
Check for obsolete binary packages

@contact: Debian FTP Master <ftpmaster@debian.org> @copyright: 2000-2006 James Troup <james@nocrew.org> @copyright: 2009 Torsten Werner <twerner@debian.org> @license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later


add_nbs(nbs_d, source, version, package, ...)

do_anais(architecture, binaries_list, ...)


do_newer_version(lowersuite_name, ...)


get_suite_binaries(suite, session)


newest_source_bab(suite_name, package, session)

returns newest source that builds binary package in suite grouped and sorted by source and package name

obsolete_source(suite_name, session)

returns obsolete source packages for suite_name without binaries in the same suite sorted by install_date; install_date should help detecting source only (or binary throw away) uploads; duplicates in the suite are skipped


print_cmd(s[, indent])


queryNewerAll(suite_name, session)

searches for arch != all packages that have an arch == all package with a higher version in the same suite

reportAllNBS(suite_name, suite_id, session)

reportNBS(suite_name, suite_id[, rdeps])

reportNBSMetadata(suite_name, suite_id, session)

reportNewerAll(suite_name, session)

reportWithoutSource(suite_name, suite_id, ...)

report_obsolete_source(suite_name, session)

report_outdated_nonfree(suite, session[, rdeps])

source_bin(source, session)

returns binaries built by source for all or no suite grouped and ordered by package name


dak.cruft_report.add_nbs(nbs_d, source, version, package, suite_id, session)[source]
dak.cruft_report.do_anais(architecture, binaries_list, source, session)[source]
dak.cruft_report.do_newer_version(lowersuite_name, highersuite_name, code, session)[source]
dak.cruft_report.get_suite_binaries(suite, session)[source]
dak.cruft_report.newest_source_bab(suite_name, package, session)[source]

returns newest source that builds binary package in suite grouped and sorted by source and package name

dak.cruft_report.obsolete_source(suite_name, session)[source]

returns obsolete source packages for suite_name without binaries in the same suite sorted by install_date; install_date should help detecting source only (or binary throw away) uploads; duplicates in the suite are skipped

subquery ‘source_suite_unique’ returns source package names from suite without duplicates; the rationale behind is that neither cruft-report nor rm cannot handle duplicates (yet)

dak.cruft_report.print_cmd(s, indent=4)[source]
dak.cruft_report.queryNewerAll(suite_name, session)[source]

searches for arch != all packages that have an arch == all package with a higher version in the same suite

dak.cruft_report.reportAllNBS(suite_name, suite_id, session, rdeps=False)[source]
dak.cruft_report.reportNBS(suite_name, suite_id, rdeps=False)[source]
dak.cruft_report.reportNBSMetadata(suite_name, suite_id, session, rdeps=False)[source]
dak.cruft_report.reportNewerAll(suite_name, session)[source]
dak.cruft_report.reportWithoutSource(suite_name, suite_id, session, rdeps=False)[source]
dak.cruft_report.report_obsolete_source(suite_name, session)[source]
dak.cruft_report.report_outdated_nonfree(suite, session, rdeps=False)[source]
dak.cruft_report.source_bin(source, session)[source]

returns binaries built by source for all or no suite grouped and ordered by package name
