Package dak :: Package dakdb :: Module update124
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Module update124

source code

Put descriptions into sections table

Contact: Debian FTP Master <>

Copyright: 2020, Joerg Jaspert <>

License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later

Functions [hide private]
Update default settings for suites
source code
Variables [hide private]
  sections = {"admin": {"desc": 'Administration Utilities"', "lo...

Imports: psycopg2, DBUpdateError

Variables Details [hide private]


{"admin": {"desc": 'Administration Utilities"', "longdesc": "Utilities\
 to administer system resources, manage user accounts, etc.",}, "cli-m\
ono": {"desc": "Mono/CLI", "longdesc": "Everything about Mono and the \
Common Language Infrastructure.",}, "comm": {"desc": "Communication Pr\
ograms", "longdesc": "Software to use your modem in the old fashioned \
style.",}, "database": {"desc": "Databases", "longdesc": "Database Ser\
vers and Clients."}, "debian-installer": {"desc": "debian-installer ud\
eb packages", "longdesc": "Special packages for building customized de\