Package dak :: Module update_suite
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Source Code for Module dak.update_suite

  1  #! /usr/bin/env python3 
  2  # 
  3  # Copyright (C) 2015, Ansgar Burchardt <> 
  4  # 
  5  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  6  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
  7  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 
  8  # (at your option) any later version. 
  9  # 
 10  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 11  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 13  # GNU General Public License for more details. 
 14  # 
 15  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along 
 16  # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
 17  # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. 
 19  from daklib.archive import ArchiveTransaction 
 20  from daklib.dbconn import * 
 21  import daklib.daklog 
 22  import daklib.utils 
 24  from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound 
 25  import sqlalchemy.sql as sql 
 26  import sys 
 28  """ 
 29  Idea: 
 31  dak update-suite testing testing-kfreebsd 
 32   -> grab all source & binary packages from testing with a higher version 
 33      than in testing-kfreebsd (or not in -kfreebsd) and copy them 
 34   -> limited to architectures in testing-kfreebsd 
 35   -> obeys policy queues 
 36   -> copies to build queues 
 38  dak update-suite --create-in=ftp-master stable testing 
 39   -> create suite "testing" based on "stable" in archive "ftp-master" 
 41  Additional switches: 
 42   --skip-policy-queue:    skip target suite's policy queue 
 43   --skip-build-queues:    do not copy to build queue 
 44   --no-new-packages:      do not copy new packages 
 45                           -> source-based, new binaries from existing sources will be added 
 46   --only-new-packages:    do not update existing packages 
 47                           -> source-based, do not copy new binaries w/o source! 
 48   --also-policy-queue:    also copy pending packages from policy queue 
 49   --update-overrides:     update overrides as well (if different overrides are used) 
 50   --no-act 
 51  """ 
54 -def usage():
55 print("dak update-suite [-n|--no-act] <origin> <target>") 56 sys.exit(0)
57 58
59 -class SuiteUpdater:
60 - def __init__(self, transaction, origin, target, 61 new_packages=True, also_from_policy_queue=False, 62 obey_policy_queue=True, obey_build_queues=True, 63 update_overrides=False, dry_run=False):
64 self.transaction = transaction 65 self.origin = origin 66 = target 67 self.new_packages = new_packages 68 self.also_from_policy_queue = also_from_policy_queue 69 self.obey_policy_queue = obey_policy_queue 70 self.obey_build_queues = obey_build_queues 71 self.update_overrides = update_overrides 72 self.dry_run = dry_run 73 74 if obey_policy_queue and target.policy_queue_id is not None: 75 raise Exception('Not implemented...') 76 self.logger = None if dry_run else daklib.daklog.Logger("update-suite")
78 - def query_new_binaries(self, additional_sources):
79 # Candidates are binaries in the origin suite, and optionally in its policy queue. 80 query = """ 81 SELECT b.* 82 FROM binaries b 83 JOIN bin_associations ba ON = ba.bin AND ba.suite = :origin 84 """ 85 if self.also_from_policy_queue: 86 query += """ 87 UNION 88 SELECT b.* 89 FROM binaries b 90 JOIN policy_queue_upload_binaries_map pqubm ON pqubm.binary_id = 91 JOIN policy_queue_upload pqu ON = pqubm.policy_queue_upload_id 92 WHERE pqu.target_suite_id = :origin 93 AND pqu.policy_queue_id = (SELECT policy_queue_id FROM suite WHERE id = :origin) 94 """ 95 96 # Only take binaries that are for a architecture part of the target suite, 97 # and whose source was just added to the target suite (i.e. listed in additional_sources) 98 # or that have the source already available in the target suite 99 # or in the target suite's policy queue if we obey policy queues, 100 # and filter out binaries with a lower version than already in the target suite. 101 if self.obey_policy_queue: 102 cond_source_in_policy_queue = """ 103 EXISTS (SELECT 1 104 FROM policy_queue_upload pqu 105 WHERE tmp.source = pqu.source_id 106 AND pqu.target_suite_id = :target 107 AND pqu.policy_queue_id = (SELECT policy_queue_id FROM suite WHERE id = :target)) 108 """ 109 else: 110 cond_source_in_policy_queue = "FALSE" 111 query = """ 112 WITH tmp AS ({0}) 113 SELECT DISTINCT * 114 FROM tmp 115 WHERE tmp.architecture IN (SELECT architecture FROM suite_architectures WHERE suite = :target) 116 AND (tmp.source IN :additional_sources 117 OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 118 FROM src_associations sa 119 WHERE tmp.source = sa.source AND sa.suite = :target) 120 OR {1}) 121 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 122 FROM binaries b2 123 JOIN bin_associations ba2 ON = ba2.bin AND ba2.suite = :target 124 WHERE tmp.package = b2.package AND tmp.architecture = b2.architecture AND b2.version >= tmp.version) 125 ORDER BY package, version, architecture 126 """.format(query, cond_source_in_policy_queue) 127 128 # An empty tuple generates a SQL statement with "tmp.source IN ()" 129 # which is not valid. Inject an invalid value in this case: 130 # "tmp.source IN (NULL)" is always false. 131 if len(additional_sources) == 0: 132 additional_sources = tuple([None]) 133 134 params = { 135 'origin': self.origin.suite_id, 136 'target':, 137 'additional_sources': additional_sources, 138 } 139 140 return self.transaction.session.query(DBBinary).from_statement(sql.text(query)).params(params)
142 - def query_new_sources(self):
143 # Candidates are source packages in the origin suite, and optionally in its policy queue. 144 query = """ 145 SELECT s.* 146 FROM source s 147 JOIN src_associations sa ON = sa.source AND sa.suite = :origin 148 """ 149 if self.also_from_policy_queue: 150 query += """ 151 UNION 152 SELECT s.* 153 FROM source s 154 JOIN policy_queue_upload pqu ON pqu.source_id = 155 WHERE pqu.target_suite_id = :origin 156 AND pqu.policy_queue_id = (SELECT policy_queue_id FROM suite WHERE id = :origin) 157 """ 158 159 # Filter out source packages with a lower version than already in the target suite. 160 query = """ 161 WITH tmp AS ({0}) 162 SELECT DISTINCT * 163 FROM tmp 164 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 165 FROM source s2 166 JOIN src_associations sa2 ON = sa2.source AND sa2.suite = :target 167 WHERE s2.source = tmp.source AND s2.version >= tmp.version) 168 """.format(query) 169 170 # Optionally filter out source packages that are not already in the target suite. 171 if not self.new_packages: 172 query += """ 173 AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 174 FROM source s2 175 JOIN src_associations sa2 ON = sa2.source AND sa2.suite = :target 176 WHERE s2.source = tmp.source) 177 """ 178 179 query += "ORDER BY source, version" 180 181 params = {'origin': self.origin.suite_id, 'target':} 182 183 return self.transaction.session.query(DBSource).from_statement(sql.text(query)).params(params)
185 - def _components_for_binary(self, binary, suite):
186 session = self.transaction.session 187 return session.query(Component) \ 188 .join(ArchiveFile, Component.component_id == ArchiveFile.component_id) \ 189 .join(ArchiveFile.file).filter(PoolFile.file_id == binary.poolfile_id) \ 190 .filter(ArchiveFile.archive_id == suite.archive_id)
192 - def install_binaries(self, binaries, suite):
193 if len(binaries) == 0: 194 return 195 # If origin and target suites are in the same archive, we can skip the 196 # overhead from ArchiveTransaction.copy_binary() 197 if self.origin.archive_id == suite.archive_id: 198 query = "INSERT INTO bin_associations (bin, suite) VALUES (:bin, :suite)" 199 target_id = suite.suite_id 200 params = [{'bin': b.binary_id, 'suite': target_id} for b in binaries] 201 self.transaction.session.execute(query, params) 202 else: 203 for b in binaries: 204 for c in self._components_for_binary(b, suite): 205 self.transaction.copy_binary(b, suite, c)
207 - def _components_for_source(self, source, suite):
208 session = self.transaction.session 209 return session.query(Component) \ 210 .join(ArchiveFile, Component.component_id == ArchiveFile.component_id) \ 211 .join(ArchiveFile.file).filter(PoolFile.file_id == source.poolfile_id) \ 212 .filter(ArchiveFile.archive_id == suite.archive_id)
214 - def install_sources(self, sources, suite):
215 if len(sources) == 0: 216 return 217 # If origin and target suites are in the same archive, we can skip the 218 # overhead from ArchiveTransaction.copy_source() 219 if self.origin.archive_id == suite.archive_id: 220 query = "INSERT INTO src_associations (source, suite) VALUES (:source, :suite)" 221 target_id = suite.suite_id 222 params = [{'source': s.source_id, 'suite': target_id} for s in sources] 223 self.transaction.session.execute(query, params) 224 else: 225 for s in sources: 226 for c in self._components_for_source(s, suite): 227 self.transaction.copy_source(s, suite, c)
229 - def update_suite(self):
230 targets = set([]) 231 if self.obey_build_queues: 232 targets.update([bq.suite for bq in]) 233 target_names = sorted(s.suite_name for s in targets) 234 target_name = ",".join(target_names) 235 236 new_sources = self.query_new_sources().all() 237 additional_sources = tuple(s.source_id for s in new_sources) 238 for s in new_sources: 239 self.log(["add-source", target_name, s.source, s.version]) 240 if not self.dry_run: 241 for target in targets: 242 self.install_sources(new_sources, target) 243 244 new_binaries = self.query_new_binaries(additional_sources).all() 245 for b in new_binaries: 246 self.log(["add-binary", target_name, b.package, b.version, b.architecture.arch_string]) 247 if not self.dry_run: 248 for target in targets: 249 self.install_binaries(new_binaries, target)
251 - def log(self, args):
252 if self.logger: 253 self.logger.log(args) 254 else: 255 print(args)
256 257
258 -def main():
259 from daklib.config import Config 260 config = Config() 261 262 import apt_pkg 263 arguments = [ 264 ('h', 'help', 'Update-Suite::Options::Help'), 265 ('n', 'no-act', 'Update-Suite::options::NoAct'), 266 ] 267 argv = apt_pkg.parse_commandline(config.Cnf, arguments, sys.argv) 268 try: 269 options = config.subtree("Update-Suite::Options") 270 except KeyError: 271 options = {} 272 273 if 'Help' in options or len(argv) != 2: 274 usage() 275 276 origin_name = argv[0] 277 target_name = argv[1] 278 dry_run = True if 'NoAct' in options else False 279 280 with ArchiveTransaction() as transaction: 281 session = transaction.session 282 283 try: 284 origin = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=origin_name).one() 285 except NoResultFound: 286 daklib.utils.fubar("Origin suite '{0}' is unknown.".format(origin_name)) 287 try: 288 target = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=target_name).one() 289 except NoResultFound: 290 daklib.utils.fubar("Target suite '{0}' is unknown.".format(target_name)) 291 292 su = SuiteUpdater(transaction, origin, target, dry_run=dry_run) 293 su.update_suite() 294 295 if dry_run: 296 transaction.rollback() 297 else: 298 transaction.commit()
299 300 301 if __name__ == '__main__': 302 pass 303