": key = "%s/%s" % (source, component) all_broken[key].add(pp_deps(dep)) dep_problem = True if all_broken and not quiet: if cruft: print(" - broken Build-Depends:") else: print("# Broken Build-Depends:") for source, bdeps in sorted(all_broken.items()): bdeps = sorted(bdeps) if cruft: print(" %s: %s" % (source, bdeps[0])) else: print("%s: %s" % (source, bdeps[0])) for bdep in bdeps[1:]: if cruft: print(" " + " " * (len(source) + 2) + bdep) else: print(" " * (len(source) + 2) + bdep) if not cruft: print() return dep_problem
[docs]def parse_built_using(control: Mapping[str, str]) -> list[tuple[str, str]]: """source packages referenced via Built-Using :param control: control file to take Built-Using field from :return: list of (source_name, source_version) pairs """ built_using = control.get("Built-Using", None) if built_using is None: return [] bu = [] for dep in apt_pkg.parse_depends(built_using): assert len(dep) == 1, "Alternatives are not allowed in Built-Using field" source_name, source_version, comp = dep[0] assert comp == "=", "Built-Using must contain strict dependencies" bu.append((source_name, source_version)) return bu
[docs]def is_in_debug_section(control: Mapping[str, str]) -> bool: """binary package is a debug package :param control: control file of binary package :return: True if the binary package is a debug package """ section = control["Section"].split("/", 1)[-1] auto_built_package = control.get("Auto-Built-Package") return section == "debug" and auto_built_package == "debug-symbols"
[docs]def find_possibly_compressed_file(filename: str) -> str: """ :param filename: path to a control file (Sources, Packages, etc) to look for :return: path to the (possibly compressed) control file, or null if the file doesn't exist """ _compressions = ("", ".xz", ".gz", ".bz2") for ext in _compressions: _file = filename + ext if os.path.exists(_file): return _file raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), filename)
[docs]def parse_boolean_from_user(value: str) -> bool: value = value.lower() if value in {"yes", "true", "enable", "enabled"}: return True if value in {"no", "false", "disable", "disabled"}: return False raise ValueError("Not sure whether %s should be a True or a False" % value)
[docs]def suite_suffix(suite_name: str) -> str: """Return suite_suffix for the given suite""" suffix = Cnf.find("Dinstall::SuiteSuffix", "") if suffix == "": return "" elif "Dinstall::SuiteSuffixSuites" not in Cnf: # TODO: warn (once per run) that SuiteSuffix will be deprecated in the future return suffix elif suite_name in Cnf.value_list("Dinstall::SuiteSuffixSuites"): return suffix return ""
[docs]def process_buildinfos( directory: str, buildinfo_files: "Iterable[daklib.upload.HashedFile]", fs_transaction: "daklib.fstransactions.FilesystemTransaction", logger: "daklib.daklog.Logger", ) -> None: """Copy buildinfo files into Dir::BuildinfoArchive :param directory: directory where .changes is stored :param buildinfo_files: names of buildinfo files :param fs_transaction: FilesystemTransaction instance :param logger: logger instance """ if "Dir::BuildinfoArchive" not in Cnf: return target_dir = os.path.join( Cnf["Dir::BuildinfoArchive"],"%Y/%m/%d"), ) for f in buildinfo_files: src = os.path.join(directory, f.filename) dst = find_next_free(os.path.join(target_dir, f.filename)) logger.log(["Archiving", f.filename]) fs_transaction.copy(src, dst, mode=0o644)
[docs]def move_to_morgue( morguesubdir: str, filenames: Iterable[str], fs_transaction: "daklib.fstransactions.FilesystemTransaction", logger: "daklib.daklog.Logger", ): """Move a file to the correct dir in morgue :param morguesubdir: subdirectory of morgue where this file needs to go :param filenames: names of files :param fs_transaction: FilesystemTransaction instance :param logger: logger instance """ morguedir = Cnf.get("Dir::Morgue", os.path.join(Cnf.get("Dir::Base"), "morgue")) # Build directory as morguedir/morguesubdir/year/month/day now = dest = os.path.join( morguedir, morguesubdir, str(now.year), "%.2d" % now.month, "%.2d" % ) for filename in filenames: dest_filename = dest + "/" + os.path.basename(filename) # If the destination file exists; try to find another filename to use if os.path.lexists(dest_filename): dest_filename = find_next_free(dest_filename) logger.log(["move to morgue", filename, dest_filename]) fs_transaction.move(filename, dest_filename)