
Queries related to source packages

@contact: Debian FTPMaster <ftpmaster@debian.org> @copyright: 2014 Mark Hymers <mhy@debian.org> @copyright: 2014 Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org> @license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later

dakweb.queries.source.all_sources() str

Returns all source packages and their versions known to the archive (this includes NEW).


List of dictionaries made out of - source - version

dakweb.queries.source.dsc_in_suite(suite: Optional[str] = None, source: Optional[str] = None) str

Find all dsc files for a given source package name in a given suite.

  • suite – Name of the suite.

  • source – Source package to query for.


List of dictionaries made out of - version - component - filename - filesize - sha256sum

See also

suites() on how to receive a list of valid suites.

dakweb.queries.source.file_in_archive(filepattern: Optional[str] = None) str

Check if a file pattern is known to the archive. Note that the patterns are matched against the location of the files in the pool, so for %tmux_2.3-1.dsc it will return t/tmux/tmux_2.3-1.dsc as filename.

New in version October: 2016


filepattern – Pattern of the filenames to match. SQL LIKE statement wildcard matches are supported, that is % for zero, one or more characters, _ for a single character match.


List of dictionaries made out of - filename - sha256sum - component

dakweb.queries.source.sha256sum_in_archive(sha256sum: Optional[str] = None) str

Check if files with matching sha256sums are known to the archive.

New in version June: 2018


sha256sum – SHA256 sum of the file.


List of dictionaries made out of - filename - sha256sum - component

dakweb.queries.source.source_by_metadata(key: Optional[str] = None) str

Finds all Debian source packages which have the specified metadata set.

E.g., to find out the Maintainer of all source packages, query /source/by_metadata/Maintainer.


key – Metadata key to search for.


A list of dictionaries of - source - metadata value

dakweb.queries.source.sources_in_suite(suite: Optional[str] = None) str

Returns all source packages and their versions in a given suite.

New in version December: 2014


suite – Name of the suite.


List of dictionaries made out of - source - version

See also

suites() on how to receive a list of valid suites.